Angol tanulás, Angol magánoktatás ONLINE ÉS OFFLINE! Angol Kulturális és Nyelvi Klub


2023. október 10. - EnglishOnline

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!


Today is:

World Mental Health Day!!

A MENTAL HEALTH fogalma angolul:

"Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community. It is an integral component of health and well-being that underpins our individual and collective abilities to make decisions, build relationships and shape the world we live in. Mental health is a basic human right. And it is crucial to personal, community and socio-economic development." (WHO)

Te hogyan fordítanád magyarra?


 A mai nap tudatosságának jegyében nézd meg a következő rövid videót és egészítsd ki a 8 tippet, melyek segítenek, hogy megőrizd, vagy javítsd a MENTAL HEALTH-edet :)

8 Tips to Maintain your MENTAL HEALTH

1. adopting an __________ __________ = egyenes testtartás felvétele 

2. practise __________ __________ = gyakorold a pozitív gondolkodást

3. walk __________ __________ = sétálj a természetben

4. __________ someone = ölelj meg valakit

5. __________ time with your __________ friend = tölts időt bundás barátoddal

6. __________ = testmozgás

7. get __________ __________ = aludj eleget

8. keep a __________ __________ = vezess hála naplót



Hogy tetszett a HALLÁSÉRTÉS feladat?

Ha megért egy LIKE-ot, nyomj egy LIKE-ot! :D

Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Angolos YouTube csatornát keresel? KLIKK!

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!





Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Vegyük sorra, mit hallhatunk nap mint nap a BKK piros metrójának hangszóróiból az Örs vezér terétől a Déli pályaudvarig -


Pontosan annyit olvashattok itt, amennyi a metrón elhangzik, se többet, se kevesebbet!



"Üdvözöljük Utasainkat! Ez az M2-es metró a Déli pályaudvar felé. A PILLANGÓ UTCA következik. Az ajtók a jobb oldalon nyílnak.

Welcome on board. This is METRO LINE M2 in the direction of DÉLI PÁLYAUDVAR. 


A PUSKÁS FERENC STADION következik. Az ajtók a bal oldalon nyílnak. Átszállhatnak a helyközi és a távolsági autóbuszokra.

The next station is PUSKÁS FERENC STADION. Change here for regional and long-distance buses. 


A KELETI PÁLYAUDVAR következik. Átszállhatnak az M4-es metróra.

The next station is KELETI PÁLYAUDVAR. Change here for METRO LINE M4 and railways.


Ez az M2-es metró a DÉLI PÁLYAUDVAR felé.

This is METRO LINE M2 in the direction of DÉLI PÁLYAUDVAR.

A BLAHA LUJZA TÉR következik.


Az ASTORIA következik.


A DEÁK FERENC TÉR következik. Átszállhatnak az M1-es és az M3-as metróra.

The next station is DEÁK FERENC TÉR. Change here for METRO LINES M1 and M3. 


Ez az M2-es metró a DÉLI PÁLYAUDVAR felé.

This is METRO LINE M2 in the direction of DÉLI PÁLYAUDVAR.

A KOSSUTH LAJOS TÉR következik. 


A BATTHYÁNY TÉR következik. Átszállhatnak a H5-ös HÉV-re.

The next station is BATTHYÁNY TÉR. Change here for SUBURBAN RAILWAY LINE H5.


Ez az M2-es metró a DÉLI PÁLYAUDVAR felé.

This is METRO LINE M2 in the direction of DÉLI PÁLYAUDVAR.

A SZÉLL KÁLMÁN TÉR következik.


A DÉLI PÁLYAUDVAR, végállomás következik.

The next station is DÉLI PÁLYAUDVAR, where this train terminates. Change here for railways.

DÉLI PÁLYAUDVAR, végállomás. Kérjük kedves Utasainkat, hogy szíveskedjenek elhagyni a vonatot és erre figyelmeztessék utastársaikat is. Viszontlátásra!

DÉLI PÁLYAUDVAR. This train terminates here. Please leave the train upon arrival. Goodbye!"

(Extra "kuriózumként" a biztonsági sávon sétálva próbáltam "kiprovokálni" egy figyelmeztető sablonszöveget is, de sajna a gumiplatform nem érzékelte, hogy rajta vagyok, így ezt a részt kénytelen voltam emlékezetből lefirkantani:)

"Kérem, hagyja el a biztonsági sávot!

Please stand back from the platform edge. Thank you!"


Hogy tetszett a BKK ANGOL?

Ha megért egy LIKE-ot, nyomj egy LIKE-ot! :D

Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!



Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!


Újabb "LYUKAS" SZÖVEGET (gapfilling) hoztam Nektek, melynek harci feladata már jól ismert lesz: Helyezz vissza a cikk végén megadott 7 mondat közül 6-ot a szövegben hagyott GAPekbe (rés/szöveglyuk), tehát egy elem felesleges lesz, azt ki kell hagyni. Rajta!



One problem that practically everyone faces is how to go about finding a "good" dentist. _____1_____ As a consumer, there are several aspects you should consider about your dentist and their office after you have decided on a particular dentist to care for your teeth.

The internet is filled with dentists who all have one thing in common: a license to practise dentistry in your country. However, they all have different personalities, different levels of experience, and different degrees of expertise. Before you begin looking for a dentist, you should ask yourself these questions:

Are you looking for a dentist near your home, or are you willing to travel a reasonable distance to be treated by a particular dentist you trust and like?

Are certain times of the day or week better for you? Some dentists have early or late office hours; some work on Saturdays. How important are these considerations?

Do you have a physical handicap that requires special attention? Some general dentists and certain specialists cater to specific problems. Also, handicapped patients may need to consider the physical layout of the dental office and its location in relation to parking.

What is your problem? Do you need your teeth cleaned and checked? Do you have an emergency? _____2_____

Do you need a general dentist or a specialist? General dentists are trained to do all types of treatment; however, if you have difficult or unusual problems, the general dentist may refer you to a specialist.

The most readily available sources of information about dentists are your friends, acquaintances, work associates, family physician, or pharmacist. Ask them how long they have gone to their dentist, and how they made their selection. You will primarily find out something about these dentists' personalities, but you should realize that you will rarely get much information about their technical abilities.

_____3_____ They can assist you by recommending several dentists in your area who seem to fit your needs. Then you can call these dentists and decide for yourself if you feel comfortable. You may also want to check on the credentials of a particular dentist. For example, you may want to know if the dentist providing orthodontic treatment is a specialist or a general dentist. Your local dental society can also help you find a dentist if you have an emergency situation. Most societies have rotating emergency lists of dentists who have volunteered to take dental emergency calls on a 24-hour basis.

If you are moving, your current dentist is an excellent person to ask for recommendation. Many times, if they do not know anyone, they will have a colleague who can give them a recommendation.


Is the dentist or their hygienist prevention oriented, pointing out things you can do yourself in order to maintain good dental health? The dentist and their hygienist should provide oral prophylaxis (tooth cleaning), fluoride treatments, sealants, replacements for missing teeth, and needed restorations (fillings). Home care is up to you.

Do they emphasize continued long-term care? In other words, is there a recall system that automatically notifies you when it's time for you periodic checkup?

Does the dentist use dental X rays, when needed, to assist in diagnosing your problem? On the initial visits to their office, they should request that you have X rays taken of all your teeth so they can determine the overall condition of your mouth. On subsequent visits X rays should be taken as needed. No dentist should restore a tooth without proper X rays. At the time of the X ray, note if the dentist is radiation conscious. They should place a lead apron over you to protect you from any "scatter radiation". He should even have a thyroid collar on the lead-lined apron.

Using the information from the X rays and other diagnostic parameters of evaluation, a dentist can suggest what treatment is needed to restore your mouth to good condition again. _____5_____ Dental problems are much less expensive to treat in their early stages. 

Does the dentist take a complete medical and dental history to be included as part of your permanent record? This gives the dentist insight into your particular needs. It can also help prevent possible complications. For instance, it would alert the dentist to allergies you might have to medicines, or to an illness that might require modification of the usual treatment. Even if you have gone to this particular dentist regularly for a period of time, you should be sure that they are aware of any changes in your medical status, medicines you might be using now, or allergies that might have been detected since your last visit. _____6_____ Let you dentist make this decision. For example, you might recently have found that you are a diabetic. This is significant to your dentist, even though the disease has no apparent direct involvement with your teeth. The reason is that diabetes causes a delay in the healing process. Diabetes also can cause gingivitis (gum inflammation). This may mean you need to make more frequent visits to their office to have your teeth cleaned.

Does the dentist or their staff openly discuss your treatment needs, fees, and payment plans in advance of treatment? This approach allows both parties' expectations to be met, and fosters a lasting relationship.

Is emergency care available? Though many dentists list their telephone numbers, others have answering services. Usually, an answering service takes calls and help you find either your own dentist or someone who has agreed to handle after-hours emergency calls. Some dental societies have a list of volunteer dentists who will meet your emergency needs on a 24-hour basis.

The most important step in finding a dentist, however, is to look before you need one, not after you have no choice but to take whoever is available.

/Better Dental Care by J.F. Taintor/


A) Do not make the decision on your own that any medical information is of no dental significance.

B) Like all things in nature, our teeth and their supportive structures tend to break down in time.

C) Most people make this crucial decision several times during their lives.

D) Another way to find a dentist is to call your local dental society.

E) These factors will determine whether you need to see someone immediately or whether you can wait for a regular scheduled appointment.

F) Several aspects of the dentist’s practice can give you useful information in making your choice.

G) This is a far better and less expensive route for you to take than just "taking care of what hurts".


Hogy tetszett a szövegértés feladat?

Ha megért egy LIKE-ot, nyomj egy LIKE-ot! :D

Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!


✈JET LAG BE GONE! ✈ nyelvvizsga típusú szövegértés feladat - ANGOL B2 - angol írásbeli nyelvvizsga

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Time Travelling

Jet lag can ruin your long-haul holiday, but our expert advice will leave you less spaced-out


Repültél már egyik időzónából egy másikba? (No, it's not a sci-fi movie casting..) Akkor valószínűleg nem ismeretlen számodra a JET LAG jelenség. A következőkben egy olyan cikket alakítottam át TELC Language Elements feladattá, mely e közismert utazóbetegség élettani hátterét mutatja be és hasznos szakértői tippeket ad arra, hogyan minimalizálhatjuk a JET LAG kellemetlen tüneteit.

A feladat hagyományosan: az alábbi 15 kifejezés közül csak 10 illik a szövegben elhelyezett GAP-ekbe. Melyek ezek és hova kerülnek?



Toddlers who refuse to sleep, adults cranky and hungry at the wrong time and a body clock that has gone haywire. Sound familiar? Yes, that's a long-haul holiday for many people. Jet lag is a physical inevitability for most of us when flying long distances, but there are ways to minimise its __________(1). It's all down to eating, sleeping and moving - we are loath to say exercise, because it isn't - so read on.

Your body has a natural clock set by the hours of sunlight you are exposed to daily. The light travels deep into your eyes and reaches the pineal gland, which in turn sends messages to __________(2) in your body that tell you when to wake up, when to feel tired, when to eat and even when to go to the toilet.

The trouble when you fly is that you are trying to reset this internal body clock quickly and it won't play game. It wants to, but it takes time - an estimated one day per one hour of time difference. In practice, that means it could take the entire two weeks of your holiday to __________(3) a 14-hour time difference, or a week to get over a typical flight to the US East Coast, say.

And guess what? Then you have to travel home and go through it all again.

We all know the symptoms of __________(4) - fuzzy head, tired during the day, wide awake at night, hungry but never at mealtimes and the sudden desire to go to the toilet at weird times. However, there are some simple things you can do to help reset your your body clock as quickly as possible to minimise these symptoms.

Lisa Artis of the Sleep Council stresses that diet, moving and getting out in the sunlight and fresh air are key.


"Diet plays a large part in setting your body clock. The day before you fly, make sure you eat three balanced __________(5), including at least five servings of fruit or green vegetables and one portion of protein-rich food, such as white fish or tofu."


"Drink plenty of water on your journey and while on holiday to keep your body hydrated and feeling refreshed. Once on the plane, set your watch to the local time of your __________(6). Pack an eye mask and ear plugs and use them if it's nighttime where you're going. Equally keep the light on and mask off if it's daytime in your destination. Whether on your journey there or on your way home, eat according to the mealtimes of the place you're going, avoid alcohol and take regular walks up and down the __________(7)."

Érdekelnek az angolos videók?

 IRATKOZZ FEL az ANGOL VLOGyoutube_even_smaller.pngnyelvoktató csatornámra!


"Try to get out and about as soon as you can if you land in daylight. Enjoy the sunlight and let it help reset you pineal gland. Also, try to eat at the time of your destination's mealtimes, even if it's only a snack to help reset your digestive tract. Stay active and avoid __________(8) until bedtime - get out and walk in the fresh air. If you arrive and it's nighttime, have a carbohydrate-rich meal, pop two magnesium citrate tablets to help your body rest - magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant - and try to sleep. Don't stress if you can't - simply lie quietly in the dark and gather your thoughts; try to relax and enjoy the quiet."


"During your break away, __________(9) a healthy diet to help control your wakefulness: high protein meals increase your alertness while lots of carbohydrates make you feel sleepier. If you can, take your pillow with you for some familiarity and comfort. For less exotic destinations, the problems are more likely to be about comfort than jet lag. An eye mask and ear plugs will help you sleep if noise or light outside is an __________(10). Keep your bed as a sleep zone and check the temperature. Ensure you keep the bedroom cool -the ideal sleeping environment is 16-18 °C."

/Adapted from the British Press/

Hogy tetszett a TELC ÍRÁSBELI feladat?

Ha megért egy LIKE-ot, nyomj egy LIKE-ot! :D

Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!




Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!


Watch and listen to the INFORMATIVE VIDEO about Boris Bikes by Oxford University Press and mark the sentences (below) TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).


1. Jack drives in London for pleasure.
2. Parking in London is nearly as expensive as petrol.
3. Jack usually gets around the city by bike.
4. The Tube is the oldest and cheapest way of public transport in the capital.
5. Cycle hire has been the healthiest alternative to public transport since 2010.
6. Boris Bikes was named after a politician.
7. Boris Bikes is completely free.
8. Bike sharing is only popular with visitors to London.
9. Since the 1960s more than 156 bike schemes have been introduced in the world.
10. The bike scheme in Barcelona is called ’bixi’.
11. The biggest bike sharing system is in China.
12. London is the most bike-friendly city in Europe.
13. In the UK there are separate bike lanes everywhere.
14. It isn’t allowed to cycle on the pavements in London.
15. You must wear a helmet and bright coloured clothes while you’re riding.


Hogy tetszett a LISTENING?

Ha megért egy LIKE-ot, nyomj egy LIKE-ot! :D

Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!


ANGOL NYELVVIZSGA SZÓKINCS - teszteld magad nyelvvizsga témakörökből KÖZÉPFOKON (B2) - LEISURE & PLEASURE

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Gyakorlásképp fejtsd meg

ezt a 20 kérdéses keresztrejtvényt

SZABADIDŐ ÉS SZÓRAKOZÁS témakörben! Have fun!



Hogy tetszett a CROSSWORD?

Ha megért egy LIKE-ot, nyomj egy LIKE-ot! :D

Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!


BETEGSÉGEK, KEZELÉSEK, INTERNET - Illnesses, Treatments & the Internet - Don't Diagnose with a Click! B2 NYELVVIZSGA SZÓKINCSFEJLESZTÉS

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Hajlamos vagy a hipochondriára? Van interneted? Innen már csak egy lépés a netochondria vagy kiberchondria! Olvasd el angolul, milyen veszélyeket rejt magában az, ha megbetegedéseid alkalmával inkább kigooglizod a tüneteidet és orvosi vélemény nélkül öndiagnózisokat állítasz fel. A hasznos olvasmány mellé méghasznosabb feladat társul: helyezd vissza a cikk végén felsorolt egészség/betegség szókincs elemeit (20 db) a szövegbe!

Short on time, or just don't want to bother your GP? It's tempting to turn to the internet to see what might be wrong with you - but that can have negative results...


With GP __________(1) busier than ever, many people are choosing to search the internet for answers to a health worry, or to try to self-diagnose. Evern Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt has suggested parents search online to determine the severity of their children's rash. But, as Dr Ellie Cannon explains, googling __________(2) has its dangers.


When we make a __________(3), it is about a lot more than your list of symptoms. You'll notice a GP often asks about your job, your relationships or even what you have been eating. You need that whole story to make a proper __________(4) assessment, and Google just can't see that big picture. This often leads to a wrong answer which can be dangerous if a serious diagnosis is missed.

COULD IT BE __________(5)?

Google gives you all the weird and sinister possible diagnoses, as well as the most likely common ones that I see every day in my __________(6). It is human nature to look at those strange possibilities and start to worry you have some very rare, serious illness. Symtom checkers tend to provide vast unrealistic lists of __________(7), most often including the word 'cancer' which, of course, gives people huge amounts of unneccesary worry.


As well as worry, googling medical complaints can lead to disappointment. Many websites suggest __________(8) that is not appropriate: US-based sites may recommend pricey experimental treatments that are not available or recommended in the UK. Alternative medicine sites can offer __________(9) that are unproven and come with a heavy price tag. Even genuine medical sites may offer out-of-date advice.


It's good to see someone. Whether it's a __________(10) or a GP, there is no substitute for interaction with a real-life healthcare professional. You can't diagnose a __________(11) by trying to match a picture on Google - when  doctors __________(12) you they're looking for your general well-being and appearance, and how distressed you are. A quick online check cannot match that universal view.


The online world, as we know, can be different to reality, and this is very true for health information, which can be fake or inaccurate. Many sites appear to be written or endorsed by a __________(13) when they aren't - anyone can put a picture of a __________(14) on their blog and fool people into believing it is a genuine medical site. This can be misleading and unsafe.


But it's not all bad. There are some fabulous __________(15) resources online if you look at the right sites. NHS Choices and NetDoctor offer up-to-date medical information written by UK doctors whose advice you know you can trust. They are good places to read about your diagnosis once you have been to your __________(16) to give you a broader view of your __________(17) and treatment.


If you suffer with a __________(18) or something slightly unusual, an online community can be really valuable. Charities such as the National Eczema Society provide online support and fantastic information, with tips from other sufferers - a great __________(19) of advice and comfort. For rarer __________(20), online communities offer support and information that would not otherwise be readily available.

Adapted from the British Press

Érdekelnek az angolos videók?

 IRATKOZZ FEL az ANGOL VLOGyoutube_even_smaller.pngnyelvoktató csatornámra!





CHRONIC ILLNESS= krónikus betegség

CLINIC= klinika, szakrendelő

CONDITIONS= állapotok, betegségek, nyavalyák

’CURES’= gyógymódok, kúrák

DIAGNOSIS= kórmegállapítás, diagnózis

DISEASES= betegségek, kórok

DOCTOR= orvos

EXAMINE= megvizsgál

GP= general practitioner= háziorvos, körzeti orvos

HEALTH= egészség

ISSUE= probléma

MEDICAL= orvosi

PHARMACIST= patikus, gyógyszerész

RASH= kiütés

SOURCE= forrás (állításé)

STETHOSCOPE= hallgatócső, sztetoszkóp

SURGERIES= rendelők

SYMPTOMS= tünetek, szimptómák

TREATMENT= kezelés


Hogy tetszett a cikk és a szókincsgyakorlat?

Ha megért egy LIKE-ot, nyomj egy LIKE-ot! :D

Érdekel a megoldás vagy

magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Másik szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!



WHAT DO YOU REMEMBER? Memory QUIZ and vocabulary in English!

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

To find out how good your memory is,

take this quick test!

Mire emlékszel? Mennyire jó a hosszú- és rövidtávú memóriád? Teszteld magad ezzel 14 pontos összetett memóriakvízzel - angolul! Ha valamit nem értesz, csekkold a szószedetet a cikk végén!


MEMORY CHECK (memória felmérés/vizsgálat)

1. Write down the date, month and year.

2. Look once only at the words below then cover them up. When you have finished all the questions here, write down from memory what the three words are: ORANGE, TELEVISION, CUSHION.

3.Without looking at your watch, write what time you think it is. Then look at your watch and write down the actual time.

4. What are the names of the last five Hungarian Prime Ministers?

5. Can you remember the address of the last place that you lived?

6. Can you recall what you were doing on each of the previous seven evenings?

7. Have people told you that you repeat yourself in conversation, or have you found yourself doing this?

8. Are you aware that people are getting irritated with you because you have forgotten something?

9. Do you ever return from shopping to find you have forgotten an essential item?

10. Do you find it increasingly difficult to follow directions?

11. Do you get lost in places that you have visited frequently?

12. Do you have trouble recalling words, even though you know that you know them?

13. Do you misplace things practically every day?

14. Are your memory difficulties impinging on your work or social life- e.g. do you sometimes avoid people because you cannot remember their names?

Now, without looking back, write down the three words you memorised earlier.

YOUR SCORE (a pontszámod)

1. Give yourself 1 point for remembering the exact date.

2. Give yourself 1 point for each of the words you remembered correctly.

3. If the difference between your guessed time and the actual time is less than 30 minutes, give yourself 1 point; if the difference is more than 30 minutes, score zero.

4. Award yourself 1 point for each Prime Minister named correctly, they do not have to be in order- Viktor Orbán, Gordon Bajnai, Ferenc Gyurcsány, Péter Medgyessy, Gyula Horn.

5. Give yourself 1 point for remembering your last address.

6. Give yourself 1 point if you answered YES.

7-14. Give yourself 1 point for every NO answer.

THE RESULT (az eredményed)

16-20: Your memory is fine and you show no signs of memory loss.

15-12: You may have some memory difficulties. If they persist and are causing you inconvenience or make you inefficient or embarrassed, you might want to talk to your GP about it.

11 or less: Your result suggests some memory impairment and you need to visit your GP for advice.

(Adapted from the British Press)

GLOSSARY (szószedet):

the date= a pontos dátum/nap

below= lent, alant

to cover them up= letakar

from memory= emlékezetből

cushion= díszpárna

the actual= a tényleges, tulajdonképpeni, valós

Prime Minister= miniszterelnök

to recall= felidéz

previous= előző, korábbi

to repeat yourself= ismétli magát

to find yourself doing this= azon kapja/fogja magát, hogy ezt csinálja

to be aware= tudatában van

irritated= bosszús, felbosszantott

to return= visszatér

essential item= létfontosságú/rendkívül fontos árucikk

increasingly= növekvően, egyre (inkább)

to follow directions= útbaigazítást (megjegyezve) követni

to get lost= eltévedni

frequently= gyakran

trouble= gond, probléma

even though= habár, még akkor is, ha...

to misplace= elhány, rossz helyre rak vissza

practically= gyakorlatilag

to impinge on= hatással lenni valamire

to avoid= elkerülni

earlier= korábban, az imént

exact= pontos

each= minden egyes

to remember correctly= jól emlékszik

the difference between= a különbség 2 dolog közt

guessed= tippelt

less than= kevesebb mint

to score= pontoz

award yourself= díjazd/ajándékozd magad/adj magadnak

do not have to= nem kell

in order= sorrendben

fine= kiváló(an)

no signs= nincsenek jelei

memory loss= memóriavesztés/-veszteség

difficulties= nehézségek

to persist= huzamosan fennáll/fennmarad

to cause= okoz

inconvenience= kellemetlenség

inefficient= nem hatékony

embarrassed= kínosan érzi magát

GP= general practitioner= háziorvos

to suggest= sugall

impairment= károsodás, gyengülés

to need to do sg= szüksége van valamire

for advice= tanácsért


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