Intermediate (B1) level (Cosmo)
- harmadik típusú (múlt idejű) feltételes mondatok -
1. Segítettem volna neked, ha megkértél volna rá.
I would have helped you if you had asked me to.
2. Ha Jack nem mondta volna el nekem, nem tudtam volna róla.
If Jack hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known about it.
3. Időre ott lettünk volna, ha nem késtük volna le a buszt.
We would have been there on time if we hadn't missed the bus.
4. Ha Sally figyelmesebb lett volna, lehet, hogy nem szenvedtünk volna balesetet.
If Sally had been more careful, we might not have had an accident.
5. Ha Mike nem szerepelt volna abban a filmben, sose tudott volna híressé válni.
If Mike hadn't starred/appeared/played in that film, he could never have become famous.
6. Golfoztak volna, ha nem esett volna az eső.
They would have played golf if it hadn't rained.
7. Ha felhívtál volna, eljöttem volna.
If you had called me, I would have come.
8. Akár még meg is látogathattunk volna, ha tudtuk volna a címedet.
We could as well have visited you if we had known your address.
9. Ha elfelejtettem volna az esernyőt, eláztam volna.
If I had forgotten to take my umbrella, I would have got soaked to the skin.
10. Lehet, hogy nem késtem volna el, ha korábban felkeltem volna.
I might not have been late if I had woken up earlier.
11. Ha eszükbe jutott volna térképet vinni, nem tévedtek volna el.
If they had remembered to take a map, they wouldn't have got lost.
12. Grace átment volna a vizsgán, ha többet tanult volna.
Grace would have passed the exam if she had studied more.
13. A helyedben én azonnal hazamentem volna.
In your shoes/If I had been you, I would have gone home immediately.
14. Ha Jackie idősebb lett volna, több esze lett volna.
If Jackie had been older, she would have been wiser.
15. Mit tettél volna, drágám, ha találkoztál volna a férjemmel az utcán?
What would you have done, darling, if you had met my husband in the street?