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BRIT KORONÁZÁSI ÉKSZEREK - 20+1 KORONÁZÁSI ANGOL kifejezés, bónusz szövegértés feladatok - the UK

2018. január 23. - EnglishOnline

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"Egy koronázást láttam életemben és a következő már az enyém volt, ami meglehetősen rendkívüli " mondja II. Erzsébet brit királynő, aki saját szavaival osztja meg a publikummal élete egyik legemlékezetesebb napjának féltve őrzött emlékeit , a BBC1 jóvoltából.


(Photo by BBC)

Az alábbi 20+1 kifejezés közül 20 megfelelő helyre vár a koronázási ékszerekről szóló brit újságcikkben. Illeszd őket vissza a szöveglyukakba! Have fun!


accession= trónra lépés

anniversary= évforduló

Archbishop= érsek

beaming= ragyogva

ceremony= ünnepség

Coronation= koronázás

crown= korona

crowned= megkoronázta

diamonds= gyémántok

gold= arany

Her Majesty= Őfelsége (királynőre)

investiture= beiktatás

Jewels= ékszerek

King= király

kingdom= királyság

monarch= uralkodó

precious stones= drágakövek

Queen= Királynő

royal= királyi

sapphires= zafírok

treasures= kincsek



__________(1) with delight, the __________(2) is reunited with the magnificent, bejewelled __________(3) she wore for her __________(4), as she is interviewed in a new BBC documentary marking the 65th __________(5) of her __________(6).

It is the first time the __________(7) has come face to face with the St Edward's Crown since the __________(8) of Canterbury placed it on her head on 2 June 1953, and formally __________(9) her Queen.

"I've seen one Coronation and been the recipient in the other, which is pretty remarkable," says Her Majesty, recalling her own __________(10) and that of her father George VI in 1937.

The hour-long documentary explores the history and role of the Crown __________(11) a priceless collection comprising 140 items and 23,000 __________(12).

The film is one of the rare occasions when __________(13) has agreed to appear in a documentary. She previously worked with the BBC in 1992 when she provided a voicover for a documentary Elisabeth R, which marked the 40th anniversary of her __________(14).


The St Edward's Crown was made for the Coronation of Charles II in 1661, replacing the medieval crown that had been melted down in 1649 by the Parliamentarians and which was thought to date back to __________(15) saint Edward the Confessor, the Anglo-Saxon __________(15)  whose death in 1066 led eventually to the Norman Conquest.

It comprises a solid __________(17) frame set with precious stones including __________(18) rubies, white and yellow topazes, amethysts and aquamarines and is topped with a velvet cap with an ermine band.

Stored in the Tower of London, it is only worn at Coronations. For the State Opening of Parliament, the Queen wears the much lighter Imperial State Crown, set with one of the world's largest __________(19), the Cullinan II.

The documentary also features memories from others present at the Coronation, including a maid who almost fainted and a choirboy who was left to sing solo when his fellow choristers lost their voices.

It is part of a series of programmes about the __________(20) of the Royal Collection, the art collection of the royal family. The BBC's director of content, Charlotte Moore, said: "In her own words, the Queen will bring to life the enduring symbolic importance of the Coronation ceremonies for modern audiences to enjoy."

(Adapted from the British Press)

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BÓNUSZ haladó szövegértés feladat!!


1. When did the Queen last see her Coronation Crown?

a) She sees it every year on her anniversary.

b) She last saw it in 1965.

c) She hasn't seen it since her Coronation.

2. How often does the Queen appear in documentaries?

a) Very often.

b) Hardly ever.

c) Only on formal occasions.

3. The Crown collection consists of 140 __________.

a) jewels

b) precious stones

c) crowns & tiaras

4. The Queen has __________ worked with the BBC.

a) never

b) already

c) recently

5. The crown she wore at her Coronation was specially made for __________.

a) her

b) St Edward

c) Charles II

d) George VI

6. For parliamentary opening ceremonies the Queen wears __________.

a) the crown she wore at her Coronation

b) another crown

c) no crown, huge diamonds only

7. In the documentary the Queen is going to tell the viewers about __________.

a) the history of the Royal Collection

b) the stories of the Crown Jewels & personal memories of the Coronation

c) presents she received for her Coronation

8. The programme is __________.

a) a movie

b) a docuseries

c) a documentary film


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Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!


Újabb "LYUKAS" SZÖVEGET (gapfilling) hoztam Nektek, melynek harci feladata már jól ismert lesz: Helyezz vissza a cikk végén megadott 7 mondat közül 6-ot a szövegben hagyott GAPekbe (rés/szöveglyuk), tehát egy elem felesleges lesz, azt ki kell hagyni. Rajta!



One problem that practically everyone faces is how to go about finding a "good" dentist. _____1_____ As a consumer, there are several aspects you should consider about your dentist and their office after you have decided on a particular dentist to care for your teeth.

The internet is filled with dentists who all have one thing in common: a license to practise dentistry in your country. However, they all have different personalities, different levels of experience, and different degrees of expertise. Before you begin looking for a dentist, you should ask yourself these questions:

Are you looking for a dentist near your home, or are you willing to travel a reasonable distance to be treated by a particular dentist you trust and like?

Are certain times of the day or week better for you? Some dentists have early or late office hours; some work on Saturdays. How important are these considerations?

Do you have a physical handicap that requires special attention? Some general dentists and certain specialists cater to specific problems. Also, handicapped patients may need to consider the physical layout of the dental office and its location in relation to parking.

What is your problem? Do you need your teeth cleaned and checked? Do you have an emergency? _____2_____

Do you need a general dentist or a specialist? General dentists are trained to do all types of treatment; however, if you have difficult or unusual problems, the general dentist may refer you to a specialist.

The most readily available sources of information about dentists are your friends, acquaintances, work associates, family physician, or pharmacist. Ask them how long they have gone to their dentist, and how they made their selection. You will primarily find out something about these dentists' personalities, but you should realize that you will rarely get much information about their technical abilities.

_____3_____ They can assist you by recommending several dentists in your area who seem to fit your needs. Then you can call these dentists and decide for yourself if you feel comfortable. You may also want to check on the credentials of a particular dentist. For example, you may want to know if the dentist providing orthodontic treatment is a specialist or a general dentist. Your local dental society can also help you find a dentist if you have an emergency situation. Most societies have rotating emergency lists of dentists who have volunteered to take dental emergency calls on a 24-hour basis.

If you are moving, your current dentist is an excellent person to ask for recommendation. Many times, if they do not know anyone, they will have a colleague who can give them a recommendation.


Is the dentist or their hygienist prevention oriented, pointing out things you can do yourself in order to maintain good dental health? The dentist and their hygienist should provide oral prophylaxis (tooth cleaning), fluoride treatments, sealants, replacements for missing teeth, and needed restorations (fillings). Home care is up to you.

Do they emphasize continued long-term care? In other words, is there a recall system that automatically notifies you when it's time for you periodic checkup?

Does the dentist use dental X rays, when needed, to assist in diagnosing your problem? On the initial visits to their office, they should request that you have X rays taken of all your teeth so they can determine the overall condition of your mouth. On subsequent visits X rays should be taken as needed. No dentist should restore a tooth without proper X rays. At the time of the X ray, note if the dentist is radiation conscious. They should place a lead apron over you to protect you from any "scatter radiation". He should even have a thyroid collar on the lead-lined apron.

Using the information from the X rays and other diagnostic parameters of evaluation, a dentist can suggest what treatment is needed to restore your mouth to good condition again. _____5_____ Dental problems are much less expensive to treat in their early stages. 

Does the dentist take a complete medical and dental history to be included as part of your permanent record? This gives the dentist insight into your particular needs. It can also help prevent possible complications. For instance, it would alert the dentist to allergies you might have to medicines, or to an illness that might require modification of the usual treatment. Even if you have gone to this particular dentist regularly for a period of time, you should be sure that they are aware of any changes in your medical status, medicines you might be using now, or allergies that might have been detected since your last visit. _____6_____ Let you dentist make this decision. For example, you might recently have found that you are a diabetic. This is significant to your dentist, even though the disease has no apparent direct involvement with your teeth. The reason is that diabetes causes a delay in the healing process. Diabetes also can cause gingivitis (gum inflammation). This may mean you need to make more frequent visits to their office to have your teeth cleaned.

Does the dentist or their staff openly discuss your treatment needs, fees, and payment plans in advance of treatment? This approach allows both parties' expectations to be met, and fosters a lasting relationship.

Is emergency care available? Though many dentists list their telephone numbers, others have answering services. Usually, an answering service takes calls and help you find either your own dentist or someone who has agreed to handle after-hours emergency calls. Some dental societies have a list of volunteer dentists who will meet your emergency needs on a 24-hour basis.

The most important step in finding a dentist, however, is to look before you need one, not after you have no choice but to take whoever is available.

/Better Dental Care by J.F. Taintor/


A) Do not make the decision on your own that any medical information is of no dental significance.

B) Like all things in nature, our teeth and their supportive structures tend to break down in time.

C) Most people make this crucial decision several times during their lives.

D) Another way to find a dentist is to call your local dental society.

E) These factors will determine whether you need to see someone immediately or whether you can wait for a regular scheduled appointment.

F) Several aspects of the dentist’s practice can give you useful information in making your choice.

G) This is a far better and less expensive route for you to take than just "taking care of what hurts".


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✈JET LAG BE GONE! ✈ nyelvvizsga típusú szövegértés feladat - ANGOL B2 - angol írásbeli nyelvvizsga

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Time Travelling

Jet lag can ruin your long-haul holiday, but our expert advice will leave you less spaced-out


Repültél már egyik időzónából egy másikba? (No, it's not a sci-fi movie casting..) Akkor valószínűleg nem ismeretlen számodra a JET LAG jelenség. A következőkben egy olyan cikket alakítottam át TELC Language Elements feladattá, mely e közismert utazóbetegség élettani hátterét mutatja be és hasznos szakértői tippeket ad arra, hogyan minimalizálhatjuk a JET LAG kellemetlen tüneteit.

A feladat hagyományosan: az alábbi 15 kifejezés közül csak 10 illik a szövegben elhelyezett GAP-ekbe. Melyek ezek és hova kerülnek?



Toddlers who refuse to sleep, adults cranky and hungry at the wrong time and a body clock that has gone haywire. Sound familiar? Yes, that's a long-haul holiday for many people. Jet lag is a physical inevitability for most of us when flying long distances, but there are ways to minimise its __________(1). It's all down to eating, sleeping and moving - we are loath to say exercise, because it isn't - so read on.

Your body has a natural clock set by the hours of sunlight you are exposed to daily. The light travels deep into your eyes and reaches the pineal gland, which in turn sends messages to __________(2) in your body that tell you when to wake up, when to feel tired, when to eat and even when to go to the toilet.

The trouble when you fly is that you are trying to reset this internal body clock quickly and it won't play game. It wants to, but it takes time - an estimated one day per one hour of time difference. In practice, that means it could take the entire two weeks of your holiday to __________(3) a 14-hour time difference, or a week to get over a typical flight to the US East Coast, say.

And guess what? Then you have to travel home and go through it all again.

We all know the symptoms of __________(4) - fuzzy head, tired during the day, wide awake at night, hungry but never at mealtimes and the sudden desire to go to the toilet at weird times. However, there are some simple things you can do to help reset your your body clock as quickly as possible to minimise these symptoms.

Lisa Artis of the Sleep Council stresses that diet, moving and getting out in the sunlight and fresh air are key.


"Diet plays a large part in setting your body clock. The day before you fly, make sure you eat three balanced __________(5), including at least five servings of fruit or green vegetables and one portion of protein-rich food, such as white fish or tofu."


"Drink plenty of water on your journey and while on holiday to keep your body hydrated and feeling refreshed. Once on the plane, set your watch to the local time of your __________(6). Pack an eye mask and ear plugs and use them if it's nighttime where you're going. Equally keep the light on and mask off if it's daytime in your destination. Whether on your journey there or on your way home, eat according to the mealtimes of the place you're going, avoid alcohol and take regular walks up and down the __________(7)."

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"Try to get out and about as soon as you can if you land in daylight. Enjoy the sunlight and let it help reset you pineal gland. Also, try to eat at the time of your destination's mealtimes, even if it's only a snack to help reset your digestive tract. Stay active and avoid __________(8) until bedtime - get out and walk in the fresh air. If you arrive and it's nighttime, have a carbohydrate-rich meal, pop two magnesium citrate tablets to help your body rest - magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant - and try to sleep. Don't stress if you can't - simply lie quietly in the dark and gather your thoughts; try to relax and enjoy the quiet."


"During your break away, __________(9) a healthy diet to help control your wakefulness: high protein meals increase your alertness while lots of carbohydrates make you feel sleepier. If you can, take your pillow with you for some familiarity and comfort. For less exotic destinations, the problems are more likely to be about comfort than jet lag. An eye mask and ear plugs will help you sleep if noise or light outside is an __________(10). Keep your bed as a sleep zone and check the temperature. Ensure you keep the bedroom cool -the ideal sleeping environment is 16-18 °C."

/Adapted from the British Press/

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BETEGSÉGEK, KEZELÉSEK, INTERNET - Illnesses, Treatments & the Internet - Don't Diagnose with a Click! B2 NYELVVIZSGA SZÓKINCSFEJLESZTÉS

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Hajlamos vagy a hipochondriára? Van interneted? Innen már csak egy lépés a netochondria vagy kiberchondria! Olvasd el angolul, milyen veszélyeket rejt magában az, ha megbetegedéseid alkalmával inkább kigooglizod a tüneteidet és orvosi vélemény nélkül öndiagnózisokat állítasz fel. A hasznos olvasmány mellé méghasznosabb feladat társul: helyezd vissza a cikk végén felsorolt egészség/betegség szókincs elemeit (20 db) a szövegbe!

Short on time, or just don't want to bother your GP? It's tempting to turn to the internet to see what might be wrong with you - but that can have negative results...


With GP __________(1) busier than ever, many people are choosing to search the internet for answers to a health worry, or to try to self-diagnose. Evern Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has suggested parents search online to determine the severity of their children's rash. But, as Dr Ellie Cannon explains, googling __________(2) has its dangers.


When we make a __________(3), it is about a lot more than your list of symptoms. You'll notice a GP often asks about your job, your relationships or even what you have been eating. You need that whole story to make a proper __________(4) assessment, and Google just can't see that big picture. This often leads to a wrong answer which can be dangerous if a serious diagnosis is missed.

COULD IT BE __________(5)?

Google gives you all the weird and sinister possible diagnoses, as well as the most likely common ones that I see every day in my __________(6). It is human nature to look at those strange possibilities and start to worry you have some very rare, serious illness. Symtom checkers tend to provide vast unrealistic lists of __________(7), most often including the word 'cancer' which, of course, gives people huge amounts of unneccesary worry.


As well as worry, googling medical complaints can lead to disappointment. Many websites suggest __________(8) that is not appropriate: US-based sites may recommend pricey experimental treatments that are not available or recommended in the UK. Alternative medicine sites can offer __________(9) that are unproven and come with a heavy price tag. Even genuine medical sites may offer out-of-date advice.


It's good to see someone. Whether it's a __________(10) or a GP, there is no substitute for interaction with a real-life healthcare professional. You can't diagnose a __________(11) by trying to match a picture on Google - when  doctors __________(12) you they're looking for your general well-being and appearance, and how distressed you are. A quick online check cannot match that universal view.


The online world, as we know, can be different to reality, and this is very true for health information, which can be fake or inaccurate. Many sites appear to be written or endorsed by a __________(13) when they aren't - anyone can put a picture of a __________(14) on their blog and fool people into believing it is a genuine medical site. This can be misleading and unsafe.


But it's not all bad. There are some fabulous __________(15) resources online if you look at the right sites. NHS Choices and NetDoctor offer up-to-date medical information written by UK doctors whose advice you know you can trust. They are good places to read about your diagnosis once you have been to your __________(16) to give you a broader view of your __________(17) and treatment.


If you suffer with a __________(18) or something slightly unusual, an online community can be really valuable. Charities such as the National Eczema Society provide online support and fantastic information, with tips from other sufferers - a great __________(19) of advice and comfort. For rarer __________(20), online communities offer support and information that would not otherwise be readily available.

Adapted from the British Press

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CHRONIC ILLNESS= krónikus betegség

CLINIC= klinika, szakrendelő

CONDITIONS= állapotok, betegségek, nyavalyák

’CURES’= gyógymódok, kúrák

DIAGNOSIS= kórmegállapítás, diagnózis

DISEASES= betegségek, kórok

DOCTOR= orvos

EXAMINE= megvizsgál

GP= general practitioner= háziorvos, körzeti orvos

HEALTH= egészség

ISSUE= probléma

MEDICAL= orvosi

PHARMACIST= patikus, gyógyszerész

RASH= kiütés

SOURCE= forrás (állításé)

STETHOSCOPE= hallgatócső, sztetoszkóp

SURGERIES= rendelők

SYMPTOMS= tünetek, szimptómák

TREATMENT= kezelés


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Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!


Biztosan mindannyian hallottátok már, hogy az ORIGÓ NYELVVIZSGARENDSZER MEGVÁLTOZIK idén novembertől. Szinte minden készséget a régihez képest duplán fognak mérni, azaz az írásbeli és szóbeli szövegértésből is (azaz Reading Comprehension-ből és a Listeningből is) 2-2 feladatot fogtok kapni, Writing-ból, azaz szövegformálásos feladatból is kettő lesz (választható levél + valamilyen jellegű véleménynyilvánítás) és újra két irányba is kell majd fordítani (Közvetítés angolról magyarra - középfokon, illetve magyarról angolra is - felsőfokon). A Speaking rész ellenben ugyanaz maradt: interjú, témakifejtés kép alapján és szituációs szerepjáték/párbeszéd.

Úgyhogy lássunk is hozzá a felkészüléshez! Mára hoztam nektek egy "LYUKAS" SZÖVEGET (Gapfilling), amely egyébként a NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC publikációi között jelent meg és az intőrákok párválasztásáról szól. A feladat pedig a nyelvvizsga által megszabott lesz: Helyezz vissza a megadott 5 elem közül 4-et a szövegben hagyott GAPekbe (rés/szöveglyuk), tehát egy elem felesleges lesz, azt ki kell hagyni. Rajta!


Why (Claw) Size Matters


All around her, guys wave seductively, beckoning her to their beach homes. [1] By the quality of his lodging, the allure of his wave - and, especially the size of his claw.

The female fiddler crab has two small, symmetrical claws; the male has one small and one oversize. "The large claw is all about the initial attraction," says marine biologist Zachary Darnell of Louisiana's Nicholls State University. [2] "Maybe a crab with a large claw relative to his body size , and a bit higher wave than others" - because if he can tote and swing a claw that's up to half his body weight, he's probably a physically fit sire.

After the pair has sex in the beach burrow, the female stays there while her eggs develop; the male goes back to waving and often brings home other females. [3] It's a thermoregulator, as air passing over it seems to dissipate heat and lower body temperature.

A big claw is also the male crab's best weapon: [4] After a few weeks, the pregnant females will emerge from that love lair and head for the waterline, where they'll release their larvae.


(Adapted from National Geographic - author: Patricia Edmonds)

Place the following items back into the text. There is an extra item you will not need.

A- After checking out several males and the love-nest burrows they've dug, a female "will find a male whose claw she really likes," he says.

B- He uses it to fight rivals and keep intruders away from his burrow.

C- When it comes to claws, right-handed attracts the females.

D- How will a female fiddler crab pick a mate?

E- On the hot sand, his claw is more than just a chick magnet, Darell's research has found.


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Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

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Burning Issues - ÉGETŐ Problémák - Angol szövegértés feladat a NAPÉGÉS elkerüléséről és kezeléséről + SUNBURN related GLOSSARY

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Olvasd el a cikket és oldd meg a szöveg végén az IGAZ/HAMIS állításos feladatot. Ha a szöveg szerint a mondat helyes, TRUE-val jelöld, ha nem, FALSE-ként értékeld. 

A NAPÉGÉSSEL KAPCSOLATOS  segítő SZÓSZEDETet narancssárgával szedve találod a feladat alatt.



Painful, unsightly, ageing, dangerous to health...

and completely preventable -

we ask dermatologists the best ways to avoid getting sunburnt

and how to minimise the damage if you do


Roughly a fifth of Britons regularly go out on even the hottest and sunniest days of the year without sunscreen. Given that, it is hardly surprising that a recent survey by Nivea found that around 80 per cent of us have been sunburnt in the past.

Yet quiz the same people about the negative effects of sun exposure and they are likely to be able to list them. It is certainly no secret that spending too much time in the sun causes premature ageing, not to mention the danger sunburn presents to long-term health. Rates of malignant melanoma - the deadliest form of skin cancer - are disproportionately high in younger people and the disease is almost twice as common in young women as it is in similarly aged men.

"Sunburn is an acute reaction in the skin that follows excessive overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. It causes direct damage to DNA, resulting in inflammation and death of skin cells," explains consultant dermatologist and British Skin Foundation spokesperson Dr Anjali Mahto. "The risk is higher in equatorial areas or at altitude , particularly in those with fair skin types. Sunburn in childhood or adolescence can double the risk of developing melanoma in later life.

Keeping yourself safe is simple, however. Dermatologist Dr Stefanie Williams, founder and medical director at private clinic European Dermatology London, has some straight-talking advice for preventing sunburn. "If you are serious about keeping your skin in top shape, sunscreen should be worn on a daily basis, even here in the UK," she says. "While you might not get sunburnt, your skin can still be exposed to significant amounts of UVA without even noticing. Used regularly, sunscreen even allows the skin to repair some of the existing damage. 

"In a hot climate you must reapply every two hours and always apply liberally. For the best defence, I recommend a broad-spectrum protection with SPF (UVB) 30-50 and high UVA protection, plus sun avoidance, of course.

Cancer research UK is also keen to get the message across and has joined forces with Nivea to encourage people to be more sun safe. It recommends taking the following steps, which together make up the easy to remember CARE acronym:

1. C - COVER UP: Wear a T-shirt, hat and sunglasses.

2. A - AIM FOR SHADE: Stay out of the sun between the hours of 11am to 3pm in the UK.

3. R - RUB ON SUNSCREEN: Use plenty, with at least an SPF15 and a 4-star rating.

4. E - ENJOY: Have fun in the sun safely.

But what action can you take if you accidentally overdo it in the sun? According to Dr Mahto, here are the dos and don'ts for


1. POP A PILL: "Painkillers can help relieve the pain and reduce inflammation caused by sunburn. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen are ideal and should be continued for a period of at least 48 hours if there are no contraindications. Paracetamol will help with pain, but has little effect on inflammation."

2. COOL DOWN: "Apply a cool compress to the skin - you could try a towel dampened with cool water - for fifteen minutes. Or take a cool bath or shower. Aim to keep the temperature just below lukewarm and make sure the shower has a gentle flow of water, rather than being on full power. If blisters are starting to develop the a bath is preferable to a shower. Do not rub your skin with a towel; instead gently pat it dry when you get out.

3. SOOTHE YOUR SKIN: "After a bath or shower, use an unperfumed cream or lotion to soothe the skin. Repeated applications are necessary to reduce the appearance of peeling and you may need to continue repeat applications for several weeks. Aloe vera is a good choice; it not only has a cooling effect on the skin but also acts as an anti-inflammatory."

4. TRY A STEROID CREAM: "Using a weak steroid cream such as 0.5-1 per cent hydrocortisone for 48 hours may decrease pain and swelling caused by sunburn and speed up the healing process. This is best avoided in small children, however."

5. DO NOT POP: "Leave blisters alone. Try not to pop them, as this can lead to infection and scarring. They will settle by themselves after a few days. In the meantime, treat the skin gently.

(Adapted from the British Press)



You can use the GLOSSARY under the statements to help you.

1. British people are not at risk of getting sunburnt.

2. People in Britain get sunburnt because they don't know about the harmful effects of sunlight.

3. The worst type of skin cancer is more frequent among women than men.

4. Malignant melanoma occurs at young age.

5. Getting sunburnt is more likely if you have lighter skin.

6. It is only necessary to put on sunscreen when the sun is shining.

7. In the acronym CARE the letters stand for Cream to Avoid Radiation Exposure.

8. In hot climate you have to apply sunscreen twice a day.

9. In case you start having blisters, it is best to have a cold bath.

10. You must never pop your blisters or else they will still be visible after healing.


sunscreen= naptej, napolaj

sunburnt= leégett

sun exposure= napsugárzásnak való kitettség

premature ageing= korai öregedés

sunburn= napégés

malignant melanoma= fekete bőrrák

skin cancer= bőrrák

excessive overexposure= túlzott kitettség a napnak/napsugárzásnak

(UV) radiation= ultraibolya sugárzás

damage to DNA= DNS károsodás

inflammation= gyulladás

skin cells= bőrsejtek

dermatologist= bőrgyógyász

fair skin types= világos bőrtípusok

risk of developing= kialakulásának kockázata/veszélye

preventing sunburn= napégés megakadályozása/megelőzése

keeping your skin in top shape= csúcsformában tartani a bőrt

on a daily basis= napi szinten

reapply= újra felvisz/beken

apply liberally= bőségesen visz fel (krémet)

broad-spectrum protection= széles spektrumú védelem

SPF= sun protection factor= naptej faktorszáma

UVB= ultraviolet B (short-wave)= közepes hullámhosszú ultraibolya sugár

UVA= ultraviolet A (long-wave)= nagy hullámhosszú ultraibolya sugár

sun avoidance= nap elkerülése

sun safe= napvédett

COVER UP= takard be magad

AIM FOR SHADE= igyekezz az árnyékba

RUB ON SUNSCREEN= dörzsölj be naptejet

overdo it in the sun= túl sok időt tölt a napon

dos and don'ts= tanácsok arra, hogy mit tegyünk és mit ne

TREATING SUNBURN= napégés kezelése

POP A PILL= tolj be egy pirulát

relieve the pain= enyhíti a fájdalmat

reduce inflammation= csökkenti a gyulladást

anti-inflammatory drugs= gyulladáscsökkentő gyógyszerek

contraindications= ellenjavallatok

COOL DOWN= hűtsd le

apply compress to the skin= gyakorolj nyomást a bőrre

a towel dampened with cool water= hideg vízben megnedvesített törölköző

lukewarm= langyos

gentle flow= gyenge folyás

blisters= hólyagok

rub your skin= dörzsöli a bőrt

pat it dry= felitatja a nedvességet gyengéd ütögetéssel

SOOTHE YOUR SKIN= nyugtasd meg a bőröd

unperfumed cream or lotion= illatmentes krém vagy testápoló

Repeated applications= ismételt felvitel (krémé)

peeling= hámlás

TRY A STEROID CREAM= próbálj egy szteroidos krémet

decrease pain and swelling= csökkenti a fájdalmat és a püffedtséget

speed up the healing process= felgyorsítja a gyógyulási folyamatot

DO NOT POP= ne nyomd ki

infection and scarring= fertőzés és hegesegés

settle= megnyugszik, visszahúzódik, lelapul

treat the skin gently= bánj gyengéden a bőröddel

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SON of SAUL - Official Cannes Film Festival Interview + Auschwitz & filmes szószedet + szövegértés feladat

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

"Eldöntöttük, már jóval a forgatás előtt, hogy  ragaszkodni fogunk egyfajta dogmához: a filmnek nem szabad szépnek lennie, a film nem lehet tetszetős, nem készíthetünk horror filmet...Saul nézőpontjánál maradni egyet jelent azzal, hogy nem lépünk túl az ő látóterén vagy azon, amit ő hall, a jelenlétén...a kamera az útitársa és vele marad mindvégig ebben a pokolban" (Nemes Jeles László)

Hivatalos Cannes interjú angolul Nemes Lászlóval, készítette: Antoine de Baecque.

SZÖVEGÉRTÉS FELADAT: Az interjú elolvasása után állapítsd meg, hogy a szöveg végén található állítások igazak (TRUE) vagy hamisak (FALSE).

A segítő Auschwitz+Movie Making szószedetet szintén a szöveg végén találod.


How did the idea for SON OF SAUL come to you?
When we were making A londoni férfi (The Man from London), in Bastia, the shoot was interrupted for a week and in a bookstore I found a book of eyewitness accounts published by the Shoah Memorial called Des Voix sous la cendre (Voices from beneath the Ashes), also known as “The scrolls of Auschwitz.” It’s a book of texts written by former Sonderkommando members from the extermination camps who had buried and hidden their written testimonies before the rebellion in 1944. The actual documents were found years later. They describe their daily tasks, how the work was organized, the rules by which the camp was run and Jews exterminated, as well as how they put together a certain form of resistance.
What was the Sonderkommando? What did its members do?
They were prisoners chosen by the SS to escort new transports of prisoners to the gas chamber buildings, to get them to undress, reassure them and lead them into the gas chambers. After, they would remove and burn the corpses all the while cleaning the space. And it all had to be accomplished very quickly because other prisoner convoys were already on the way. Auschwitz-Birkenau functioned like a factory producing and eliminating corpses on an industrial scale. In the summer of 1944, it was running at full capacity: historians estimate that several thousand Jews were assassinated there every day. During the course of their mission, the Sonderkommandos were given a relatively preferential treatment. They were allowed to take food found in the transports and, within the confines of their perimeter, have a relative freedom of movement. But the task they were assigned was grueling and they were regularly eliminated every three or four months by the SS in order to ensure that there were no witnesses to the extermination.
Was your family affected by the Shoah?
A part of my family was assassinated in Auschwitz. It was something we talked about every day. When I was little, I had the impression that “evil had been done.” I imagined it like a black hole burrowed within us; something had broken, and my inability to grasp exactly what it was kept me isolated. I didn’t understand for many years. Then, the time came for me to reconnect with that specific part of my family’s history.
Why did you choose to use the Sonderkommando accounts?
I have always found movies about the camps frustrating. They attempt to build stories of survival and heroism, but in my mind they are in fact recreating a mythical conception of the past. The Sonderkommando accounts are on the contrary concrete, present and tangible. They precisely describe, in the here and now, the “normal” functioning of a death factory, with its organization, its rules, work cadences, shifts, hazards, and its maximum productivity. In fact, the SS used the word “Stück “ (“parts”) when speaking about corpses. Corpses were produced in that factory. These accounts allowed me to see it all through the eyes of the extermination camps’ damned.
But how do you go about telling a story, a fictional story, from within the middle of a fully functioning extermination camp?
That was problematic, indeed. I didn’t want to make a hero of anyone; I didn’t want the survivor’s point of view, nor did I want to show all or even too much of this death factory. I just wanted an angle that would be specific, pared down, and to tell a story as simple and archaic as possible. I chose the viewpoint of a man, Saul Ausländer, a Hungarian Jew, member of the Sonderkommando, and I strictly upheld this position: I show what he sees, no more and no less. Yet it isn’t a “subjective stance,” because we see him as a character and I didn’t want to reduce the film to a purely visual approach. That would have been artificial. Aesthetics, any exercise in style or virtuosity needed to be avoided. Moreover, this man is the point of origin of a unique, obsessive and primitive story: he believes he has recognized his son among the gas chamber victims and is henceforth determined to save his body from the ovens, find a rabbi to say Kaddish and bury him. Everything he does is defined by this mission, which seems utterly pointless in the context of the hell on earth that is the extermination camp. The film concentrates on one point of view and one person’s line of action, which allows the character to come across other points of view and other actions. The camp, however, is perceived through the prism of Saul’s journey.
Much research and documentation must have gone into making this film, a veritable historian’s approach…
My co-screenwriter, Clara Royer, and I learned together. We read other eyewitness accounts, from Shlomo Venezia and Filip Müller, but also that of Miklós Nyiszli, a Hungarian Jewish doctor who was assigned to the crematoriums. Then of course there was Claude Lanzmann’s Shoah, in particular the Sonderkommando sequences, including the Abraham Bomba account, which remains a reference. Finally, we received the very helpful support of historianslike Gideon Greif, Philippe Mesnard and Zoltán Vági.
Did you forbid yourself anything?
I didn’t want to have to show the face of horror openly, or to recreate the atrocity by going into the gas chambers while people were dying. The film strictly follows Saul’s movements. So we stop at the door of the gas chamber and enter only after the extermination in order to remove the bodies and wash away any traces of what occurred there in preparation for the next group. These missing images are those of death; images that can’t be reconstructed, and shouldn’t be touched or manipulated. Because it is important for me to stay with Saul’s point of view, I only show what he sees; what he pays attention to. He’s been working in the crematorium for four months: as a protective reflex, he no longer notices the horror, and so I relegated the horror to the background, blurred or off screen. Saul only sees the object of his quest; this provides the film with its visual rhythm.
How did you film it?
The cinematographer, Mátyás Erdély, the production designer, László Rajk and I decided well before the shoot that we would stick to a sort of dogma: “the film cannot look beautiful,” “the film cannot look appealing,” “we cannot make a horror film,” “staying with Saul means not going beyond his own field of vision, hearing, and presence,” “the camera is his companion, it stays with him throughout this hell.” We also wanted to use traditional 35mm film and photochemical processing at every stage. It was the only way to maintain a certain instability in the images, and thus be able to film this world organically. The challenge was to strike an emotional chord in the audience – something that digital doesn’t allow for. All of this implied a lighting technique that was diffused, industrial and as simple as possible. It also required filming with the same lens, a 40mm, a restricted aspect ratio, and not something like scope which widens one’s field of vision. We had to always remain at the character’s eye level and stay with him.
Saul wears a jacket with a big red cross on the back…
Yes, it’s a target. The SS used it to make it easier to shoot men who tried to escape. For us, it was a visual target for the camera.
Did you have any other films in mind?
Idi i smotri (Come and see) by Elem Klimov (1985) was a great source of inspiration for me. The movie follows a boy in 1943 on the Eastern front and stays with him in an organic manner through his hellish adventures. But Klimov allowed himself far more baroque things than we did. In the movie’s first scene, everything is a blur and then a face suddenly appears - it is Saul’s. He appears out of nowhere. My first short film, With a Little Patience, starts like that as well. The audience, who sees him spring up, understands immediately that he’s the one they’ll be following throughout the film. We did a lot of work with the actors on their body language. Camp rules, and what is required for survival impose very specific body movements: to always look down, never look a SS in the eye; to walk taking small, regular, but swift steps; take off your hat to salute and don’t talk or, if you must, answer clearly, in German.
We quickly understand that there are several contradictory dynamics at play in the camp: submission to the SS, solidarity among Sonderkommando members, but also tension, rivalry, and the organization of a resistance.
Naturally, several standpoints exist within this horror, ranging from renouncement to resistance. And there are several ways to resist. In the film, we witness an attempted rebellion, which in fact took place in 1944, the only armed revolt in the history of Auschwitz. As for Saul, he chooses another form of revolt, which may seem irrelevant in this context. In following his personal quest, Saul is led to navigate between these different behaviors: recovering the boy’s body takes him to the autopsy rooms where he finds the doctors and anatomists. Looking for a rabbi brings him to come across other Sonderkommando groups and convoys of Jews headed for death. Circulating through the camp eventually leads him to take the same path as the resistance members. He sees all of this in snatches, and the audience too must try and understand by piecing together the fragments. No one has all the elements in hand; everyone has fragments with which they attempt to construct their vision of the whole.
At some point, Saul comes across members of the resistance who are trying to photograph the extermination process.
Something that was strictly forbidden by the SS, of course. In Birkenau, the Polish resistance was able to get one or a few cameras to the Sonderkommando in order to document the extermination. At unbelievably great risk, they were able to take a photograph just before the doors to a gas chamber were closed and then immediately afterwards: naked women approaching the shot; then their piled-up corpses, which were taken outside and burned right there on the ground.
And the four photographs shown during the Mémoire des camps [Memoir of the camps] exhibition, in 2001, four “images despite it all”? (A reference to the book by the art historian and philosopher Georges-Didi Huberman.)
These four photographs deeply affected me. They attest to the extermination, they constitute evidence, and ask essential questions. What should be done with an image? What can it represent? What viewpoint should we have when faced with death and barbarity? We integrated this moment into the heart of the film, as it corresponds to a segment of Saul’s journey through the camp when suddenly, just for a moment, he participates in the construction of our view of the extermination. And also, because of the representation of the image within itself, we are, at that point and only then, questioning the very status of representation.
Sound plays an important role in the film.
The sound designer, Tamás Zányi, who has worked on all my films, and I decided to work on a sound that was very simple, raw and yet quite complex and multidimensional. One has to be aware of the very particular sound atmosphere of these hellish factories. The multiplicity of tasks being accomplished, shouted orders, screams, and many languages were all intermingling: the German of the SS, the multiple languages spoken by the prisoners, among which was Yiddish, and those spoken by the victims who came from all over Europe. Sound can superimpose over the image, at times even taking its place, because some images are missing and rightfully so. I would compare it to diverse and sometimes contradictory layers of sound. And all this sound material needed to remain raw. It was important not to re-produce it or polish it.
Who is the person who plays Saul?
Géza Röhrig isn’t an actor, but a Hungarian writer and poet who lives in New York. I met him several years ago. He came to mind for the role probably because he is someone who is in constant motion, his facial features and his body are always changing. It is impossible to tell his age, for he is at once old and young, but also handsome and ugly; ordinary and remarkable, deep and impassive, quick-witted and slow. He moves, is given to fidgeting, but also knows how to keep silent and still. This character and your film endeavor to contrast a death ceremony and the death factory, rites and machinery, prayer and noise. When there is no longer any hope, from the deepest part of this hell, Saul’s inner voice says to him: you must survive in order to accomplish an act that bears meaning, a human, age-old, sacred meaning; a meaningful act that is at the very origin of the community of mankind and religions: paying respect to the body of the dead.

Interview by Antoine de Baecque

Reading Comprehension Task:

After reading the interview mark the sentences TRUE or FALSE.

1. A Sonderkommando's job involved burning dead bodies.
2. The director of the movie Son of Saul was inspired by family events.
3. Mr Nemes was frustrated because Holocaust movies had never had a happy ending.
4. Sonderkommandos used the word Stück for SS officers.
5. Son of Saul tells a story from a single point of view.
6. Saul thinks one of the corpses is a deceased family member.
7. The screenwriters had interviewed survivors of the extermination camps before they started shooting.
8. The movie contains a lot of disturbing scenes in the gas chambers.
9. The crew wished to shoot a film as real as possible without the improvement of pictures or sound.
10. Géza Röhrig was selected for the role because he is extremely versatile.

Auschwitz & Movie Glossary


to make a film= filmet készíteni
shoot, shooting= forgatás
was interrupted= félbeszakították/-tuk
eyewitness accounts= szemtanú beszámolók
ashes= hamvak
scrolls= kézirattekercsek
extermination camp= haláltábor
to bury= eltemet
testimony=tanúságtétel, tanúvallomás
rebellion= lázadás
jews= zsidók
exterminate= kiirt, kivégez, megsemmisít
resistance= ellenállás
prisoners= elítéltek
gas chamber= gázkamra
undress= levetkőzik
remove= eltávolít
burn= eléget
corpses= holttestek
prisoner convoys= rabszállítmány
factory= gyár
eliminating= felszámol, megsemmisít
on an industrial scale= ipari méretekben/volumenben
were assassinated= gyilkosság áldozatául estek, merényletet követtek el ellenük
preferential treatment= megkülönböztetett bánásmódban részesültek
were allowed to= engedélyezett volt számukra
transports= szállítmányok
freedom of movement= szabad mozgás
witnesses= szemtanúk
evil= gonoszság, gaztett, bűn
movies= filmek
survival= megmenekülés, túlélés
heroism= hősiesség
death factory= halálgyár
organization= szervezés
rules= szabályok
work cadences= munkaritmus
shifts= műszakok
hazards= kockázatok
productivity= eredményesség, termelékenység
were produced= gyártották őket
the extermination camps’ damned= a haláltábor elátkozottjai
a fictional story= kitalált történet, fikció
hero= hős
survivor’s point of view= túlélő nézőpontja
angle= szög
pared down= leszűkítve, lefaragva
viewpoint= nézőpont
subjective stance= személyes/szubjektív álláspont/nézőpont
approach= megközelítés
artificial= mű, nem igazi, csinált
needed to be avoided= kerülni kellett
victims= áldozatok
save= megment
ovens= kemencék
rabbi= rabbi
character= szereplő, karakter
veritable historian’s= valóságos történészi
co-screenwriter= társ forgatókönyvíró
was assigned to= egy feladattal meg volt bízva, egy helyre ki volt jelölve
crematoriums= krematóriumok
were dying= haldokoltak
traces= nyomok, maradványok
occurred= (meg)történt
death= halál
the horror= a borzalom
relegated sg to the background= háttérbe szorítani valamit
blurred= elhomályosítva, elmosódottan
off screen= filmvásznon kívül
to film= filmez, filmre vesz
cinematographer= operatőr
production designer=látványtervező, díszlettervező
appealing= tetszetős, attraktív
presence= jelenlét
photochemical processing= fotokémiai kidolgozás/eljárás/feldolgozás/
lighting technique= világítástechnika
diffused= diffúz, szétszórt
industrial= ipari
lens= lencse
restricted aspect ratio= behatárolt képarány/méretarány
scope= szkóp, képcső, objektív
widen= kiszélesedik
vision= látás, látótér
target= célpont
source= forrás
Eastern front= keleti font
in an organic manner= szerves módon, szervesen
hellish adventures= pokoli kalandok
appears out of nowhere= a semmiből tűnik fel
short film= kisfilm, rövidfilm
the audience= a közönség
body language= testnyelv
specific= pontos, meghatározott, bizonyos
movements= mozdulatok
look a SS in the eye=SS tiszt szemébe nézni
salute= tiszteleg
contradictory= ellentmondásos
submission= alárendeltség, engedelmeskedés, behódolás
tension= feszültség
rivalry= rivalizálás
resistance= ellenállás
renouncement=(passzív) ellenállás, engedelmesség megtagadása, lemondás
autopsy= boncolás
circulate= körbejár
path= ösvény, út, csapás
in snatches= részletekben, darabokban, töredékekben
piecing together the fragments= összerakni a részleteket
elements= elemek, részek
strictly forbidden= szigorúan tilos
piled-up= felhalmoz, halmokba rak
attest to= bizonyságot tesz valami mellett, bizonyít
image= kép
face with death= szembenéz a halállal
integrate= integrál, ötvöz
plays an important role = fontos szerepet játszik
sound designer= hangmérnök
raw= nyers
multidimensional= többdimenziós
orders= parancsok
screams= sikolyok
intermingling= összefolyik, összefonódik
superimpose over the image=egymásra filmez képeket
layers of sound= hangsávok, hangrétegek
polish=feljavít, csiszol, "kozmetikáz"
poet= költő
role= szerep
in constant motion= állandó mozgásban
facial features= arcvonások
ordinary and remarkable= hétköznapi és különleges
quick-witted= gyorseszű, gyors felfogású, eszes
fidgeting= izgés-mozgás
silent= szótlan
still= mozdulatlan
rite= rituálé, szertartás
machinery= gépeszet
prayer= ima
inner voice= belső hang
bears meaning= jelentéssel/tartalommal bír
a human= ember
sacred= szent
mankind= emberiség
religion= vallás

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Természeti KATASZTRÓFA szókincs és a 20+1 leggyakoribb PREPOZÍCIÓ - a report from NEPAL

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Szörnyű természeti katasztrófa sújtja Nepált - biztosan Te is hallottad. A New York Times egy cikkét dolgoztam fel, hogy angolul követhesd az egész világot megrázó eseményt. Miközben olvasol, átismételheted a 20+1 leggyakoribb angol prepozíciót (elöljárószót), amelyeket a megfelelő helyre kell illeszteni a szövegben. Vizsgafeladatok között gyakran találni hasonló esetet feldolgozó listeninget, readinget vagy képleírást, ezért az olvasmány végén található természeti katasztrófa szókincsnek is hasznát veheted. Megoldás a cikk végén!

Íme, a felhasználandó prepozíciók. Illeszd be őket a megfelelő helyre (20+1 db)!

about=kb., körül between=kettő között/közül off=le
after=után by*=által on=rajta,-on,-en, adott napon
along=mentén down=le to=valahová
among=több között/közül for=ideig (időben) towards=felé, irányába
as=ként in=-ban,-ben up=fel
at=-nál,-nél,-ban,-ben into=-ba,-be with=-val,-vel
away=el of**=-ból,-ből,-nak,-nek without=nélkül


*szenvedő szerkezetben BY után következik a cselekvő/alany

**birtokos szerkezetben a birtokot OF köti a birtokoshoz



Death toll exceeds 5,500 while thousands are forced to sleep outdoors

A growing sense of despair spread through Katmandu _________ (1)Sunday as the devastated Nepali capital was convulsed by aftershocks that sent residents screaming into the streets, where they were pelted by heavy rain.

A day _________(2) an earthquake killed more than 6,600 people and injured __________(3) 5,900 residents grew frantic and the government, entirely overwhelmed by the enormousness of the challenge facing the country, struggled to provide relief, or much hope.

Streets in parts of this city of about 1.2 million were impassable not so much from quake damage but because tents of thousands of people have taken up residence there. It was a strategy endorsed by the government.

The country's prime minister, Sushil Koirala, who was attending a conference _____________(4) Indonesia when the quake struck, had rushed back __________(5) Katmandu and was to speak to his desperate countrymen in a televised address on Sunday. But the speech was delayed, as some relief efforts have been, by strong tremors that continue to rock the country.

The already difficult situation in much of the capital, where safe shelters are scarce, was made worse Sunday when rains began to pour down on huddled masses.

It is increasingly evident that authorities here were ill equipped to rescue those trapped and would have trouble maintaining adequate supplies __________(6) water, electricity and food.

"In my neighbourhood, the police are conspicious by their absence," said Sridhar Khatri of the South Asia Center for Policy studies in Katmandu. "There is not even a show of force to deter vandalism, which some reports say is on the rise."

On Sunday, the government began setting ____________(7) 16 relief stations across Katmandu and the rest of the country while rescue operations continued. The relief stations are expected  to ease distribution of water, food and medicine, said Laxmi Prasad Dhakal, a spokesman at the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Electricity has been intermittent at best in Katmandu, and absent entirely in other parts of Nepal, but that is not wholly unusual in a country where nighttime blackouts are routine.

Many hotels, commercial buildings and wealthy homes in the capital have their own generators. But nearly all of the country's gas and diesel supplies are brought in from India, and with traffic reduced to a crawl _________(8) major highways, those supplies could dwindle quickly. Some gas stations in Katmandu have already run dry; others are rationing their remaining supplies.

Thousands of Katmandu's residents squatted on streets throughout the city either because their homes were destroyed or continued aftershocks, including one of magnitude 6.7, left them too afraid to go back inside. Other residents were camping out in schools, school playgrounds and government offices.

The goverment announced that schools would remain closed ____________(9) at least five days and it pleaded with government workers to help in local rescue efforts in place of their usual jobs.

Stephen Groves, who lives in Katmandu, said he was inspecting a building for cracks when the biggest of many aftershocks hit, leading to terrified screams from those nearby.

"The whole time I was thinking if the building next to me was going to come ___________(10) on top of me," Mr Groves said in an email. "People here are in panic, and every aftershock contributes to that. They are not going indoors, they are staying in the roads and in open areas. Many are searching for family members.

Mr. Groves said he went to a hospital in the capital on Saturday, where hordes of people were lying on the ground outside the building, many __________(11) intravenous drips hooked up to their arms and shocked looks on their faces.

The city was awash with rumors that the worst aftershocks were yet to come and with fears of greater destruction in the countryside, large swaths of which remained unreachable by phone.

Subhash Ghimire, the editor in chief of Nepalese newspaper Republica, said he managed to reach his father in his village, home to about 3,000 people near the epicenter in the Gorkha district. "He said not a single house is left in our village, including our own house," Mr. Ghimire said.


On Mount Everest, helicopter rescue operation began Sunday morning to bring wounded climbers ___________(12) the mountain, where at least 18 climbers were killed and another 41 injured, making the earthquake the deadliest event in the mountain's history. Three Americans were ____________(13) those killed, according to the State Department.

Aftershocks and small avalanches throughout the day Sunday continued to plague the nearly 800 people staying at the mountain base camp and at higher elevation camps.

After posting on Twitter that he was "fairly safe but stuck" _________(14) the base camp, a climber, Jim Davidson, then provided a more alarming update from Camp 1, which is above the base camp. "Just had our biggest aftershock yet here at C1 on Everest. Smaller than original quake but glacier shook & avalanches," he wrote.

Nick Talbot, 39, was attempting to be the first person with cystic fibrosis to climb Mount Everest when a 100- to 200-yard wall of ice and snow came barreling toward him.

"I ran __________(15)" he said in an interview. "I thought, there's no chance I can get away. I just had my socks on. It knocked me ____________(16) the rocks. I got up and it knocked me over again." he said. He was evacuated ___________(17) helicopter Sunday afternoon. He returned ____________(18) anything but the clothes he was wearing. All of his belongings were buried by the avalanche.

"I'm sure there will have been many fatalities just because the scale of it," he said.

Tulasi Prasad Gautam, director general of Nepal's Tourism Department, said he feared that continued aftershocks had trapped more climbers. In addition to the dead and injured, nearly 25 climbers who had been en route Saturday to Camp 2 from Camp 1 are missing.

"Actually, the tents are still there for some 20 to 25 climbers who were heading __________(19) Camp 2 in the course of climbing practice, but they are not in contact", Mr Gautam said.

In a blog post Sunday, Eric Simonson of International Mountain Guides said the news from the Everest base camp "was quite bleak", and tha the company's encampment "has been turned into a triage center, and our big dining tents are now being used _________(20) hospital tents."

"The tons and tons of falling ice going this vertical distance created a huge aerosol avalanche and accompanying air blast," he wrote. "It is worth noting that over many expeditions we have never seen an avalanche from this area that was even remotely of this scale."

Susan Parker-Burns, a spokeswoman from the United States Embassy in Nepal, said in an email Sunday that a rescue and relief team from the United States Agency for International Development was dispatched by military transport to Nepal, and they would arrive on Monday.

Also Sunday, the Israeli military said that it was preparing to send Boeing 747s carrying 260 aid workers and more than 90 tons of cargo to Katmandu. About 600 Israelis are believed to be in Nepal, a popular destination for young backpackers after their compulsory military service. Magen David Adom, Israel's national emergency medical response organization, had already sent an advance team of 10 paramedics and two doctors to Nepal.

Nepal will most likely require significant help. The country's existing political discord is likely to hamper rescue and rebuilding efforts. The government has been barely functional for more than a decade, with politicians of just about every stripe fighting over the scraps of the increasingly desperate economy. A 10-year civil war _________ (21) Maoist parties and the government ended in 2006, but the resulting Constituent Assembly spent four years trying to write a constitution without success. Paralysis ensued until elections in November 2013 led to the unexpected rout of the previously dominant Maoists.

Nepal's people had already become exhausted with the political paralysis, but those feelings could turn explosive if relief and rescue efforts fail in the coming weeks, analysts said. The fear of just such an outcome could spur an intense international relief effort, as an odd collection of countries - including China, India and the United States - were already cooperating on pushing Nepal's polititians toward compromise.

(Adapted from The New York Times)



to reel= megremeg, támolyog

tremor= remegés, rengés

rescue= mentés

death toll= halálesetek száma(data)

despair= kétségbeesés

devastated= elpusztított, feldúlt, tönkretett

aftershocks= utórengések, utórezgések

to scream= sikít

to pelt= ver(eső)

earthquake= földrengés

to injure= megsebesít

to grow frantic= kétségbeejtővé válik

to struggle= küzd, erőfeszítéseket tesz

relief= segítség, segély, enyhítés, megkönnyebbülés

impassable= járhatatlan

damage= kár

to strike= lecsap, lesújt

desperate= kétségbeesett

to rock= megráz

shelter= menedék

to pour= zuhog, ömlik, szakad (eső)

huddled= összeverődött, összezavarodott, összecsődült

masses= tömegek

ill equipped= nincs felszerelkezve

trapped= csapdába esett

trouble= probléma, gond

supply= ellátás

vandalism= garázdálkodás, vandalizmus

relief station= mentőállomás, segélyállomás

rescue operations= mentőakciók

to ease= megkönnyít

distribution= (szét)osztás

medicine= gyógyszer

to be absent= nincs, hiányzik

blackout= áramszünet

crawl= vánszorgás

to run dry= kiszárad, kiürül

to squat= lakást foglal (jogtalanul)

crack= repedés

terrified= hálára rémült

to be in panic= pánikban van

intravenous drips= intravénás infúzió

shocked looks= sokkos kifejezés/ábrázat

destruction= pusztítás

wounded= (meg)sebesült

injured= sérült

the deadliest= a legtöbb halálos áldozatot követelő

avalanches= lavinák

to plague= (csapással) sújt

safe= biztonságban

stuck= megrekedt

alarming= vészjósló, fenyegető, aggasztó

glacier= gleccser

cystic fibrosis= cisztás fibrózis

to barrel= egyenesen felé zúdul

to get away= elmenekül

to knock= taszít, lök, bevág

rocks= sziklák

to be evacuated= evakuálják

to bury= betemet

fatalities= halálesetek

the dead= a halottak

tents= sátrak

bleak= kietlen, kopár

air blast= szélroham, széllökés

of this scale= ilyen méretű

aid worker= segélyszervezeti ellátó személyzet

emergency= sürgősségi

paramedics= rohammentősök

to turn explosive= fellobban, felrobban

to fail= kudarcot vall, sikertelennek bizonyul

effort= erőfeszítés, igyekezet, fáradozás



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Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Hailed an inspiration for her brave decision

ANGELINA JOLIE reveals she has had further surgery to

beat the cancer that claimed her mother's life

A nemzetközi sajtó tele van Angelina legutóbbi műtétjével, melynek tanulságos részleteit a New York Timesban is felfedte, hogy eljusson üzenete a vele hasonló rákkal szembenéző nőkhöz.

Egyszerűen nem találni olyan nyelvvizsgát, amelynek ne volna szövegértés része, ráadásul eléggé súlyozottan is szerepel ez a típusú feladat a nyelvvizsgán. Az olyan cikkeket dolgozok fel neked, ami téged is jobban érdekel és tele van vele a média. Olvasd el a cikket és próbáld először az IGAZ/HAMIS állításos feladatot megoldani a cikk végén. Ha gondot okozott egy-két idegen szó, csak ezek után nézd meg a szószedetet.



Angelina Jolie has revealed that she has endured a second round of surgery in a bid to prevent cancer - and her decision to speak out once again about her personal medical history has been praised by experts as helping to save lives.


Last week, an article written by the Oscar-winning star appeared in The New York Times, in which she explained that she has had her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed to avoid developing ovarian cancer - and as a result, she is undergoing the menopause and will not be able to have any more children.

Doctors were quick to salute her for the article, saying it would help focus attention on ovarian cancer.

Gynaecological oncologist Dr Antoinette Sakaris said: "Ovarian cancer is less well known (than breast cancer) and less commented on. Improving that is crucial. I think this could save lives.

Two years ago, Angelina, who has six children with husband Brad Pitt - three of whom were adopted - underwent a double mastectomy after discovering that she has the BRCA1 gene fault that greatly increases the chances of contracting breast and ovarian cancer. She lost her mother, aunt and grandmother to the disease.

In her New York Times piece, headlined Angelina Jolie Pitt: Diary of a Surgery, the 39-year-old actress and film-maker revealed that she has always planned to have her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed after her mastectomy, but because the surgery has such severe effect on a woman's body, she had hoped to have more time to plan for the operation.

Unfortunately, she heard in early March that an annual blood test has showed up markers that can indicate early signs of cancer - leaving Angelina with an anxious five-day wait to learn whether she had already developed the disease.

"I went through what I imagine thousands of other women have felt," she wrote. "I told myself to stay calm, to be strong and that I had no reason to think I wouldn't live to see my children grow up and to meet my grandchildren".



Luckily, she had stong support. "I called my husband in France, who was on a plane within hours. The beautiful thing about such moments in life is that there is so much clarity. You know what you live for and what matters."

She said that it was hard to carry on as she waited for the results of further tests. "I passed those five days in a haze, attending my children (Zahara and Shiloh)'s soccer game, and working to stay calm and focused.

After being told the happy news that she was cancer free, Angelina decided to undergo the next stage of her surgery immediately. "Regardless of the hormone replacements I'm taking, I am now in menopause," she revealed. "I will not be able to have any more children and I expect some physical changes. But I feel at is nothing to be feared. 

After revealing her double mastectomy in 2013, the actress was praised by medical experts for putting the spotlight on preventative cancer surgery, helping other women with gene faults to make this difficult decision. But last week, Angelina took pains to ensure that readers knew there were other options to surgery.


"I did not do this solely because I carry the BRCA1 gene mutation and I want other women to know this," she said. "A positive BRCA test does not mean a leap to surgery. There are other options...In my case, the doctors I met agreed that surgery was the best option, because on top of the BRCA gene, three women in my family died from cancer."

She added that the surgery did not guarantee that she would never develop cancer. "It is not possible to remove all risk, and the fact is I remain prone to cancer. I will look for natural ways to strengthen my immune system. I feel feminine, and grounded in the choices I am making for myself and my family. I know my children will never have to say, 'My mom died of ovarian cancer.'"

(Adapted from the British Press)

 IRATKOZZ FEL az ANGOL VLOGyoutube_even_smaller.pngnyelvoktató csatornámra!

Read the article about Angelina Jolie and mark the statements TRUE (T) of FALSE (F).


1. Angelina has had another surgery because the first one wasn't successful.

2. Doctors aren't happy to learn that Angelina breaks medical secrecy about her state of health.

3. The actress has had an operation because she wants no more children.

4. The gynaecological expert remarked that breast cancer is better known than ovarian cancer, which should be different.

5. Angelina has never been able to give birth so her husband Brad Pitt and she decided to adopt six children.

6. Three of Angelina's family members died of ovarian cancer.

7. Angelina appreciates that she has a husband whose first priority is obviously his family.

8. Angelina was absolutely unable to take part in any events as she was too worried waiting for her medical test results.

9. Angelina is now relieved that she knows she no longer has to live in fear of getting cancer.

10. As Angelina puts it, preventative cancer surgery means that you undergo an operation because you have no choice.



to hail= eláraszt, rázúdít

brave= bátor

to beat= legyőz

to claim= követel

to endure= kiáll, elszenved

in a bid to= valami megkísérlésére

to praise= dícsér

ovaries= petefészek

fallopian tubes= petevezetékek

ovarian cancer= petefészekrák

to undergo= keresztülmegy

menopause= klimax

to salute= üdvözöl, tiszteleg

gynaecological oncologist= nőgyógyász onkológus (rákspecialista)

well-known= ismert

to improve that= javítani ezen

crucial= létfontosságú, kritikusan fontos

double mastectomy= mindkét mell eltávolítása

gene fault= hibás gén

to increase= növekszik

annual blood test= éves véreredmény

marker= jel

to indicate= mutat, jelez

to contract= betegséget megkap

headlined= főcímmel

diary= napló

to reveal= felfed, feltár, elmond

to remove= eltávolít

severe= komoly, súlyos

cancer= rák

to develop= kifejlődik benne

disease= betegség

reason= ok, indok

support= támogatás, segítség

within hours= pár órán belül

clarity= világosság, egyértelműség

to matter= számít

to carry on= kitart

results of further tests= további vizsgálatok eredményei

to pass= sikerülnek a vizsgálatok, pozitív eredményeket kap  

haze= szellemi zűrzavar, homály 

to attend= elmegy eseményre, részt vesz

soccer= foci

the next stage= a következő szint, lépés

surgery= operáció 

immediately= azonnal

regardless of= tekintet nélkül vmire

replacements= pótló tabletták

to take= szed gyógyszert 

I feel at ease= megkönnyebbültem

it is nothing to be feared= ettől nem kell/nincs miért tartanom

spotlight= reflektorfény

preventative= megelőző

make a decision= döntést hoz

take pains to ensure= veszi a fáradságot/azon fáradozik, hogy megbizonyosodjon róla

solely= csupán, mindössze

to carry= hordoz

gene muatation= gén mutáció

a leap to= ugrás valahová

on top of sg= ráadásul vmire/nem elég, hogy... mé

to add= hozzátesz

to guarantee= garantál

risk= kockázat

remain prone to= hajlamos marad

to strengthen= megerősít

immune system= immunrendszer

feminine= nőies

grounded= bizonyos, biztos, szilárd, megfontolt, megalapozott


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