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Örök inspiráció: Mr. Bean, akit nem gyakran hallunk beszélni, de ha Ő egyszer kinyitja a száját, akkor már szakértőként szólal meg. Hallgassuk meg, műértőként mit mond a következő, roppant értékes festményről egy rangos eseményen és közben töltsük ki beszéde hiányzó elemeit. Have fun! :)
"Dr. Bean, great English arts scholar is here to speak for a few minutes (not too long, Doctor!) on the subject of our new purchase. Ladies and Gentlemen, Dr. Bean of the National Gallery London."
Mr. Bean:
"Mmmm. Ah, ah. Well. Hello, I'm Dr. Bean. __________(1). And and my job is to sit and look at paintings. So, er...what have I __________(2) that I can say about this painting? Uhm. Well...well, firstly, it's quite big, which is excellent. Because if it __________(3) really small, you know, microscopic, then __________(4) anybody would be able to see it. Which would be a tremendous __________(5). Uhm...Secondly, and I'm getting quite near the end now of this... analysis... of this painting...secondly, why was it __________(6) this man here spending fifty million of your American dollars on this portrait? And the answer is, er.. well...this picture is worth __________(7) a lot of money because... it's a ... picture ... of Whistler's ... mother. And as I've learnt by staying with my best friend David Langley and his family, families are very important. And even __________(8) Mr. Whistler was perfectly __________(9) that his mother was a hideous old bat who looked like she'd had a cactus lodged up her __________(10), he stuck with her, and even took the time to paint this amazing picture of her. It's not just a painting. It's a picture of a mad old __________(11) who he thought the world of. And that's __________(12)... Well, that's what I think."
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Time Travelling
Jet lag can ruin your long-haul holiday, but our expert advice will leave you less spaced-out
Repültél már egyik időzónából egy másikba? (No, it's not a sci-fi movie casting..) Akkor valószínűleg nem ismeretlen számodra a JET LAG jelenség. A következőkben egy olyan cikket alakítottam át TELCLanguage Elements feladattá, mely e közismert utazóbetegség élettani hátterét mutatja be és hasznos szakértői tippeket ad arra, hogyan minimalizálhatjuk a JET LAG kellemetlen tüneteit.
A feladat hagyományosan: az alábbi 15 kifejezés közül csak 10 illik a szövegben elhelyezett GAP-ekbe. Melyek ezek és hova kerülnek?
Toddlers who refuse to sleep, adults cranky and hungry at the wrong time and a body clock that has gone haywire. Sound familiar? Yes, that's a long-haul holiday for many people. Jet lag is a physical inevitability for most of us when flying long distances, but there are ways to minimise its __________(1). It's all down to eating, sleeping and moving - we are loath to say exercise, because it isn't - so read on.
Your body has a natural clock set by the hours of sunlight you are exposed to daily. The light travels deep into your eyes and reaches the pineal gland, which in turn sends messages to __________(2) in your body that tell you when to wake up, when to feel tired, when to eat and even when to go to the toilet.
The trouble when you fly is that you are trying to reset this internal body clock quickly and it won't play game. It wants to, but it takes time - an estimated one day per one hour of time difference. In practice, that means it could take the entire two weeks of your holiday to __________(3) a 14-hour time difference, or a week to get over a typical flight to the US East Coast, say.
And guess what? Then you have to travel home and go through it all again.
We all know the symptoms of __________(4) - fuzzy head, tired during the day, wide awake at night, hungry but never at mealtimes and the sudden desire to go to the toilet at weird times. However, there are some simple things you can do to help reset your your body clock as quickly as possible to minimise these symptoms.
Lisa Artis of the Sleep Council stresses that diet, moving and getting out in the sunlight and fresh air are key.
"Diet plays a large part in setting your body clock. The day before you fly, make sure you eat three balanced __________(5), including at least five servings of fruit or green vegetables and one portion of protein-rich food, such as white fish or tofu."
"Drink plenty of water on your journey and while on holiday to keep your body hydrated and feeling refreshed. Once on the plane, set your watch to the local time of your __________(6). Pack an eye mask and ear plugs and use them if it's nighttime where you're going. Equally keep the light on and mask off if it's daytime in your destination. Whether on your journey there or on your way home, eat according to the mealtimes of the place you're going, avoid alcohol and take regular walks up and down the __________(7)."
"Try to get out and about as soon as you can if you land in daylight. Enjoy the sunlight and let it help reset you pineal gland. Also, try to eat at the time of your destination's mealtimes, even if it's only a snack to help reset your digestive tract. Stay active and avoid __________(8) until bedtime - get out and walk in the fresh air. If you arrive and it's nighttime, have a carbohydrate-rich meal, pop two magnesium citrate tablets to help your body rest - magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant - and try to sleep. Don't stress if you can't - simply lie quietly in the dark and gather your thoughts; try to relax and enjoy the quiet."
"During your break away, __________(9) a healthy diet to help control your wakefulness: high protein meals increase your alertness while lots of carbohydrates make you feel sleepier. If you can, take your pillow with you for some familiarity and comfort. For less exotic destinations, the problems are more likely to be about comfort than jet lag. An eye mask and ear plugs will help you sleep if noise or light outside is an __________(10). Keep your bed as a sleep zone and check the temperature. Ensure you keep the bedroom cool -the ideal sleeping environment is 16-18 °C."
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A TRÓNOK HARCA hetedik évadjának utolsó epizódja nézettségi REKORDOT ÁLLÍTOTT FEL! Ez szinte nem is lep meg senkit! Viszont: a médiahír bővebb angol változatával Te ezt a saját javadra is fordíthatod ☻ Gyakorolj szórakozva: a minihírből kimaradt alábbi 8 db prepozíciót helyezd vissza a szövegbe:
across, for, in, of, on, toward, until, with
Remember: WINTER IS HERE!!!
TheGame of Thrones Season 7 finale set an HBO ratings record _____(1) 16.5 million viewers, including those who watched _____(2) cable as well as HBO Go and the stand-alone HBO Now app. The fantasy drama has been HBO's most popular show _____(3) years, but its audience is still growing as it heads _____(4) its final season. Last year's finale had 8.9 million viewers, and this season's premiere _____(5) July had 10.1 million. With delayed viewing, the numbers are far higher. HBO said each episode this season had more than 30 million viewers _____(6) platforms. There is plenty _____(7) time for anticipation to build for the six-episode final season, which might not premiere _____(8) 2019.
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Biztosan mindannyian hallottátok már, hogy az ORIGÓ NYELVVIZSGARENDSZER MEGVÁLTOZIKidén novembertől. Szinte minden készséget a régihez képest duplán fognak mérni, azaz az írásbeli és szóbeli szövegértésből is (azaz Reading Comprehension-ből és a Listeningből is) 2-2 feladatot fogtok kapni, Writing-ból, azaz szövegformálásos feladatból is kettő lesz (választható levél + valamilyen jellegű véleménynyilvánítás) és újra két irányba is kell majd fordítani (Közvetítés angolról magyarra - középfokon, illetve magyarról angolra is - felsőfokon). A Speaking rész ellenben ugyanaz maradt: interjú, témakifejtés kép alapján és szituációs szerepjáték/párbeszéd.
Úgyhogy lássunk is hozzá a felkészüléshez! Mára hoztam nektek egy "LYUKAS" SZÖVEGET (Gapfilling), amely egyébként a NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC publikációi között jelent meg és az intőrákok párválasztásáról szól. A feladat pedig a nyelvvizsga által megszabott lesz: Helyezz vissza a megadott 5 elem közül 4-et a szövegben hagyott GAPekbe (rés/szöveglyuk), tehát egy elem felesleges lesz, azt ki kell hagyni. Rajta!
Why (Claw) Size Matters
All around her, guys wave seductively, beckoning her to their beach homes. [1] By the quality of his lodging, the allure of his wave - and, especially the size of his claw.
The female fiddler crab has two small, symmetrical claws; the male has one small and one oversize. "The large claw is all about the initial attraction," says marine biologist Zachary Darnell of Louisiana's Nicholls State University. [2] "Maybe a crab with a large claw relative to his body size , and a bit higher wave than others" - because if he can tote and swing a claw that's up to half his body weight, he's probably a physically fit sire.
After the pair has sex in the beach burrow, the female stays there while her eggs develop; the male goes back to waving and often brings home other females. [3] It's a thermoregulator, as air passing over it seems to dissipate heat and lower body temperature.
A big claw is also the male crab's best weapon: [4] After a few weeks, the pregnant females will emerge from that love lair and head for the waterline, where they'll release their larvae.
(Adapted from National Geographic - author: Patricia Edmonds)
Place the following items back into the text. There is an extra item you will not need.
A- After checking out several males and the love-nest burrows they've dug, a female "will find a male whose claw she really likes," he says.
B- He uses it to fight rivals and keep intruders away from his burrow.
C- When it comes to claws, right-handed attracts the females.
D- How will a female fiddler crab pick a mate?
E- On the hot sand, his claw is more than just a chick magnet, Darell's research has found.
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A "Vállalhatatlan, nyomdafestéket nem tűrő dalszövegek sorozat" következő epizódja
This is so much AMY! Ez megint annyira Amy...és hát, igen: nem csak mi nyertünk Oscar-t, hanem ennek a kivételes tehetségű énekesnőnek az életét feldolgozó dokumentumfilm is: AMY.
Ez pedig - tőle szokás szerint - nem éppen egy szokványos szerelmes dal, angolul és magyarul (Zs.M.)
A következő 12 szó hiányzik a számból, rakd őket a megfelelő helyre:
Ha Télapó, akkor Mikulás, ha Santa Claus, akkor Father Christmas, ha Karácsony, akkor Jingle Bells! De hogy van a szövege angolul? És miről is szól? Hallgass bele! Mindig a Tiéd az utolsó szó! Hajrá!
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"BOLDOG HÁLAADÁST!" - mondják az amerikaiak. De mikor? Éppen ma! És mire? Hát, ha csak annyi ugrik be, hogy van az a 'pulykás ünnep', most magadra szedhetsz egy kis plusz infót a következő EXTRA ÜNNEPI ismeretterjesztő szövegkitöltős feladatból! :)
Mindössze annyit kell tenned, hogy a következő szavakat beilleszted a hiányos szövegbe:
Thanksgiving is celebrated in the US on the __________(1) Thursday in __________(2). For many Americans it is the most important holiday apart from __________(3). Schools, offices and most businesses close for Thanksgiving, and many people make the whole __________(4) a vacation.
Thanksgiving is associated with the time when Europeans first came to __________(5) America. In 1620 the ship the __________(6) arrived , bringing about 150 people who today are usually called __________(7). They arrived at the beginning of a very hard __________(8) and could not find enough to eat , so many of them __________(9). But in the following ___________(10) Native Americans showed them what foods were safe to eat, so that they could save food for the next winter. They held a big __________(11) to thank God and the Native Americans for the fact that they had survived. Today people celebrate Thanksgiving to remember these early days. The most important part of the celebration is a traditional __________(12) with foods that come from North America. The meal includes __________(13), sweet potatoes (also called yams) and cranberries, which are made into a kind of __________(14) or jelly. The turkey is filled with __________(15) or dressing, and many families have their own special __________(16). Dessert is pumpkin made into a __________(17). On Thanksgiving there are special television programmes and sports events. In New York there is the MACY'S THANKSGIVING PARADE, when a long line of people wearing fancy __________(18) march through the streets with large baloons in the shape of imaginary characters. Thanksgiving is considered the __________(19) of the Christmas period, and the next day many people go out to shop for Christmas __________(20).
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Ha eddig úgy gondoltad, ismered a "Bitliszt"...hallgasd meg ezt. Lehet, hogy tévedtél. Hogy feladat is legyen: néhány helyen kimaradtak a rímpárok (5x2 db szó). Illeszd be őket a megfelelő GAP-be:
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Az angolos általános műveltség itt kezdődik. :D Azaz, igen, mint angolt tanuló egyén, bizonyos örökzöldek szövegét vágnod kell :)) Különben is, mit ér az egész fáradságod, ha nem tudod, miről szólnak a hatalmas "klasszikus" slágerek?!
A Te feladatod pedig: TÖLTSD KI A DALSZÖVEGET (LYRICS) A HIÁNYZÓ AZ SZEMÉLYES NÉVMÁSOKKAL (alany, tárgy és birtokos eset) ÉS BIRTOKOS MELLÉKNEVEKKEL! Íme a széles választék, melyből szükség esetén néhányat többször is felhasználhatsz: I, me, mine, my, we, you, your, yours. Hajrá!
Elvis Presley:
Love ______ tender Love _____ sweet Never let _____ go _____ have made _____ life complete And _____ love ______ so
Love _____ tender Love _____ true All _____ dreams fulfilled For _____ darlin' _____ love _____ And _____ always will
Love _____ tender Love _____ long Take _____ to _____ heart For it's there that _____ belong And _____'ll never part
Love _____ tender Love _____ true All _____ dreams fulfilled For _____ darlin' _____ love _____ And _____ always will
Love _____ tender Love _____ dear Tell ______ ______ are _____ I'll be _____ through all the years Till the end of time
Love _____ tender Love _____ true All _____ dreams fulfilled For _____ darlin' _____ love _____ And _____ always will
Hogy tetszett a listening feladat? Ha megért egy LIKE-ot, nyomj egy LIKE-ot! :D
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Ez egy kombinált LISTENING-GAPFILLING feladat. 2 legyet üthetsz egy csapásra: a hallott szövegértés és a szövegkiegészítés is nyelvvizsga típusfeladatok. Hallgasd meg az interjút, ahányszor csak akarod és próbáld az üres helyeket kitölteni a hiányzó szavakkal, kifejezésekkel. A magyar fordítás segíthet, amelyet közvetlenül az angol nyelvű alatt találsz. Jó angolozást! :)
Ha nem is OSCART, de NYERT!!!
Azaz Leonardo DiCaprio a Golden Globe díjátadón a The Wolf of Wall Street-tel!! Láttátok? Csak itt: Exkluzív interjú LEO-val ANGOLUL ÉS MAGYAR FORDÍTÁSSAL a film üzenetéről, Jay Gatsby és Jordan összehasonlításáról, és forgatási részletekről alább by
INTERVIEWER: Leonardo, please talk about what type of commentary this is _______(1) about the _____(2) that is kind of permeated in our culture. We’ve seen this on Wall Street, but it could be ___(3) business, right?
LEO: Oh, well yeah I mean it was very much our ________(4). I mean the motivation for it really came out of what ___________(5) in 2008 and the ________(6) that we wanted to get this movie out now I think that it’s very difficult to do a film with Wall Street in the title period because people just have a ___ _____(7) in their _______(8) about that ________ _______(9) but in a lot of ways this story to me is like a microcosm of a much bigger problem and that’s the the, you know,..this attitude that we’ve had about __________(10) as much as we possibly can and ___________(11) as much ________(12) as we possibly can without any _________(13) for..for the people that it ________(14) and you know these guys in the story aren’t the ___ ____(15) upon Wall Street, they’re not the ___ ____(16) but they ________(17) something in our culture and that’s what we _________(18) to ________(19) in this movie.
INTERVIEWER: Do you see a _________(20) with Jay Gatsby at all with Jordan? I mean, is there some type of ___________(21)?
LEO: Er…other than, you know, wanting to obtain as much wealth as they ____(22) possibly can ___(23) any ______(24) I think there is a _________(25) between the ____(26) of ______(27). And I think the distinction was that J. Gatsby did it for the love of Daisy and Jordan did it for the love of ________(28)..hehe.
INTERVIEWER: Actors sometimes have to do quite thick things in movies. With the extreme things you had to do, whether pretending to be on drugs and all that…How interesting was it physically for you to go through some of the _____________(29)?
LEO: Well, you know, ____(30) I’ve said before I felt like this was a modern fall of the ______(31) Empire this was like a _________(32), this was a Roman ________(33) gone ______(34) and so we wanted to put that _______(35) a modern _________(36) and so every day on ____(37) was a sort of ________(38) journey and the fun of it was you know we really wanted to push the __________(39) as far as we possibly could and in Jordan’s story so you need because he actually did _______(40) things. These’re not _________(41) a writer could create. His boat did crash, I mean, his boat did _____(42), his private plane that _____(43) to get ____(44) did crash on the _____(45) and he did do that _____(46) drugs and he did go you know and _______(47) with that many ________(48) and and and ___(49) that many people ___(50) and all these extreme __________(51) were in the ______(52) and you know it’s a __________ _____(53) in a sense that he’s reflecting back on his life now and uhm..but it’s the same time period that it happen in a modern day _______(54) and that’s why we wanted to really put it upon ________(55) because I think it was an important story to tell.
RIPORTER: Leonardo, kérem, beszéljen arról, hogy milyen véleményt akar nyilvánítani (a film) a kapzsiságról, ami úgymond áthatja a kultúránkat? Ezt már megtapasztaltuk a Wall Streeten, de akár bármilyen üzletről is lehetne szó, nem?
LEO: Ó, hát igen, úgy értem, eléggé tükröt tartott elénk. Úgy értem, a motiváció maga tényleg abból jött, ami 2008-ban történt és az ösztönzés, hogy most jöjjünk ki ezzel a filmmel azt hiszem az, hogy elég nehéz dolog Wall Streetes filmet csinálni egy időben a történésekkel, mert az embereknek rossz a szájíze ezzel a témával kapcsolatban, de nekem ez a sztori nagyon sok tekintetben olyan mint egy sokkal nagyobb problémának a mikrokozmosza..és ez a..a… tudja, az a fajta hozzáállásunk, hogy fogyasszunk annyit, amennyi csak belénk fér, hogy szedjünk össze egy akkora vagyont, amekkorát csak tudunk minden tekintet nélkül arra, hogy más emberek életét ez hogyan befolyásolja, és tudja, nem ezek a fiúk a nagy halak a történetben, nem ők az igazi nagymenők a Wall Streeten, de a kultúránkban képviselnek valamit, és ezt akartuk megvizsgálni a filmben.
RIPORTER: Lát bármi hasonlóságot Jay Gatsby és Jordan között? Úgy értem, van valami folytonosság kettőjük között?
LEO: Ö…leszámítva, hogy mindkettő annyi gazdagságra akar szert tenni, amennyire csak tud, bármilyen áron, azt hiszem, hogy különbséget kell tennünk köztük. A különbség köztük pedig az, hogy míg Gatsby mindezt Daisy szerelméért tette, addig Jordan pusztán csak saját magáért…hehe.
RIPORTER: A színészeknek sokszor elég durva dolgokat kell megcsinálniuk filmekben. Mindazokkal a szélsőséges dolgokkal, amikkel pl. a drogfüggőség eljátszása jár, meg ilyenek…fizikailag mennyire volt érdekes keresztülmenni ezeken a megpróbáltatásokon?
LEO: Hát, ahogy azt korábban is mondtam, számomra ez olyan volt, mint a Római Birodalom bukása, mint Caligula…ez egy római császár kudarca volt és mindezt mi egy mai kontextusba akartuk helyezni, szóval minden egyes nap a forgatáson olyan volt, mint egy őrült utazás és a móka az volt az egészben, tudja, hogy megpróbáltuk feszegetni a határokat, amennyire csak lehetséges. És Jordan sztorijában így is kellett csinálni, mivel ő tényleg megtette ezeket a dolgokat. Ezek nem olyan részletek, amiket egy író ki tud találni. Az ő hajója tényleg ripityára törött, azaz elsüllyedt, a magángépe, ami őt jött menteni, tényleg felrobbant útközben és ő tényleg annyit drogozott, annyi nőt fektetett le és valóban annyi embert használt ki, és ezek a szélsőséges helyzetek mind benne vannak a könyvben, és tudja, ez bizonyos értelemben egy elrettentő példa/tanulságos mese abban, ahogy ez az életére rányomta a bélyegét végül..és ö mindez mai kontextusba van helyezve és ezért akartuk annyira filmre vinni, mert szerintem ez egy olyan történet, amit fontos volt elmondani az embereknek.
Congratulations Leo!
INTERVIEWER: Leonardo, please talk about what type of commentary this is MAKING (1) about the GREED (2) that is kind of permeated in our culture. We’ve seen this on Wall Street, but it could be ANY (3) business, right?
LEO: Oh, well yeah I mean it was very much our REFLECTION (4). I mean the motivation for it really came out of what HAPPENED (5) in 2008 and the INCENTIVE (6) that we wanted to get this movie out now I think that it’s very difficult to do a film with Wall Street in the title period because people just have a BAD TASTE (7) in their MOUTH (8) about that SUBJECT MATTER (9) but in a lot of ways this story to me is like a microcosm of a much bigger problem and that’s the the, you know,..this this attitude that we’ve had about CONSUMING (10) as much as we possibly can and OBTAINING (11) as much WEALTH (12) as we possibly can without any REGARD (13) for..for the people that it AFFECTS (14) and you know these guys in the story aren’t the BIG FISH (15) upon Wall Street, they’re not the FAT CATS (16) but they REPRESENT (17) something in our culture and that’s what we WANTED (18) to EXPLORE (19) in this movie.
INTERVIEWER: Do you see a SIMILARITY (20) with Jay Gatsby at all with Jordan? I mean, is there some type of CONTINUATION (21)?
LEO: Er…other than, you know, wanting to obtain as much wealth as they BOTH (22) possibly can AT (23) any COST (24) I think there is a DISTINCTION (25) between the TWO (26) of THEM (27). And I think the distinction was that J. Gatsby did it for the love of Daisy and Jordan did it for the love of HIMSELF (28)..hehe.
INTERVIEWER: Actors sometimes have to do quite thick things in movies. With the extreme things you had to do, whether pretending to be on drugs and all that…How interesting was it physically for you to go through some of the ASSIGNMENTS (29)?
LEO: Well, you know, LIKE (30) I’ve said before I felt like this was a modern fall of the ROMAN (31) Empire this was like a CALIGULA (32), this was a Roman EMPEROR (33) gone AWRY (34) and so we wanted to put that INTO (35) a modern CONTEXT (36) and so every day on SET (37) was a sort of INSANE (38) journey and the fun of it was you know we really wanted to push the BOUNDARIES (39) as far as we possibly could and in Jordan’s story so you need because he actually did THESE (40) things. These’re not SOMETHING (41) a writer could create. His boat did crash, I mean, his boat did SINK (42), his private plane that CAME (43) to get HIM (44) did crash on the WAY (45) and he did do that MANY (46) drugs and he did go you know and SLEEP (47) with that many WOMEN (48) and and and RIPPED (49) that many people OFF (50) and all these extreme CIRCUMSTANCES (51) were in the BOOK (52) and you know it’s a CAUTIONARY TALE (53) in a sense that he’s reflecting back on his life now and uhm..but it’s the same time period that it happen in a modern day CONTEXT (54) and that’s why we wanted to really put it upon SCREEN (55) because I think it was an important story to tell.