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2016. április 23. - EnglishOnline

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

 Intermediate (B1) level (Cosmo)

- Magyarról angolra fordítás -

NÉVELŐK (a/an, the, -)





1. Micsoda érdekes hely ez!

What/Such an interesting place (it is)!

2. Sohase nézz egyenesen a napba!

Never look straight into the Sun!

3. Az öcsém barátnője mérnök.

My brother's girlfriend is an engineer.

4. Dédnagymamám a legidősebb ember a családban.

My great-grandmother is the oldest person in the family.

5. Általában hetente kétszer röplabdázom.

I usually play volleyball twice a week.

6. Az unokatestvéreim egy hatalmas házban laknak.

My cousins live in an enormous house.

7. Hozott neked John ajándékot szülinapodra? 

Did John bring you a present for your birthday?

8. Jövő szombaton megyek nyaralni.

I'm going on holiday next Saturday.

9. Légy szíves, kapcsold ki a számítógépet, ha végeztél!

Please switch off the computer when you finish/after you have finished.

10. Tudnál Viberen üzenetet küldeni?

Could you text me on Viber, please?

11. Szerinted a pénz tényleg fontosabb mint a szeretet?

Do you really think money is more important than love?

12. Ez volt a legszebb dolog, amit valaki valaha mondott nekem.

That's the nicest thing someone has ever told me.

13. Nagyjából havonta egyszer járunk színházba.

We go to the theatre about once a month.

14. Egyszerűen imádom a musicalt!

I just love musicals!

15. 8-kor mentem el a munkahelyemről, de csak 11-re értem haza.

I left work at 8 but I only got home at/by 11.


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Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.


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US STORY: ***** From BRUCE to CAITLYN ***** - A Journey to Courage - The Award Ceremony+GAPS to fill

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

As she puts it:

"2015 is gonna be quite a ride, quite a ride..."

"Bruce lives _ lie. SHE is NOT _ lie. I just can’t do it anymore.” (Bruce Jenner) Mi hiányzik az idézetből? Aprócska dolognak tűnhet, de a NÉVELŐK (ARTICLES) helyes használata egy idegen nyelvben még haladó nyelvtanulókon is sokszor kifog. Miközben olvasol, töltsd ki a szenzációs sztori szövegét határozott névelővel (THE), határozatlannal (A/AN), de vigyázz, van úgy, hogy egyáltalán nincs szükség névelőre (-)!




Minden idők legjobb amerikai ex-atlétája, az olimpiai tízpróba bajnok Bruce már mint Caitlyn Jenner vehette át júliusban a kiemelkedő teljesítményt nyújtó sportolóknak járó ESPY tiszteletbeli Bátorság Díját a Los Angeles-i díjátadón. 65 év megpróbáltatásai után Bruce végül őszintén feltárta családja és a nyilvánosság előtt az egész világot sokkoló tényt: egészen kisgyermekkora óta mindig is a női nemmel azonosult, titokban női ruhákba bújt, amikor sem az akkori felesége, sem a gyerekei nem látták, mi több, szembesítette szeretteit azzal, hogy valójában idegenként élte le saját testében élete legjavát. Néhány hónappal ezelőttig képtelen volt megosztani bárkivel élete legnagyobb dilemmáját, őrlődéseit és titkolózását, beleértve a legközelebbi hozzátartozóit is, amikor is végül beavatta családját a végső és visszafordíthatatlan elhatározásába: most már önmagaként akarja leélni hátralevő életét, amihez transzszexuális átalakító műtéten kíván átesni. Az operáció óta Caitlyn először boldog, a közvélemény szerint igazán vonzó nő és a legkritikusabb időszakon túljutott családja bevallása alapján most sokkal jobb szülő, kiegyensúlyozottabb és boldogabb ember lett. Jelenleg napi életébe enged bepillantást új valóságshow-ja, az I AM CAIT.

A kitöltendő eredeti brit újságcikk az ESPY Díjátadóról szól, amire múlt hónapban került sor.

Segítő szószedetet a cikk végén találsz :)

Kellemes angolozást!





Watched by her family, Caitlyn Jenner looked both proud and emotional as she accepted ___(1) Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the Excellence in ___(2) Sports Performance Yearly Awards in Los Angeles.

Making her first public appearance since announcing in ___(3) interview on US TV in April that she was making the transition from male to female, the 65-year-old former athlete, who won ___(4) gold medal as Bruce Jenner in the men's decathlon in ___(5) 1976 Montreal Olympics, received a standing ovation after a rousing acceptance speech in which she thanked her family and highlighted the challenges faced by ___(6) transgender people.


Speaking before ___(7) ceremony, Caitlyn's 31-year-old son Brody, from Bruce's second marriage, to songwriter and former actress Linda Thomson, talked exclusively about overwhelming support Caitlyn has received since changing gender.

"None of us knew what was going to happen," he said. "All ___(8) family has 100 per cent supported Caitlyn and said, 'Go for it.' So I hoped for that and was blown away by the amount of support that was out there. It has been pretty inspirational to watch."


Brody knew about ___(9) planned transition as far back as 2012.

"You could just tell Bruce had some secrets. Obviously, I couldn't tell how deep those secrets were, what Bruce was really hiding, but when my mother told me, about three years ago, I think ___(10) first thing I said was, 'I need ___(11) drink'. And so I knew for years before Bruce decided to tell me. In that type of situation, you want the person who is going through the struggle to come out and you don't want to bring it up with them, so I waited.

"I felt very relieved for Caitlyn  when she told me because I knew it was ___(12) secret that she had been harbouring for ___(13) very long time.



When the announcement was made in early June that Caitlyn was to be honoured with an award, she had tweeted: "What ___(14) hell am I going to wear? On the night, looking elegant in ___(15) white Atelier Versace silk gown, she began her ten-minute speech on a light-hearted note.

"It seems like every time I turn around in ___(16) life, I'm putting myself in these high-pressure situations," she said. "But I've never felt more pressured than I ever have felt in my life than over the last couple of months. Picking out this outfit - okay, girls I get it! You've got to get the shoes, the hair, the make-up, ___(17) whole process. It was exhausting. And next, the fashion police - please be kind on me, I'm new at this."


Sitting in the audience were Caitlyn's sister Pam, her mother Esther and her six children - son Burton and daughter Cassandra from Bruce's first marriage to Chrystie Scott, who was also present; son Brody and his brother Brandon; and daughters Kendall and Kylie from Bruce's third marriage to Kris Kardashian.

Kris was also in the audience, as were her older daughters Kourtney, Kim said by Caitlyn to have been ___(18) most accepting of her transition - and Khloé Kardashian, who is said to have taken the news of her stepfather's transition the hardest. Their brother Rob wasn't there.


It was while thanking her family that Caitlyn - whose new reality TV show, ___(19) I am Cait, starts this weekend on E! - became tearful.

"Here comes ___(20) tough part," she said. "I'd like to thank my family. Now, the biggest fear I've always had in coming out was I never wanted to hurt anyone else, most of all my family and my kids. I always wanted my children to be so proud of their dad because of what he was able to accomplish in his life. You guys have given so much back to me. You've given me so much support. I am so, so grateful to have all of you in my life. Thank you."


Caitlyn's children have been supportive throughout her journey. On Father's Day, Kendall posted ___(21) photo on Instagram of herself as a toddler with Bruce, captioning it: " Happy Father's Day to ___(22) person who raised me, and taught me everything I know, my hero." She later praised Caitlyn's bravery in surprising the world as Vanity Fair's July cover girl and tweeted: "Be free now, pretty bird."

Kim, who met Caitlyn for the first time at the Vanity Fair photoshoot, said of her shortly afterwards: "She's beautiful and I'm so proud that she can just be her authentic self. I guess That's what ___(23) life is about."

Esther, who also supported Bruce's transition to Caitlyn, received a special mention in the speech. "You know I have always thought that I got my courage and my determination from my dad..., said Caitlyn. "But you know what I'm realising now Mom? I think I got all those qualities from you."



The main thrust of Caitlyn's speech, though, was to rally support for the transgender community. Bruce had made his first transition attempt in ___(24) late 1980s, when he took hormones, but abandoned treatment over concerns about his family before pursuing it again after his third marriage ended in 2013. Describing the process as "eye opening, inspiring but also frightening", Caitlyn laid out in stark terms the dangers young trans people face today.

"They are getting bullied, they're getting beaten up, they're getting murdered and they're committing suicide.," she said, adding later: "If you want to call me names, make jokes, doubt my intentions, go ahead, because ___(25) reality is I can take it. But for the thousands of kids out there coming to terms with being true to who they are, shouldn't have to take it."


Want to know more?

Watch Caitlyn's Courage Award Acceptance Speech

Watch Jenner's Final Interview as Bruce

Watch Bruce Reveal His Transitioning to His Family

Watch How the Family Accepts the Truth

Watch Reality Show I Am Cait Trailer



herself=önmaga (nőként)




to accept=elfogad, átvesz (díjat)



public appearance=nyilvános szereplés

to announce=bejelent

transition=ellenkező neművé alakító operáció


rousing acceptance speech=lelkesítő díjátvételi beszéd

to highlight=kiemel, hangsúlyoz





support=támogatás, segítség


be blown away=el van kápráztatva

amount=(itt) mértéke vminek

you could just tell=egyszerűen lehetett tudni/érezni

to hide=rejteget

struggle=küzdelem, küszködés

to come out=felfedni magát, napvilágra hozni vmit

to bring sg up=felhozni, előhozakodni valamivel


to harbour=rejteget


announcement=publikus kinyilvánítás, kihirdetés

to be honoured=megtiszteltetés éri

silk gown=selyem estélyi ruha


on a light-hearted note=emelkedett szívvel/hangulatban


outfit=öltözék, szerelés



be kind on me=bánjatok finoman/kedvesen velem

I'm new at this=újonc/tapasztalatlan vagyok ebben/ezen a területen



to take sg the hardest=a legnehezebben visel vmit


reality show=valóságshow

stepfather=mostoha apa

tough=kemény, durva, nehéz

to accomplish=elérni valamit

supportive=segítőkész, támogató

throughout=mindvégig keresztül valamin

journey=út, utazás

toddler=totyogó baba

to caption=képet elnevez/leír, képleírást csatol

to raise sy=felnevel

to praise=méltat, dícsér


Vanity Fair=Hiúság Vására (magazin)

cover girl=címlaplány


authentic self=igazi, valódi énje vkinek

I guess=úgy gondolom

that's what life is about=erről szól az élet



to realise=rádöbben

qualities=belső értékek, jó tulajdonságok


to rally=feléleszt, gyűjt

attempt=kísérlet, próbálkozás

to abandon=felhagy vmivel


over family concerns=családi okok/aggodalmak miatt

to pursue=folytat

laid out in stark terms=szépítés nélkül nevén nevezte a dolgokat

to face=szembenéz

to get bullied=bántalmazzák

to get murdered=meggyilkolják

to commit suicide=öngyilkosságot követ el

to add=hozzátenni

to call sy names=szidni, csúnya szavakkal illetni vkit

to make jokes=viccelődik, gúnyolódik

to doubt=kételkedik


go ahead=csak rajta, mindent bele

I can take it=én elviselem, eltűröm

to come to terms with sg=megbékél, elfogad vmit



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Angolul vagy magyarul követed a nemzetközi híreket?

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Még sosem gondoltál arra, hogy eredeti nyelven próbáld olvasni a híreket?

Ez itt lehet az első lépés! Keress egy témát, ami rendkívül érdekel:

pl. a mostanában világszerte megdöbbenést kiváltott


Még az is lehet, hogy egy lépéssel naprakészebb lehetsz, ha eredeti nyelven olvasod a legfrissebb információkat. A repüléssel kapcsolatos szókincset LILÁVAL, a cikk egyéb, megértést segítő kifejezéseit PIROSSAL, a Germanwings gép részeit SÁRGÁVAL szedve találod a cikk végén.

The co-pilot of the Germanwings flight that crashed in the French Alps, named as Andreas Lubitz, appeared to want to "destroy the plane", officials said.


He intentionally started a descent while the pilot was locked out.

Mr Robin said there was "absolute silence in the cockpit" as the pilot fought to re-enter it.

He said air traffic controllers made repeated attempts to contact the aircraft, but to no avail. Passengers could be heard screaming just before the crash, he added.

Details are emerging of the German co-pilot's past - although his apparent motives for causing the crash remain a mystery.

Mr Lubitz, 27, had undergone intensive training and "was 100% fit to fly without any caveats", according to Carsten Spohr, the head of Lufthansa, the German carrier that owns Germanwings.

Mr Spohr said Mr Lubitz's training had been interrupted for several months six years ago, but did not say why.

The training was resumed after "the suitability of the candidate was re-established", he said.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters that the co-pilot's apparent actions had given the tragedy a "new, simply incomprehensible dimension".

Police have been searching the co-pilot's home in Montabaur, near Frankfurt, as well as a flat he kept in Duesseldorf.

The Airbus 320 from Barcelona to Duesseldorf hit a mountain, killing all 144 passengers and six crew, after an eight-minute descent.


Andreas Lubitz: Germanwings co-pilot under scrutiny


  • Started training in 2008, at Bremen and Arizona. Training was interrupted for some months - but he later passed all tests and was deemed fit to fly

  • Working as co-pilot, or first officer, since 2013. Appeared pleased with his job

  • Lived in town of Montabaur, near Frankfurt, reportedly with his parents. Kept a flat in Duesseldorf and had many friends

  • Facebook profile suggests the active lifestyle of a keen runner, with an interest in pop music

"We hear the pilot ask the co-pilot to take control of the plane and we hear at the same time the sound of a seat moving backwards and the sound of a door closing," Mr Robin told reporters.

He said the pilot, named in the German media as Patrick Sondenheimer, had probably gone to the toilet.

"At that moment, the co-pilot is controlling the plane by himself. While he is alone, the co-pilot presses the buttons of the flight monitoring system to put into action the descent of the aeroplane.

"He operated this button for a reason we don't know yet, but it appears that the reason was to destroy this plane."

Meanwhile, online tracking service Flightradar24 said satellite data it had analysed found that someone had changed the plane's altitude from 38,000ft (11,582m) to 100ft - the minimum setting possible.

"Between 09:30:52 and 09:30:55 you can see that the autopilot was manually changed from 38,000ft to 100ft and nine seconds later the aircraft started to descend, probably with the 'open descent' autopilot setting," Flightradar24 chief Fredrik Lindahl was quoted as saying by Reuters.

Mr Lubitz was alive until the final impact, Mr Robin said. The prosecutor added that "the most plausible interpretation" was that the co-pilot had deliberately barred the pilot from re-entering the cockpit.

He added that the co-pilot was "not known by us" to have any links to extremism or terrorism.


Analysis: Richard Westcott, BBC transport correspondent


The focus now moves from the mechanics to the man flying the plane. An accident expert has told me the investigators will pore over the co-pilot's background and that of his family too.

Did he owe money? Was there a grudge? They'll look at his religion, whether he was in trouble with the law, whether he had a stable love life. This kind of event is rare but it has happened before, although the reasons vary widely.

After 9/11, they made cockpits impregnable. It keeps the terrorists out, but in the end it also allows someone to keep their colleagues out too. Airlines have to make a call. Which is the bigger threat - terrorism or suicide?

Passengers were not aware of the impending crash "until the very last moment" when screams could be heard, Mr Robin said, adding that they died instantly.

After Thursday's revelations, several airlines have pledged to change their rules to ensure at least two crew members are present in the cockpit at all times.

Meanwhile, relatives and friends of the victims travelled to the Alpine region where the plane came down, near the town of Seyne-les-Alpes.

The disclosure of the likely cause of the crash has provoked anger.

"One person can't have the right to end the lives of hundreds of people and families," Esteban Rodriguez, a Spanish factory worker who lost two friends aboard the aircraft, told the Associated Press news agency.

The principal of a German high school that lost 16 pupils and two teachers in the crash said the latest news was "much, much worse than we had thought".

The second "black box" - that records flight data - has still not been found.


(Adapted from BBC)



co-pilot= másodpilóta

flight= járat

plane= repülő

voice-recorder= hangrögzítő

descent= süllyedés

cockpit= pilótafülke

air traffic controllers= légi közlekedés irányítók

aircraft= repülőgép

passengers= utasok

crash= repülőszerencsétlenség, becsapódás

fit to fly= repülésre alkalmas személy

carrier= anyavállalat

the/a crew= legénység, légiutaskísérő(k)

first officer= kapitány

to take control of= átveszi az irányítást vmi felett

seat= ülés

monitoring system= irányító rendszer

tracking= nyomkövető

altitude= magasság

ft=feet= láb, kb.30 cm

autopilot= robotpilóta

to descend= süllyed, ereszkedik

to fly a plane= repülőt vezet

to come down= lezuhan

aboard= a fedélzeten

black box= fekete doboz



intentionally= szándékosan

to lock out= kizárni

attempts= kísérlet, megkísérlése valaminek

to no avail= hiába

to emerge= felszínre kerül

apparent= látszólagos, állítólagos

to remain= maradni

to undergo= átesik, keresztülmegy

caveats= fenntartások, kikötések

had been interrupted= megszakadt, megszakították

to resume= folytat

suitability= alkalmasság

to be re-established= rendeződik, megállapítják

incomprehensible= felfoghatatlan

under scrutiny= górcső alatt

training= kiképzés

to pass tests= átmegy a teszteken/vizsgá(lato)kon

to be deemed= valamilyennek ítélték/tekintették

to appear= tűnik vmilyennek

to be pleased with sg= meg van valamivel elégedve

to suggest= sugallni

reportedly= a jelentések szerint

a keen runner= lelkes/intenzív/hobbi futó

by himself= egymaga

to put into action= elindít, működésbe hoz

to destroy= elpusztít, megsemmisít

satellite data= műholdas adatok

manually= manuálisan, kézzel

setting= beállítás

alive= életben,élve

chief= vezető

to quote= idézni

impact= becsapódás

prosecutor= ügyész

the most plausible interpretation= a legelfogadhatóbb értelmezés/magyarázat

deliberately= szánt szándékkal

to bar the pilot from doing sg= megakadályozta a pilótát abban, hogy

extremism= szélsőség

correspondent= tudósító

investigators= nyomozók

to pore over= belemélyed

to owe money= tartozni pénzzel

whether= hogy vajon...-e

the law= a törvény

grudge= neheztelés, harag, bosszú

rare= ritka

to vary= változik, változatos

9/11= September 11, 2001, az amerikai terrortámadás dátuma

impregnable= át/behatolhatatlan

threat= fenyegetés, veszély

suicide= öngyilkosság

to be aware of sg= tudatában van vminek

impending= közelgő, fenyegető

screams= sikolyok

instantly= azonnal

revelations= felfedezések

to pledge= fogadkozik

to ensure= biztosít

victims= áldozatok

disclosure= leleplezés

the likely cause= a valószínű ok

the right to= valamihez való jog

principal= igazgató

pupil= kisdiák

the latest= a legújabb, legfrissebb



livery= logó

fuselage= géptörzs

wheel= kerék

registration= rendszám

stabiliser= vízszintes vezérsík


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