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The Sense of Achievement of Saying NO - angol hallott szövegértés KÖZÉPFOK - LISTENING B2 - video angol

2018. január 11. - EnglishOnline

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Véletlenül figyeltem fel erre a hölgyeményre a YouTube-on, akit az internet már úgynevezett "truthbomb Mom"-ként tart számon, és túlzás nélkül állíthatom, ez a nő nagyon nagy arc! Az esze a  helyén van, szerintem, a szíve meg persze a száján! :)  Tetszik, ahogy a rohanó világunkban Ő mer szemben úszni az árral és nyíltan vállalja, hogy számára nem mások elvárásai állítják fel a prioritásokat.  Az egyik számomra legélvezetesebb eszmefuttatásából készítettem számotokra egy LISTENING FELADATot, amelyben azt fejtegeti, mi vitte rá arra a régen halogatott, felháborító , roppant nehéz dilemmát és lelkiismeretfurdalást okozó,  egyben hatalmas sikerélménnyel járó tettre, hogy végre NEM-et merjen mondani.

A hiányos szöveget  (12 gaps=12 words) egészítsétek ki a  poszt alján található videó meghallgatásának segítségével ! Have fun!isaidnotodaycover_1.jpg


You guys, I said "NO" today - to an adult! A nice adult, who was asking me to __________(1) to yet another 'thing'. See, over the years, I've gotten sucked into committing to so many 'things' that I didn't have time or energy for, but while I planned on saying no, when my opened my mouth, my vocal cords __________(2) me, and I came "Yees, of course! I'd love to..!" But not today! Today, I said "NO"! 

The nice adult asked "Hey, Kristina, can you help us with this event by doing such and such and such and such and such?", and I said "No, thank you so much for thinking of me and asking me, but NO." 

Now, this is where I pretend that you are __________(3) me. You have leaped out of you seats giving me a standing ovation, you are cheering, you are screaming my name, you are throwing flowers on stage at me, you are possibly even throwing your undergarments at me, because you are __________(4) of how hard it is to ignore the guilt and the pressure and just say "NO". Especially, when the people asking are really nice people with really good __________(5)...but I did it! I said "NO".

Saying that "NO" was kind of like the first time I tried sushi. I was nervous about it, it was __________(6) but then once I took a bite of that spicy tuna roll, I was like "WOW! That is amazing in my mouth!" That's how that "NO" tasted in my mouth: AMAZING. And I will be trying it again, and again. 

Now, in my opinion, "NO" is a full __________(7). It does not require comma or a 'because', it is just beautiful on its own. But regardless, I will tell you why I finally said "NO":

NO, because I am at my limit. 

NO, because my __________(8) is full. Full, like this full. Not full like this full. If I'd wanted my plate to be this full, I would have had like 38 more children. But I'm good with this

NO, because I refuse to live in constant busyness AND I refuse to __________(9) to the glorification of constant busyness. You know what you should put on a pedestal instead of busyness? REST! Rest __________(10) to be put on a pedestal! 

NO, because yes, without even more stress to my already stressed-out life, and then I may __________(11) take that stress out on my children, or my husband. Because, let's be honest: the easiest targets are the people closest to us. Not good. 

NO, because it finally clicked for me that saying "NO" doesn't make me a bad person, or a selfish person, or a BITCH. And if you think it does, still "NO". 

NO, because me being emotionally and mentally healthy is way more important than me being liked by everyone. 

And NO, because having at least ten minutes a day to sit with my feet up, eating carbs and doing seemingly absolutely nothing important is actually very important. And way __________(12) in our culture.

So, thank you so much for asking.. but "NO". 

No, no, "NO"!



Hogy tetszett a LISTENING feladat?

Ha megért egy LIKE-ot, nyomj egy LIKE-ot! :D

Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!


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