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Brit karácsonyi hagyományok - KVÍZ - CHRISTMAS TRADITIONS IN THE UK - QUIZ

2021. december 22. - EnglishOnline

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Watch and listen to the video about British Christmas traditions and answer the questions.


1. When do families usually buy their Christmas trees in the UK?

2. What other tradition do they keep right before Christmas?

3. What is Santa called in the UK?

4. What do parents tell their children about him?

5. How do children prepare for his arrival?

6. When do adults not have to work at Christmas?

7. How long a holiday time do adults usually take off work?

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 IRATKOZZ FEL az ANGOL VLOGyoutube_even_smaller.pngnyelvoktató csatornámra!

8. What do people do at the Midnight Mass? When is it held?

9. What do people do on Christmas Day?

10. What does a traditional Christmas meal consist of?

11. What is a CRACKER? What's in it?

12. When is the Queen's Christmas Speech on TV? Which channel broadcasts it?

13. What is the second day of Christmas called?

14. What did people use to do on 25th December?

15. What do people do on Boxing Day today?










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Elhunyt Fülöp, Edinburgh hercege, II. Erzsébet királynő férje - a legfontosabb tudnivalók

Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh

(10 June 1921 - 9 April 2021) 


A painting by Australian born artist Ralph Heimans of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh in the year of his retirement from public engagements set in The Grand Corridor at Windsor Castle (Photo: Getty)

A királynő "szeretett férje", Fülöp herceg halálát rövid közleményben jelentette be.

Felfedte, hogy a 99 éves edinburgh-i herceg békében hunyt el a windsori kastélyban ma reggel.

A Buckingham Palota közleményében tudatta: "A királynő mély fájdalommal jelentette be szeretett férje, őfelsége Fülöp edinburgh-i herceg halálát."

Edinburgh hercege életét a királyi családnak és feleségének, a királynőnek szentelte, aki őt valaha erejeként és támaszaként jellemezte.

Év elején Fülöp élete leghosszabb kórházi tartózkodását töltötte el, mikor is a londoni VII. Eduárd Kórházba vették fel február 16-án elővigyázatos lépésként korábbi rosszullétére tekintettel.

Azonban március 1-jén a Szent Bertalan Kórházba szállították, hogy az orvosok kezelhessék egy fertőzéses betegségét, míg vizsgálatokon esett át és megfigyelés alatt tartották egy korábbi szívelégtelenséggel.

Négy gyermeket, nyolc unokát és tíz dédunokát hagyott itt.

A királynő ezennel egy nyolc napos gyászi időszakba lép, mialatt minden államügy stagnál.

Fülöp 2017-ben, 96 évesen vonult nyugdíjba 22.219 egyéni hivatalos közszolgálati eseménnyel a háta mögött.

Utolsó éveit szeretett feleségétől távol töltötte, mialatt a királyi család sandringhami birtokán tartózkodott, azonban a pár együtt töltötte a kijárási tilalom alatti időszakot Windsor-ban.

Habár jogosult a legmagasabb rangú állami temetésre, a herceg ragaszkodott egy egyszerű ceremóniához.

Közlemények szerint temetése körülményeinek elrendezésében személyes részt vállalt.

A pontos részleteket a napokban fogják bejelenteni.

Az 1921-ben született Fülöp herceg szolgált a Királyi Haditengerészetnél és az évek során elhíresült a vicceiről és etikett "bakijairól".

Úgy tartják, hogy a királynő, aki akkoriban még csak Erzsébet hercegnő volt, „senki másra rá sem nézett” megismerkedésük után és amint Fülöp eljegyezte, sorsa királyi konzortként megpecsételődött.

Erzsébet és Fülöp távoli unokatestvérek voltak és először 1934-ben találkoztak egy esküvőn, amikor a hercegnő csak kilenc éves volt.

De csak miután évekkel később újra találkoztak kezdtek el levelezni és egymásba szerettek.

Titokban jegyezték el egymást 1946-ban de a formális eljegyzést 1947 áprilisára halasztották, mikor Erzsébet betöltötte a 21. életévét.

Annak ellenére, hogy felesége később trónra került, belőle sohasem lehetett király, mert akkor rangban megelőzte volna a királynőt.

Félretéve saját karrier ambícióit, bebizonyította erős kötelességtudatát országa több száz hivatalos eseményen való szolgálatával évente, még 90-es éveiben sem volt hajlandó felhagyni a munkával.

A királynő 2012-es Gyémánt Jubileumi Beszédében így fogalmazott: „Királynőtökként eltöltött éveim során a családom több generáción átívelő támogatása felbecsülhetetlen volt."

"Fülöp herceg, úgy hiszem, jól ismert arról, hogy visszautasít mindennemű méltatást, de mindvégig megingathatatlan erőforrásom és útmutatóm volt."

800 különböző szervezetnek volt patrónusa avagy elnöke, 1956-ban megalapította a Edinburg Hercegi Díjat és belopta magát a nemzet szívébe a gyakorlatias hozzáállásával, szellemes megjegyzéseivel és etikett botlásaival.

A párnak 9 dédunokája van, köztük György herceg, Sarolta hercegnő, Lajos herceg és Archie Mountbatten-Windsor.



His Royal Highness, May You Rest In Peace!


A temetésről:


A királynő férjének, Fülöp edinburghi hercegnek temetése jövő szombaton, 2021.04.17-én lesz.


⚫️a temetés publikus elemeit törölték

⚫️mindössze a 8 perces gyászmenetet közvetíti a televízió

⚫️ezt délután 15h-kor 1 perces csend zárja le a publikum számára

⚫️a Windsor kastély területéről indul a temetés

⚫️csak 30-an vesznek részt a temetésen (legközelebbi családtagok és barátok) az eredeti 800+ körüli résztvevő helyett

⚫️Harry herceg részt vesz a temetésen, Meghan nem

⚫️Fülöp herceg koporsóját a Windsor Kastély állami bejáratán át a Szent György kápolnáig kísérik, ott helyezik végső nyugalomra

⚫️Fülöp herceg kívánságához híven egy meglehetősen leegyszerűsített ceremónia várható díszlövésekkel és harangszóval

Photo credit:


#TheDukeOfEdinburgh #PrincePhilip #funeral

#Fülöphercegtemetése #gyászmenetillusztráció

The Harry & Meghan Love Story Interview - ANGOL KÖZÉPFOK - nyelvvizsga szövegértés gyakorlat

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!


2018. a boldog ünneplés éve a brit királyi család számára. Még egy hete sincs, hogy II. Erzsébet királynő 92 életévébe lépett és hogy Vilmos herceg és Katalin hercegné harmadik gyermekük, Lajos Artúr Károly születését üdvözölhette.

De ez mind semmi ahhoz a csinnadrattához képest, ami Henrik herceg május 19-i lakodalma alkalmával ígérkezik a királyi udvar háza táján.

Tudod ki a menyasszony?

Ennek járhatsz utána, ha az angol nyelvvizsga (B2) szövegértés feladatát megoldod. A következő 6 mondatból 5 db-ot kell visszahelyezni az újságcikkbe.

Kellemes készülődést kívánok az írásbeli nyelvvizsgádra!

A) I wish them many years of love, happiness and fulfilment – and ask that God blesses them throughout their married life together.’

B) He added: ’Harry will be relieved that his badly kept secret is finally out there.’

C) He was obliged to seek permission from the monarch under the Succession of the Crown Act 2013, which states that the 6 persons next in line to the crown must obtain the consent of Her Majesty to marry.

D) Because if he wasn’t kind, it didn’t seem like it would make sense.

E) He added: ’It is days like today when I really miss having her around and miss being able to share the happy news.’

F) The couple were roasting chicken at his London residence, Notthingam Cottage, during a ’cosy night’ in.



Theirs is the fairy-tale romance that has kept the world gripped since love first blossomed back in the spring of 2016. Now HRH Prince Harry has officially confirmed he will marry his actress girlfriend Meghan Markle. Their engagement was announced by Harry's father, HRH Prince Charles, last Monday. Clarence House said in a statement: 'His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales is delighted to announce the engagement of Prince Harry to Ms Meghan Markle.'

The couple will wed in spring 2018, with May 19 widely tipped to be the date for their nuptials. Opening up during the engagement in their first joint interview, Harry, 33, and Meghan 36, revealed to the BBC's Mishal Husain how he proposed 'a few weeks ago', about 18 months after they first met. [_____1_____] 'It was just an amazing surprise,' said Meghan, who revealed it was 'an instant yes' from her. 'It was so sweet and natural and very romantic. He got on one knee.' she added.

Recalling the moment, Harry said: 'She didn't even let me finish, she said:"Can I say yes? Can I say yes?" and then there were hugs and I had the ring in my finger and I was like: "Can I - can I give you the ring?" She goes: "Oh, yes, the ring!" He continued: 'It was a really nice moment, just the two of us.'

The ring was designed by Harry, with Meghan describing it as 'beautiful' and 'incredible'. The classic yellow gold band features three stones - the larger, central diamond is from Botswana, where the couple have spent time together in the past 18 months. In a fitting tribute to his mother, the two outside diamonds are from the late Diana, Princess of Wales's personal collection 'to make sure that she's with us on this crazy journey together', explained Harry.

The couple described how they had met on a blind date arranged by a mutual female friend. 'I was beautifully surprised when I walked into that room and saw her and I thought, right, I need to up my game and make sure I've got good chat,' laughed Harry.

Meghan added: 'I didn't know much about him and so the only thing I had asked her when she wanted to set us up was: "Is he nice?" [_____2_____] And so we met for a drink and then very quickly we said: "What are we doing tomorrow?"

Harry, who admitted that he had never watched Meghan in Suits, continued: 'Then it was "Right, diaries! We need to see how we can make this work." Because I was off to Africa for a month, she was working.'

Their meeting led to two further dates in London, and the besotted prince then persuaded Meghan to join him on holiday in Botswana a few weeks later. 'We camped out with each other under the stars...She came and joined me for five days out there, which was absolutely fantastic,' adding: 'It was absolutely amazing to get to know her as quickly as I did.'

On spending a lot of time at home together while dating instead of being seen in public, Harry said: 'We had to reverse the whole process. Cosy nights in front of the television, cooking dinner just the two of us by ourselves in our little cottage, rather than going out for dinner and being seen in public. It's made us a hell of a lot closer in a shorter space of time, without question.'

Meanwhile, Meghan confirmed she has already met Harry's grandmother, Her Majesty the Queen, 'a couple of times' and revealed that 'she's an incredible woman'. Praising his grandparents, Harry said they had been 'wonderful throughout this whole process' and called it 'a miracle' that they hadn't told anyone about the secret romance.

The couple giggled as they revealed that the Queen's pet pooches took an instant liking to Meghan, laying on her feet during tea. 'The corgis took to you straight away,' Harry reminded his fiancée during the interview. 'I've spent the last 33 years being barked at - this one walks in, absolutely nothing, just wagging tails!'

Speaking about Meghan's meetings with other members of the royal family, Harry told his brother HRH Prince William 'was longing to meet her and so was [his wife[ Catherine'. He added that HRH the Duchess of Cambridge 'has been absolutely amazing, as has William as well'.

Harry also described 'a handful of teas and meetings' with his father Prince Charles, praising the wonderful support his family have shown them as a couple. The royal also spoke emotionally about how his late mother would have loved his future wife. 'They'd be thick as thieves, without question,' Harry said. 'I think she would be over the moon, jumping up and down - you know, so excited for me...She would have probably been best friends, best friends with Meghan.' [_____3_____]

On a more uplifting note, Harry reflected on his powerful feelings for Meghan: 'The fact that I fell in love with Meghan so incredibly quickly was confirmation to me that all the stars were aligned, everything was just perfect. This beautiful woman just tripped and fell into my life and I fell into her life.'

Crediting her with having the qualities to take on such a prominent royal role, he said: 'I know that she'll be really unbelievably good at the job part of it,' adding it's 'obviously a huge relief to me as she'll be able to deal with everything else that comes with it. We're a fantastic team, we know we are'.

Meghan added that their shared passion to strive for change in the world was one of the first things they 'connected on'.

Vowing always to put their relationship first, Harry confirmed: 'A couple of months in when I thought, I know that I'm in love with this girl and I hope she's in love with me.'

They glossed over the subject of children, merely saying that they're taking it 'one step at a time', with Harry saying: 'Hopefully we'll start a family in the near future.'

Earlier that day, on the dot of 2pm, Harry and Meghan greeted the waiting media at Kensington Palace for the highly -anticipated engagement photo call.

Holding hands, the besotted couple walked briskly through the formal sunken gardens, one of Diana's favourite places.

Meghan, who looked beautiful in a white belted £450 coat by Line The Label which she wore over a dark green dress by PAROSH, teamed with Aquazzura cream heels and gold and opal earrings from Les Plaisirs de Birks, gave Harry's arm a reassuring rub as the visibly nervous, but elated, prince prepared to announce the news.

Encouraged by Harry, who was dressed in a dark blue suit and tie, Meghan gave the cameras a flash of her stunning engagement ring, which was designed by Harry himself and crafted by British jewellers Cleave & Company, court jewellers and medallists to Her Majesty the Queen.

Adelle Thompson, head of buying at Beaverbrooks, explained: 'The three stones are said to represent a couple's past present and future together - a romantic and meaningful gesture from the prince.'

Royal expert Duncan Larcombe told OK! of Harry's decision to pay tribute to his late mother: 'It's really sweet. Obviously Prince William was able to give his late mother's engagement ring to Kate, so this is a very nice touch from Harry and his version of making that gesture that nod to his mother, which would have been important to him.'

Asked by a reporter if the proposal was romantic, a grinning Harry remarked: 'Of course it was!' Harry also said he was 'over the moon' to be engaged, while Meghan said she was 'so very happy'. When asked when he knew Meghan was the one, he replied: 'The very first time we met'. Harry also jokingly added: 'I'm very glad it's not raining as well!'

Harry then pulled a giggling Meghan closer to him as she placed a perfectly manicured hand on his chest before retreating to the palace to record their interview.

As soon as the news was announced, Meghan's parents, Thomas Markle and Doria Ragland - who divorced when Meghan was six years old - publicly congratulated their daughter, saying in a statement: 'We are incredibly happy for Maghan and Harry. Our daughter has always been a kind and loving person. To see her union with Harry, who shares the same qualities, is a source of great joy for us as parents. We wish them a lifetime of happiness and are very excited for their future together.'

Harry's brother and sister-in-law, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, also revealed their delight at the impending royal wedding, commenting: 'We are very excited for Harry and Meghan. It has been wonderful getting to know Meghan and to see how happy she and Harry are together.'

In accordance with royal protocol, Harry, who is fifth in line to the throne, sought the approval of his grandmother Her Majesty the Queen before making the news public.

The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh were also quick to send their best wishes, saying they were 'delighted' for their grandson, adding that they 'wish them every happiness'.

Also commenting on their engagement, Duncan, who has worked closely with Harry as a royal correspondent, told OK!: 'Harry has never looked so happy. He's like the cat that got the cream. He's marrying for love. It doesn't matter all this discussion of whether Meghan is suitable or not, clearly the Queen and Prince Charles have allowed this to happen because they can see how serious and happy he is. He's had a long search for the right person.' [_____4_____] He'll be mostly relieved that she said yes! They'll be quite excited. He's followed his brother's blueprint."

While a wedding date has not officially been made public at the time of going to press, it was widely speculated that the event could take place on April 20, a Windsor Castle revealed they would be closed on that date, and the days before and afterwards, although a spokesperson said they could not comment on private events.

St George's Chapel inside Windsor Castle would prove to be the perfect location for their big day - while it is smaller than Westminster Abbey, where Harry's brother William married Kate in April 2011, it is still grand enough to host a high-profile royal wedding.

Duncan, who is the author of Prince Harry: The Inside Story, says he would be 'very surprised' if the wedding is not held at St George's Chapel, telling OK!: 'Windsor Castle is the most likely venue.' He adds: 'If Harry wanted to sort his wedding plans out, he would choose a country church and a local pub with very few close mates, but that's obviously not going to happen. That's about as likely as a Las Vegas stag do!'

While not believed to be on the same scale as William and Kate's big day, royal experts are still convinced it will be an impressive affair. Duncan says: 'I think Prince Harry will have a big wedding. I don't think he would want to disappoint the public. On the wedding day they will do a double reception like William and Kate did, which will involve a formal set-piece reception, followed by a slightly more intimate affair with family and friends.' As for the entertainment, Duncan says: 'We could have some American razzmatazz! The question is, how much will belong to royal protocol? Will they have Beyoncé there and have fireworks at midnight, or will it be much more traditional?'

It is believed that the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, will perform the wedding after his predecessor Rowan Williams conducted the marriage of Kate and William. The Queen and Prince Philip were also married by the Archbishop of Canterbury, while the religious leader also carried out the christenings of Prince George and Princess Charlotte, proving he has a special relationship with the royals. 

Taking to Twitter following the news of the engagement, Justin wrote: 'I'm absolutely delighted to hear the news that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are now engaged. [_____5_____] It is also assumed that, on the morning of his wedding, the Queen will give Harry the title the Duke of Sussex, meaning Meghan will become the Duchess of Sussex following their vows. The actress, who recently filmed her last series of US legal drama Suits, will automatically become Her Royal Highness and will become a full-time member of the royal family, who will be expected to carry out duties alongside her husband. 'I think what lies ahead is life as a full-time working royal, which comes at a crucial time when the Queen is in her nineties and in need for some of the burden, in particular her foreign overseas travel, to be lifted,' says Duncan, adding: 'She also now has a much bigger platform from which to make change with her charity work.'

As for what this means for the royal family, he adds: 'I think this is an absolute demonstration of how William and in particular Harry have transformed the relevance of the modern British royal family. Harry is so popular. They could have a Shrek-themed wedding and the public would love it. It wouldn't matter!'

The couple's exciting announcement follows months of mounting speculation about their intentions. Rumours of an engagement went into full throttle in mid-October when it was claimed that Meghan spent an afternoon with the Queen at Buckingham Palace, where they chatted and sipped tea.

Meanwhile, last month bookmakers suspended odds on a royal wedding taking place next year, amid claims the prime minister, Theresa may, had been primed for an 'imminent' announcement.

the news comes seven years after Harry's brother William announced his engagement to Kate. Their engagement became public on November 16, 2010, with their lavish wedding taking place just five months later.

With a big wedding to plan, Meghan recently finalised a permanent move from her home in Toronto, cnada, to London, where she now lives with Harry at his two-bedroom Kensignton Palace residence. So far one of her beloved dogs has been moved over to the UK.


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RARE: MR. BEAN'S SPEECH - ANGOL szövegkiegészítős hallásértés - LISTENING B2 - angol középfok

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!


Örök inspiráció: Mr. Bean, akit nem gyakran hallunk beszélni, de ha Ő egyszer kinyitja a száját, akkor már szakértőként szólal meg. Hallgassuk meg, műértőként mit mond a következő, roppant értékes festményről egy rangos eseményen és közben töltsük ki beszéde hiányzó elemeit. Have fun! :)


"Dr. Bean, great English arts scholar is here to speak for a few minutes (not too long, Doctor!) on the subject of our new purchase. Ladies and Gentlemen, Dr. Bean of the National Gallery London."


Mr. Bean:

"Mmmm. Ah, ah. Well. Hello, I'm Dr. Bean. __________(1). And and my job is to sit and look at paintings. So, er...what have I __________(2) that I can say about this painting? Uhm. Well...well, firstly, it's quite big, which is excellent. Because if it __________(3) really small, you know, microscopic, then __________(4) anybody would be able to see it. Which would be a tremendous __________(5). Uhm...Secondly, and I'm getting quite near the end now of this... analysis... of this painting...secondly, why was it __________(6) this man here spending fifty million of your American dollars on this portrait? And the answer is, er.. well...this picture is worth __________(7) a lot of money because... it's a ... picture ... of Whistler's ... mother. And as I've learnt by staying with my best friend David Langley and his family, families are very important. And even __________(8) Mr. Whistler was perfectly __________(9) that his mother was a hideous old bat who looked like she'd had a cactus lodged up her __________(10), he stuck with her, and even took the time to paint this amazing picture of her. It's not just a painting. It's a picture of a mad old __________(11) who he thought the world of. And that's __________(12)... Well, that's what I think."



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Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!



Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Klasszikus TELC nyelvvizsgás szövegértés illetve LANGUAGE ELEMENTS feladat: Helyezz vissza 15 közül 10 szövegelemet a cikkbe. Tehát 5 szó felesleges lesz! Melyek? 

A- announcement, B- ceremony, C- congratulations, D- delighted,

E- duchess, F- engagement, G- expecting, H- gynaecologist, I- legislation,  

J- marriage, K- monarch, L- prince, M- pregnancy, N- sickness, O- throne      


The Duchess of Cambridge is __________(1) a baby, St James's Palace has announced. Members of the Royal Family and the duchess's family, the Middletons, are said to be delighted. A spokesman said the duchess, who is thought to be less than 12 weeks pregnant, has been admitted to a London hospital with acute morning __________(2) and is likely to stay for several days. The baby - the couple's first - will be born third in line to the __________(3), after Prince Charles and Prince William. Catherine and William, who are both 30, were married at Westminster Abbey in April 2011.
BBC's royal correspondent Peter Hunt said William and Kate were staying at her parents in Berkshire at the weekend and travelled to the private London hospital from there by car. William spent several hours with his wife but left the King Edward VII hospital shortly after 20:00 GMT. It is understood that Kate is being cared for by __________(4) Marcus Setchell, who delivered the Countess of Wessex's two children. The duchess was last seen in public on Friday when she visited her old school, St Andrew's, in Pangbourne in Berkshire. In a statement, St James's Palace said: "Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to announce that the Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a baby. "The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry and members of both families are __________(5) with the news." It said the duchess was suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum, which requires supplementary hydration and nutrients. "As the pregnancy is in its very early stages, Her Royal Highness is expected to stay in hospital for several days and will require a period of rest thereafter," it added. St James's Palace refused to be drawn on when the royal couple became aware of the pregnancy, only saying "recently". But it is understood the palace __________(6) was prompted by the Duchess's medical condition. The Queen, Prince Charles and other members of the Royal Family were only told about the pregnancy earlier in the day, our royal correspondent said. Prince William's brother Prince Harry, who is serving with the Army in Afghanistan, is thought to have been told about pregnancy in an e-mail. Daghni Rajasingham, a consultant obstetrician, told BBC Radio 4's PM programme the sickness will continue throughout the pregnancy in a "very small" number of cases and may result in future re-admission to hospital "But in terms of any particular complications, if it's treated well and they're kept well hydrated it's something that is relatively easy and well treated."
Asked about having children in an interview after their __________(7) in November 2010, William said: "I think we'll take it one step at a time. We'll get over the marriage thing first and then maybe look at the kids, but obviously we want a family."
Prime Minister David Cameron wrote on Twitter that he was "delighted by the news...They will make wonderful parents." Labour leader Ed Miliband tweeted: "Fantastic news for Kate, William and the country. A royal baby is something the whole nation will celebrate." A spokesman for the Royal Air Force, with which William serves as a search-and-rescue pilot, said: "The RAF is delighted with the news and wishes the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge all the best for the future." William's uncle Earl Spencer, the brother of Princess Diana, said the __________(8) was "wonderful news and I am thrilled for them both". The Archbishop of Canterbury, who married the couple, said: "The whole nation will want to join in celebrating this wonderful news. We wish the Duchess the best of health and happiness in the months ahead." The White House also paid tribute. President Barack Obama's press secretary Jay Carney said: "On behalf of everyone here...beginning with the president and first lady we extend our __________(9) to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on the welcome news we received from London that they are expecting their first child." Royal journalist Ingrid Seward said the royal pair were likely to have wanted to start a family "sooner rather than later", but delayed so that they could play their part in honouring the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. She told the BBC: "Kate will be 31 in January and I think by royal standards that is relatively old."
In October 2011, Commonwealth leaders agreed to change succession laws so that the daughter of any future UK monarch will have equal right to the throne as a son. The law has not yet been altered but a Cabinet Office spokesman says formal consent is expected "very shortly" and ministers have indicated that the __________(10) will apply to any royal births from the date of the leaders' decision. The monarch is also head of the armed forces, supreme governor of the Church of England, head of state of the UK and 15 other Commonwealth countries.


As with William and Kate's wedding, this pregnancy will be played out both on a private and a very public stage. It was the great unsaid. As one historian put it, the first "duty and ambition" of someone in the duchess' position was to produce an heir. Marriages and births are crucial to the very survival of the ancient institution. When the baby is born, Prince Harry's importance reduces and he relinquishes the position of third-in-line to the throne. Even if it's a girl, the government is insistent she will be head of state of Britain and, as things stand, 15 other countries where the Queen still reigns. The law will be changed, they say, to ensure she would not be overtaken by any younger brother. The hope in royal circles will be that the future of the monarchy has now been secured for another generation.

/Adapted from BBC News/ 


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ANGOLOS ÉRDEKESSÉGEK: Tudj meg többet Halloween-ról ebből a 12 kérdéses amerikai kulturális kvízből! Ezúttal magyarul kérdezek, de ez nem  feltétlen jelenti azt, hogy a kérdéssor annyira könnyű lesz! Viszont a kvízhez ANGOL NYELVŰ VIDEÓkból meríthetsz segítséget - sok kérdésre bennük megtalálod van a választ! 





  1. 1. Eredetileg honnan származik a Halloween-kor faragott tökfajta?

a) Közép-Amerika

b) Spanyolország

c) USA

  1. 2. A világ legnehezebb töke:

a) kb. 551 kg

b) kb.771 kg

c) kb. 881 kg

  1. 3. A Halloweenkor faragható tök magyar népi neve:

a) dinka

b) patisszon

c) spárgatök

  1. 4. Nagyjából mennyi magja van egy ilyen dísztöknek?

a) 200

b) 300

c) 500

  1. 5. A 19. századi angolok milyen gyógyhatást NEM tulajdonítottak a töknek?

a) kutyák és macskák székrekedésének elmulasztása

b) rövidlátás javítása

c) szeplő eltüntetése

  1. 6. Szokás szerint hova kell a töklámpást tenni és mikor?

a) verandára, október 31-én

b) ablakokba, október 31-én

c) verandára, november 1-jén

  1. 7. Milyen régre vezethető vissza az ünnep?

a) 1000 évre

b) 2000 évre

c) 3000 évre

  1. 8. Milyen kultúrából ered Halloween?

a) ókeresztény

b) keresztény

c) pogány kelta

  1. 9. Mit jelent Halloween?

a) Mindenszentek előestéje

b) halottak napja

c) kísértetek hajnala

  1. 10. Mi történik ezen a napon a hagyomány szerint?

a) álarcosbál a kísértetek elijesztésére

b) az alvilági rossz szellemek az élőket látogatják és megtréfálják őket

c) a szellemek töklámpába bújva ijesztgetnek

  1. 11. A kelták eredetileg mit ünnepeltek október végén/november elején?

a) a halottak napját

b) a boszorkányégetést

c) a kelta újévet

  1. 12. Mit mondanak a házról házra járó gyerekek a lakóknak, amikor édességért bekopognak hozzájuk?

a) tricks or sweets

b) trick or treat

c) tricks or tweets


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