Angol tanulás, Angol magánoktatás ONLINE ÉS OFFLINE! Angol Kulturális és Nyelvi Klub


2015. április 19. - EnglishOnline

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Hailed an inspiration for her brave decision

ANGELINA JOLIE reveals she has had further surgery to

beat the cancer that claimed her mother's life

A nemzetközi sajtó tele van Angelina legutóbbi műtétjével, melynek tanulságos részleteit a New York Timesban is felfedte, hogy eljusson üzenete a vele hasonló rákkal szembenéző nőkhöz.

Egyszerűen nem találni olyan nyelvvizsgát, amelynek ne volna szövegértés része, ráadásul eléggé súlyozottan is szerepel ez a típusú feladat a nyelvvizsgán. Az olyan cikkeket dolgozok fel neked, ami téged is jobban érdekel és tele van vele a média. Olvasd el a cikket és próbáld először az IGAZ/HAMIS állításos feladatot megoldani a cikk végén. Ha gondot okozott egy-két idegen szó, csak ezek után nézd meg a szószedetet.



Angelina Jolie has revealed that she has endured a second round of surgery in a bid to prevent cancer - and her decision to speak out once again about her personal medical history has been praised by experts as helping to save lives.


Last week, an article written by the Oscar-winning star appeared in The New York Times, in which she explained that she has had her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed to avoid developing ovarian cancer - and as a result, she is undergoing the menopause and will not be able to have any more children.

Doctors were quick to salute her for the article, saying it would help focus attention on ovarian cancer.

Gynaecological oncologist Dr Antoinette Sakaris said: "Ovarian cancer is less well known (than breast cancer) and less commented on. Improving that is crucial. I think this could save lives.

Two years ago, Angelina, who has six children with husband Brad Pitt - three of whom were adopted - underwent a double mastectomy after discovering that she has the BRCA1 gene fault that greatly increases the chances of contracting breast and ovarian cancer. She lost her mother, aunt and grandmother to the disease.

In her New York Times piece, headlined Angelina Jolie Pitt: Diary of a Surgery, the 39-year-old actress and film-maker revealed that she has always planned to have her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed after her mastectomy, but because the surgery has such severe effect on a woman's body, she had hoped to have more time to plan for the operation.

Unfortunately, she heard in early March that an annual blood test has showed up markers that can indicate early signs of cancer - leaving Angelina with an anxious five-day wait to learn whether she had already developed the disease.

"I went through what I imagine thousands of other women have felt," she wrote. "I told myself to stay calm, to be strong and that I had no reason to think I wouldn't live to see my children grow up and to meet my grandchildren".



Luckily, she had stong support. "I called my husband in France, who was on a plane within hours. The beautiful thing about such moments in life is that there is so much clarity. You know what you live for and what matters."

She said that it was hard to carry on as she waited for the results of further tests. "I passed those five days in a haze, attending my children (Zahara and Shiloh)'s soccer game, and working to stay calm and focused.

After being told the happy news that she was cancer free, Angelina decided to undergo the next stage of her surgery immediately. "Regardless of the hormone replacements I'm taking, I am now in menopause," she revealed. "I will not be able to have any more children and I expect some physical changes. But I feel at is nothing to be feared. 

After revealing her double mastectomy in 2013, the actress was praised by medical experts for putting the spotlight on preventative cancer surgery, helping other women with gene faults to make this difficult decision. But last week, Angelina took pains to ensure that readers knew there were other options to surgery.


"I did not do this solely because I carry the BRCA1 gene mutation and I want other women to know this," she said. "A positive BRCA test does not mean a leap to surgery. There are other options...In my case, the doctors I met agreed that surgery was the best option, because on top of the BRCA gene, three women in my family died from cancer."

She added that the surgery did not guarantee that she would never develop cancer. "It is not possible to remove all risk, and the fact is I remain prone to cancer. I will look for natural ways to strengthen my immune system. I feel feminine, and grounded in the choices I am making for myself and my family. I know my children will never have to say, 'My mom died of ovarian cancer.'"

(Adapted from the British Press)

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Read the article about Angelina Jolie and mark the statements TRUE (T) of FALSE (F).


1. Angelina has had another surgery because the first one wasn't successful.

2. Doctors aren't happy to learn that Angelina breaks medical secrecy about her state of health.

3. The actress has had an operation because she wants no more children.

4. The gynaecological expert remarked that breast cancer is better known than ovarian cancer, which should be different.

5. Angelina has never been able to give birth so her husband Brad Pitt and she decided to adopt six children.

6. Three of Angelina's family members died of ovarian cancer.

7. Angelina appreciates that she has a husband whose first priority is obviously his family.

8. Angelina was absolutely unable to take part in any events as she was too worried waiting for her medical test results.

9. Angelina is now relieved that she knows she no longer has to live in fear of getting cancer.

10. As Angelina puts it, preventative cancer surgery means that you undergo an operation because you have no choice.



to hail= eláraszt, rázúdít

brave= bátor

to beat= legyőz

to claim= követel

to endure= kiáll, elszenved

in a bid to= valami megkísérlésére

to praise= dícsér

ovaries= petefészek

fallopian tubes= petevezetékek

ovarian cancer= petefészekrák

to undergo= keresztülmegy

menopause= klimax

to salute= üdvözöl, tiszteleg

gynaecological oncologist= nőgyógyász onkológus (rákspecialista)

well-known= ismert

to improve that= javítani ezen

crucial= létfontosságú, kritikusan fontos

double mastectomy= mindkét mell eltávolítása

gene fault= hibás gén

to increase= növekszik

annual blood test= éves véreredmény

marker= jel

to indicate= mutat, jelez

to contract= betegséget megkap

headlined= főcímmel

diary= napló

to reveal= felfed, feltár, elmond

to remove= eltávolít

severe= komoly, súlyos

cancer= rák

to develop= kifejlődik benne

disease= betegség

reason= ok, indok

support= támogatás, segítség

within hours= pár órán belül

clarity= világosság, egyértelműség

to matter= számít

to carry on= kitart

results of further tests= további vizsgálatok eredményei

to pass= sikerülnek a vizsgálatok, pozitív eredményeket kap  

haze= szellemi zűrzavar, homály 

to attend= elmegy eseményre, részt vesz

soccer= foci

the next stage= a következő szint, lépés

surgery= operáció 

immediately= azonnal

regardless of= tekintet nélkül vmire

replacements= pótló tabletták

to take= szed gyógyszert 

I feel at ease= megkönnyebbültem

it is nothing to be feared= ettől nem kell/nincs miért tartanom

spotlight= reflektorfény

preventative= megelőző

make a decision= döntést hoz

take pains to ensure= veszi a fáradságot/azon fáradozik, hogy megbizonyosodjon róla

solely= csupán, mindössze

to carry= hordoz

gene muatation= gén mutáció

a leap to= ugrás valahová

on top of sg= ráadásul vmire/nem elég, hogy... mé

to add= hozzátesz

to guarantee= garantál

risk= kockázat

remain prone to= hajlamos marad

to strengthen= megerősít

immune system= immunrendszer

feminine= nőies

grounded= bizonyos, biztos, szilárd, megfontolt, megalapozott


Hogy tetszett a Jolie-sztori feladat?

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WHAT DO YOU REMEMBER? Memory QUIZ and vocabulary in English!

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

To find out how good your memory is,

take this quick test!

Mire emlékszel? Mennyire jó a hosszú- és rövidtávú memóriád? Teszteld magad ezzel 14 pontos összetett memóriakvízzel - angolul! Ha valamit nem értesz, csekkold a szószedetet a cikk végén!


MEMORY CHECK (memória felmérés/vizsgálat)

1. Write down the date, month and year.

2. Look once only at the words below then cover them up. When you have finished all the questions here, write down from memory what the three words are: ORANGE, TELEVISION, CUSHION.

3.Without looking at your watch, write what time you think it is. Then look at your watch and write down the actual time.

4. What are the names of the last five Hungarian Prime Ministers?

5. Can you remember the address of the last place that you lived?

6. Can you recall what you were doing on each of the previous seven evenings?

7. Have people told you that you repeat yourself in conversation, or have you found yourself doing this?

8. Are you aware that people are getting irritated with you because you have forgotten something?

9. Do you ever return from shopping to find you have forgotten an essential item?

10. Do you find it increasingly difficult to follow directions?

11. Do you get lost in places that you have visited frequently?

12. Do you have trouble recalling words, even though you know that you know them?

13. Do you misplace things practically every day?

14. Are your memory difficulties impinging on your work or social life- e.g. do you sometimes avoid people because you cannot remember their names?

Now, without looking back, write down the three words you memorised earlier.

YOUR SCORE (a pontszámod)

1. Give yourself 1 point for remembering the exact date.

2. Give yourself 1 point for each of the words you remembered correctly.

3. If the difference between your guessed time and the actual time is less than 30 minutes, give yourself 1 point; if the difference is more than 30 minutes, score zero.

4. Award yourself 1 point for each Prime Minister named correctly, they do not have to be in order- Viktor Orbán, Gordon Bajnai, Ferenc Gyurcsány, Péter Medgyessy, Gyula Horn.

5. Give yourself 1 point for remembering your last address.

6. Give yourself 1 point if you answered YES.

7-14. Give yourself 1 point for every NO answer.

THE RESULT (az eredményed)

16-20: Your memory is fine and you show no signs of memory loss.

15-12: You may have some memory difficulties. If they persist and are causing you inconvenience or make you inefficient or embarrassed, you might want to talk to your GP about it.

11 or less: Your result suggests some memory impairment and you need to visit your GP for advice.

(Adapted from the British Press)

GLOSSARY (szószedet):

the date= a pontos dátum/nap

below= lent, alant

to cover them up= letakar

from memory= emlékezetből

cushion= díszpárna

the actual= a tényleges, tulajdonképpeni, valós

Prime Minister= miniszterelnök

to recall= felidéz

previous= előző, korábbi

to repeat yourself= ismétli magát

to find yourself doing this= azon kapja/fogja magát, hogy ezt csinálja

to be aware= tudatában van

irritated= bosszús, felbosszantott

to return= visszatér

essential item= létfontosságú/rendkívül fontos árucikk

increasingly= növekvően, egyre (inkább)

to follow directions= útbaigazítást (megjegyezve) követni

to get lost= eltévedni

frequently= gyakran

trouble= gond, probléma

even though= habár, még akkor is, ha...

to misplace= elhány, rossz helyre rak vissza

practically= gyakorlatilag

to impinge on= hatással lenni valamire

to avoid= elkerülni

earlier= korábban, az imént

exact= pontos

each= minden egyes

to remember correctly= jól emlékszik

the difference between= a különbség 2 dolog közt

guessed= tippelt

less than= kevesebb mint

to score= pontoz

award yourself= díjazd/ajándékozd magad/adj magadnak

do not have to= nem kell

in order= sorrendben

fine= kiváló(an)

no signs= nincsenek jelei

memory loss= memóriavesztés/-veszteség

difficulties= nehézségek

to persist= huzamosan fennáll/fennmarad

to cause= okoz

inconvenience= kellemetlenség

inefficient= nem hatékony

embarrassed= kínosan érzi magát

GP= general practitioner= háziorvos

to suggest= sugall

impairment= károsodás, gyengülés

to need to do sg= szüksége van valamire

for advice= tanácsért


Hogy tetszett a kvíz?

Ha megért egy LIKE-ot, nyomj egy LIKE-ot! :D

Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Nyelvvizsga tréninget EMITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!




Mi lehet ínycsiklandozóbb mint a gasztronómia, a budapesti turizmus és az angolozás? Hát, mindezek egy "3 in 1 cocktail"-ba keverve! A szószedetet a cikk végén találod!

The recent history of the Fisherman’s Bastion Restaurant began on 23 September, 2010, when after several years of renovation, it once again opened its doors.


Fisherman’s Bastion, as part of the Buda Castle District, has been a World Heritage site since 1987.  Restored according to the original designs of architect Frigyes Schulek, and now outfitted with state-of-the-art gastronomic facilities, the beautifully renovated establishment covers over 1800 square meters and offers patrons an unforgettable experience in a unique setting.

The Fisherman’s Bastion Restaurant is open year-round with a variety of services. It offers comfortable seating for 120 people on two floors – each of the tables offer a magnificent view of the acclaimed Budapest panorama. There’s also an observation terrace above the restaurant, where restaurant patrons can admire the full view while sipping their drinks.


The menu consists of innovative Hungarian dishes, such as Venison goulash with tarragon, Mangalitza spare ribs and Somló sponge cake trifle. Their mission is to revive the most beautiful traditions of Hungarian gastronomy, presenting them in their very own, distinct style. The wine list includes more than 150 types of wine, most of them from the great Hungarian wine regions, along with some excellent foreign wines. Expert sommeliers will help you in choosing the most fitting wine for your dish.

Every afternoon, guests can sit back and relax to the tunes of a Gypsy band playing international and Hungarian favourites. Whether for a full-course meal or just for sipping a glass of wine, the Fisherman’s Bastion Restaurant is the place to be.

The Danube Terrace awaits its guests from the end of March until the start of autumn with cold and hot dishes, from 10am to 10pm (depending on the weather). An excellent venue for intimate evening dinners and wine tasting, rounded out by a wonderful panorama of Budapest provides an unforgettable experience for Hungarian and foreign guests alike(Adapted from Funzine)



wine and dine= borozz és étkezz/vacsorázz

World Heritage site= Világörökség helyszín

restored= helyreállítva, renoválva

outfitted= felszerelve, ellátva

state-of-the-art= legkorszerűbb

establishment= létesítmény

to cover= lefed, szétterül valamekkora területen

square meters= négyzetméter

setting= helyszín, környezet

year-round= egész évben

seating= ülőhely

to offer a magnificent view= fenséges látványt nyújt

acclaimed= híres, elismert

observation= kilátó

patrons= vendégek, kuncsaftok

to admire= csodál,gyönyörködik

sipping= szürcsölvén

to consist of= áll valamiből

Venison= szarvashús

tarragon= tárkony

spare ribs= sertésborda

Somló sponge cake trifle= somlói galuska

to revive= életre kelt

in their very own, distinct style= a maga egyedi, jellegzetes módján elkészítve

to include= tartalmaz

sommelier= borszakértő

the most fitting wine for your dish= az ételedhez leginkább illő bor

to the tunes of= dallamaira, melódiáira

full-course meal= több fogásos vacsora/ebéd

to await= vár

venue= helyszín

wine tasting= borkóstoló

rounded out by= kiegészülve

to provide= nyújt

alike= egyaránt


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