(Photo by BBC)
(Adapted from the British Press)
Örök inspiráció: Mr. Bean, akit nem gyakran hallunk beszélni, de ha Ő egyszer kinyitja a száját, akkor már szakértőként szólal meg. Hallgassuk meg, műértőként mit mond a következő, roppant értékes festményről egy rangos eseményen és közben töltsük ki beszéde hiányzó elemeit. Have fun! :)A FELADATOT A LENTI KÉPRE VAGY IDE KATTINTVA INTERAKTÍVAN IS MEGOLDHATOD ONLINE !!"Dr. Bean, great English arts scholar is here to speak for a few minutes (not too long, Doctor!) on the subject of our new purchase. Ladies and Gentlemen, Dr. Bean of the National Gallery London."(APPLAUSE) Mr. Bean:"Mmmm. Ah, ah. Well. Hello, I'm Dr. Bean. __________(1). And and my job is to sit and look at paintings. So, er...what have I __________(2) that I can say about this painting? Uhm. Well...well, firstly, it's quite big, which is excellent. Because if it __________(3) really small, you know, microscopic, then __________(4) anybody would be able to see it. Which would be a tremendous __________(5). Uhm...Secondly, and I'm getting quite near the end now of this... analysis... of this painting...secondly, why was it __________(6) this man here spending fifty million of your American dollars on this portrait? And the answer is, er.. well...this picture is worth __________(7) a lot of money because... it's a ... picture ... of Whistler's ... mother. And as I've learnt by staying with my best friend David Langley and his family, families are very important. And even __________(8) Mr. Whistler was perfectly __________(9) that his mother was a hideous old bat who looked like she'd had a cactus lodged up her __________(10), he stuck with her, and even took the time to paint this amazing picture of her. It's not just a painting. It's a picture of a mad old __________(11) who he thought the world of. And that's __________(12)... Well, that's what I think." |
Véletlenül figyeltem fel erre a hölgyeményre a YouTube-on, akit az internet már úgynevezett "truthbomb Mom"-ként tart számon, és túlzás nélkül állíthatom, ez a nő nagyon nagy arc! Az esze a helyén van, szerintem, a szíve meg persze a száján! :) Tetszik, ahogy a rohanó világunkban Ő mer szemben úszni az árral és nyíltan vállalja, hogy számára nem mások elvárásai állítják fel a prioritásokat. Az egyik számomra legélvezetesebb eszmefuttatásából készítettem számotokra egy LISTENING FELADATot, amelyben azt fejtegeti, mi vitte rá arra a régen halogatott, felháborító , roppant nehéz dilemmát és lelkiismeretfurdalást okozó, egyben hatalmas sikerélménnyel járó tettre, hogy végre NEM-et merjen mondani.A hiányos szöveget (12 gaps=12 words) egészítsétek ki a poszt alján található videó meghallgatásának segítségével ! Have fun!A FELADATOT A FENTI KÉPEKRE VAGY IDE KATTINTVA INTERAKTÍVAN IS MEGOLDHATOD ONLINE !!You guys, I said "NO" today - to an adult! A nice adult, who was asking me to __________(1) to yet another 'thing'. See, over the years, I've gotten sucked into committing to so many 'things' that I didn't have time or energy for, but while I planned on saying no, when my opened my mouth, my vocal cords __________(2) me, and I came "Yees, of course! I'd love to..!" But not today! Today, I said "NO"!The nice adult asked "Hey, Kristina, can you help us with this event by doing such and such and such and such and such?", and I said "No, thank you so much for thinking of me and asking me, but NO."Now, this is where I pretend that you are __________(3) me. You have leaped out of you seats giving me a standing ovation, you are cheering, you are screaming my name, you are throwing flowers on stage at me, you are possibly even throwing your undergarments at me, because you are __________(4) of how hard it is to ignore the guilt and the pressure and just say "NO". Especially, when the people asking are really nice people with really good __________(5)...but I did it! I said "NO".Saying that "NO" was kind of like the first time I tried sushi. I was nervous about it, it was __________(6) but then once I took a bite of that spicy tuna roll, I was like "WOW! That is amazing in my mouth!" That's how that "NO" tasted in my mouth: AMAZING. And I will be trying it again, and again.Now, in my opinion, "NO" is a full __________(7). It does not require comma or a 'because', it is just beautiful on its own. But regardless, I will tell you why I finally said "NO":NO, because I am at my limit.NO, because my __________(8) is full. Full, like this full. Not full like this full. If I'd wanted my plate to be this full, I would have had like 38 more children. But I'm good with this.NO, because I refuse to live in constant busyness AND I refuse to __________(9) to the glorification of constant busyness. You know what you should put on a pedestal instead of busyness? REST! Rest __________(10) to be put on a pedestal!NO, because yes, without even more stress to my already stressed-out life, and then I may __________(11) take that stress out on my children, or my husband. Because, let's be honest: the easiest targets are the people closest to us. Not good.NO, because it finally clicked for me that saying "NO" doesn't make me a bad person, or a selfish person, or a BITCH. And if you think it does, still "NO".NO, because me being emotionally and mentally healthy is way more important than me being liked by everyone.And NO, because having at least ten minutes a day to sit with my feet up, eating carbs and doing seemingly absolutely nothing important is actually very important. And way __________(12) in our culture.So, thank you so much for asking.. but "NO".No, no, "NO"!
Vegyük sorra, mit hallhatunk nap mint nap a BKK piros metrójának hangszóróiból az Örs vezér terétől a Déli pályaudvarig -MAGYARUL ÉS ANGOLUL!Pontosan annyit olvashattok itt, amennyi a metrón elhangzik, se többet, se kevesebbet!
"Üdvözöljük Utasainkat! Ez az M2-es metró a Déli pályaudvar felé. A PILLANGÓ UTCA következik. Az ajtók a jobb oldalon nyílnak.Welcome on board. This is METRO LINE M2 in the direction of DÉLI PÁLYAUDVAR.PILLANGÓ UTCA.A PUSKÁS FERENC STADION következik. Az ajtók a bal oldalon nyílnak. Átszállhatnak a helyközi és a távolsági autóbuszokra.The next station is PUSKÁS FERENC STADION. Change here for regional and long-distance buses.PUSKÁS FERENC STADION.A KELETI PÁLYAUDVAR következik. Átszállhatnak az M4-es metróra.The next station is KELETI PÁLYAUDVAR. Change here for METRO LINE M4 and railways.KELETI PÁLYAUDVAR.Ez az M2-es metró a DÉLI PÁLYAUDVAR felé.This is METRO LINE M2 in the direction of DÉLI PÁLYAUDVAR.A BLAHA LUJZA TÉR következik.BLAHA LUJZA TÉR.Az ASTORIA következik.ASTORIA.A DEÁK FERENC TÉR következik. Átszállhatnak az M1-es és az M3-as metróra.The next station is DEÁK FERENC TÉR. Change here for METRO LINES M1 and M3.DEÁK FERENC TÉR.Ez az M2-es metró a DÉLI PÁLYAUDVAR felé.This is METRO LINE M2 in the direction of DÉLI PÁLYAUDVAR.A KOSSUTH LAJOS TÉR következik.KOSSUTH LAJOS TÉR.A BATTHYÁNY TÉR következik. Átszállhatnak a H5-ös HÉV-re.The next station is BATTHYÁNY TÉR. Change here for SUBURBAN RAILWAY LINE H5.BATTHYÁNY TÉR.Ez az M2-es metró a DÉLI PÁLYAUDVAR felé.This is METRO LINE M2 in the direction of DÉLI PÁLYAUDVAR.A SZÉLL KÁLMÁN TÉR következik.SZÉLL KÁLMÁN TÉR.A DÉLI PÁLYAUDVAR, végállomás következik.The next station is DÉLI PÁLYAUDVAR, where this train terminates. Change here for railways.DÉLI PÁLYAUDVAR, végállomás. Kérjük kedves Utasainkat, hogy szíveskedjenek elhagyni a vonatot és erre figyelmeztessék utastársaikat is. Viszontlátásra!DÉLI PÁLYAUDVAR. This train terminates here. Please leave the train upon arrival. Goodbye!"(Extra "kuriózumként" a biztonsági sávon sétálva próbáltam "kiprovokálni" egy figyelmeztető sablonszöveget is, de sajna a gumiplatform nem érzékelte, hogy rajta vagyok, így ezt a részt kénytelen voltam emlékezetből lefirkantani:)"Kérem, hagyja el a biztonsági sávot!Please stand back from the platform edge. Thank you!" |
a) ablaktörlő |
b) autógumi |
c) biztonsági öv |
4. BOOT |
d) csomagtartó |
5. BRAKE |
e) fék |
f) fényszóró |
g) gázpedál |
h) index |
i) kézifék |
j) kormánykerék |
k) kuplung |
l) külső visszapillantó |
m) légzsák |
n) lökhárító |
o) motorháztető |
p) műszerfal |
17. TYRE |
r) rendszámtábla |
s) sebességmérő |
t) sebváltó kar |
u) szélvédő |
/Better Dental Care by J.F. Taintor/
afterlife_ |
1. a formal ceremony at which a dead person is buried |
2. a ring of flowers , leaves etc. as a mark of honour or respect |
3. cease to live/be |
catafalque_ |
4. a place for burying a corpse especially beneath the ground |
cemetery_ |
5. no longer having life |
coffin_ |
6. grave, vault, or chamber in which a dead body is buried |
corpse_ |
7. the powder that is left after a corpse is cremated |
cross_ |
8. gathering and meal following a burial service |
Day of the Dead _
9. put a corpse in a grave, in the earth or at sea |
dead_ |
10. a vase used for preserving the ashes of a cremated person |
death_ |
11. an upright post with a beam across, used by the ancient Romans for crucifixion |
deceased_ |
12. rest in peace |
die_ |
13. a burial ground not in the churchyard |
funeral_ |
14. a wooden framework supporting the coffin of a person during a funeral |
grave_ |
15. someone who has died recently |
gravedigger_ |
16. the ending of life |
heaven_ |
17. life after death |
hell_ |
18. feel or express grief over a death or something that is past |
last will_ |
19. a corpse (or parts of it) |
light a candle_ |
20. a box in which a corpse is buried or cremated |
mourn_ |
21. return to life |
pass away_ |
22. the dwelling place of the devil, demons and of the damned, suffering punishment |
post-funeral reception _
23. a dwelling place of God, his angels and the souls of those who have received salvation |
R.I.P._ |
24. ignite a wax stick to give light |
remains_ |
25. something in humans considered by some to be immortal and the centre of spiritual being |
rise from the dead_ |
26. an annual celebration to honor the spirits of the dead |
soul_ |
27. the formal expression for "die" |
tomb_ |
28. a dead human body |
urn_ |
29. a person who digs holes in the ground where corpses can be buried |
wreath_ |
30. a written statement of a person's wishes concerning the disposal of their property after death |