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THE AMISH - Az amishok - angol hallott szövegértés feladat 2 nyelvi szinten

2023. október 09. - EnglishOnline

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!


Hallottál már valaha az amerikai amishokról? Nézd meg ezt a rendkívül érdekes ismeretterjesztő dokumentumfilmet angolul és állapítsd meg tudásodnak megfelelő szinten, hogy az alábbi állítások igazak avagy hamisak. Az első 10+1 állítást ALAPFOKÚ angoltudásúaknak ajánlom, a második 10+1-et pedig KÖZÉPFOK vagy a felett dolgoztatja meg az agytekervényeiteket. Happy Monday!!

A megoldásokat INSTAn fogod megtalálni, amint aktívvá válik a link, ITT!

Watch the documentary about the Amish and mark the following sentences TRUE or FALSE at TWO levels according to your command of English. If you are at level B1 (Pre-Intermediate), do the first 10+1, if you are around Upper-Intermediate or higher, do the last 10+1. Ready, steady, go!

You'll find the key on IG as soon as the link becomes active, CLICK HERE!



1. The day at the school starts with singing to God.
2. They use different course books from normal schools.
3. Students can’t become doctors.
4. Members of this Christian community have to live without electricity.
5. The girl who decided to leave feels afraid.
6. The Amish originally came from Europe.
7. The farmer uses a tractor when his horses are tired.
8. Women have to wear very simple clothes and makeup.
9. Unmarried girls can work in a factory because they do not have children.
10. Everybody reads the same newspaper of family letters.
+1. Most of the young Amish never leave their community.



1. Amish schools are not coeducational. 
2. Students finish formal education at the age of 14.
3. The first Amish communities appeared in America about 200 years ago.
4. Their isolation from normal society result in genetic disorders.
5. 50% of the population of Ohio is Amish.
6. People in Holmes County cannot have their photos taken, use shoes or get married. 
7. As the Amish population is expanding, there are more and more farmers.
8. Some Amish men could instanly become very rich if they gave up their job.
9. Business people of the community are allowed to use smartphones and computers when needed.
10. Young Amish people that look to marry an outsider risk losing their whole family.
+1. The number of the Amish is decreasing because most of their young can’t resist the temptations of modernity.

Hogy tetszett a HALLÁSÉRTÉS feladat?

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Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!




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