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SZERELMES ANGOL - Mariah Carey harmadik eljegyzése & EXTRA DATING, LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS szószedet!

2016. január 26. - EnglishOnline

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70+ angol kifejezés randizással

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Valentin-napi előzetes:

A 70+ szerelmi ANGOL kifejezés közül ízelítő: leszólítani és felszedni valakit, járni valakivel, lemondani egy randit, áradozni valakiről, ő (nem) a zsánerem/esetem, szerelem első látásra, elpirulni, az Igazi, megkérni egy nő kezét, gyermeket várni, féltékenynek lenni, nőcsábász ÉS MÉG RENGETEG MÁS ITT!



"Can't Buy Me Love"?!

Wedding bells will soon be ringing for Mariah Carey and James Packer!

E! News has exclusively learned that she is engaged to the Australian billionaire businessman after a fairy tale romance.

Mariah's future hubby popped the big question in her hometown tonight, and he presented her with what can only be described as the most breathtaking engagement ring.

We're told that Mariah's new diamond bling comes in at around 35 carats and that no wedding date has been set just yet.

It should come as no surprise James got down on one knee for the multi-Grammy Award winner. Their love affair began just under a year ago and from the moment they started dating, "they fell head over heels in love with one another, " says an insider. "It's crazy how perfect they are together, they both know it and couldn't be happier."

The couple has been friends since 2014; first met at a movie premiere in Aspen. As Mariah told Steve Harvey in November, "We were talking and laughing and people were getting mad at us and stuff like that. So, we hit it off." Harvey noted that James was a "lucky" guy, to which the singer replied, "I'm lucky, too."

"As soon as their friendship turned romantic, they have wanted to spend every moment together," says a source. "They have a connection that is unparalleled; it's been a very beautiful experience for them both. If you spend even five minutes with them, you can't help but believe in true love."

As for why they work so well. Says our insider: "They are just very cute together, they like doing sweet things for one another. They want to make each other happy."

Over the past ten months, the jet-setting pair has been on a whirlwind schedule of romantic dates spanning all over the world, from Ibiza to St Bart's to Italy and even to Packer's homeland of Australia, where they rang in the New Year with his mom at the Melbourne Crown casino, which he owns. As she took to the stage, Mariah couldn't help but gush about her love: "Spectacular, handsome ... I don't even have words for the man who introduced me tonight. We'll just say the amazing Mr. James Packer."

The most meaningful of their trips came at the end of June 2015, when James took Mariah to the Western Wall in Israel. An insider told E! at the time, "There is only one place at the Western Wall where men and woman can stand together and it was meaningful for him to take her there so that they could share this very intimate moment as a couple."

Another source added, "It was more a spiritual journey then anything. He is aware Carey has the world at her fingertips but he likes to find things that she has never experienced."

Next month, Mariah will start the third leg of her sell out Las Vegas residency at Caesars Palace, before embarking on a world tour. James is expected to join her for most of her dates as well as continue working on his philanthropy work (he is currently on track to donate $200 million to charities in just 10 years).

This will be the third marriage for both. Mariah is mom to 4-year-old twins, son Moroccan Cannon and daughter Monroe Cannon, with Nick Canon, while James has three children: Indigo Packer, 7, Jackson Packer, 5 and Emmanuelle Packer, 3.


wedding bells ring= esküvői harangok szólnak

to be engaged to= el van jegyezve valakivel

romance= románc, szerelem

hubby= férjecske

popped the question= megkérte a kezét

engagement ring= eljegyzési gyűrű

diamond bling= gyémánt csecsebecse

wedding date= esküvői dátum

to get down on one knee for= letérdel valaki elé

love affair= szerelmi viszony

to fall head over heels in love with= fülig szerelmes lesz valakibe

one another= egymást

to hit it off= összebarátkozik, összehaverkodik

lucky= szerencsés

their friendship turned romantic= szerelemmé változott a barátságuk

to spend every moment together= minden percet együtt tölteni

connection= gyengéd érzelem, kötődés, vonzalom, kapocs

very beautiful experience= gyönyörű élmény

true love= igaz szerelem

they work so well= olyan jól működik a kapcsolatuk, annyira összeillenek

cute= cuki, édes

sweet things= kedvességek

one another= egymást

to make each other happy= boldoggá teszik egymást

pair= párocska

romantic dates= romantikus randik

to gush about= áradozik, ömleng valakiről

handsome= jóképű, helyes (pasi)

spectacular= káprázatos

amazing= lenyűgöző, elbűvölő

meaningful= jelentőségteljes

to take somebody to= valahová elvinni valakit

to share this very intimate moment= osztozni ezen a meghitt pillanaton

couple= pár

to join somebody= csatlakozni valakihez, vele menni

the third marriage for both= mindkettejük harmadik házassága

to be mom to= anyja valakinek

to have children= vannak gyerekei







1. to ask somebody out= elhívni valakit randira

2. to chat somebody up= leszólítani valakit

3. to turn somebody down= elutasítani valakit

4. to pick somebody up= felszedni valakit

5. to get together= összejönni valakivel

6. to go out with somebody= járni valakivel

7. to be in a relationship= szerelmi kapcsolatban lenni

8. to date somebody= randizni valakivel

9. to cancel a date= lemondani egy randit

10. to be my type= a zsánerem/esetem

11. to be attracted to somebody= vonzódni valakihez

12. to have chemistry= megvan a kémia/vonzalom

13. to feel the spark= vonzalmat érez, megvan a szikra

14. love at first sight= szerelem első látásra

15. to flirt= flörtölni

16. to tease= cukkolni, flörtölve viccelődni valakivel

17. to walk hand in hand= kéz a kézben sétálni

18. to have a crush on somebody= bele van esve valakibe

19. to be hot= dögös, szexi

20. to blush= elpirulni

21. to fall in love with somebody= beleszeretni valakibe

22. to be crazy/madly in love= őrülten szerelmesnek lenni

23. to have butterflies in one's stomach= remeg a gyomra

24. to turn somebody on= felizgatni valakit

25. to hook up/ have sex with somebody= lefeküdni valakivel

26. to make love to somebody= szeretkezni valakivel

27. a one night stand= egyéjszakás kaland

28. a friend with benefits= barátság extrákkal

29. to play hard to get= nem adja könnyen magát

30. The One / Mr Right / Miss Right= az Igazi

31. a soul mate= lelki társ

32. to get married= összeházasodni

33. to go on honeymoon= nászútra menni

34. to be pregnant= terhesnek lenni

35. to expect a baby= gyermeket várni

36. to give birth to= szülni

37. to be faithful/loyal/true= hűségesnek lenni

38. to be jealous of somebody= féltékenynek lenni

39. to cheat on somebody= megcsalni valakit

40. a womanizer= nőcsábász

41. a maneater= férfifaló

42. to be heartbroken= szerelmi bánata van

43. to break/split up= szakítani

44. to separate= szétmenni, különköltözni

45. to get divorced= elválni

+1: to remarry= újraházasodni


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