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Íme, az újszölött HERCEGNŐ NEVE(I) és néhány KIRÁLY(I) IDIÓMA

2015. május 04. - EnglishOnline

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Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana is preparing for her first audience with the Queen at Sandringham - after her name was announced to the world.


The Duke and Duchess ended days of speculation after revealing the choice on Monday afternoon following days of speculation. Charlotte had been one of the bookies' favourites and many punters had believed Diana would feature as one of the royal baby's names in tribute to Prince William's late mother.

The royal are expected to drive to Norfolk with their two children, where they will take the new baby to meet Her Majesty.

The Duke and Duchess welcomed VIP visitors - including the Middletons, Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall - to Kensington Palace on Sunday.

Royal gun salutes were fired across London on Monday to mark the princess's birth, with volleys ringing out across the capital from the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery in Hyde Park and the Tower of London.


to announce= bejelent, kihirdet, közhírré tesz

speculation= találgatás

to reveal= felfed, elárul, megmond

bookies= bukmékerek

punters= {akik fogadást tesznek pénzért}

to feature= szerepel, megjelenik

in tribute to= megemlékezésképpen/tiszteletére

late= néhai

Her Majesty= Őfelsége a Királynő

Duke= Herceg

Duchess= Hercegnő

palace= palota

royal gun salutes= királyi díszlövések

volleys= sortűz

horse artillery= lovas tüzérség


1) LIVE LIKE A KING (simile=hasonlat) : él mint hal a vízben, arany élete van, tejben-vajban fürdik

2) IN THE LAND OF THE BLIND THE ONE-EYED IS KING (proverb=közmondás) : A vakok közt a félszemű a király.

3) TILL KINGDOM COME (informal) : majd ha fagy, sohanapján, soha a büdös életben

4) FIT FOR A KING (cliché=közhely) : királyi, pazar, fényűző, fenséges, pompás, fejedelmi

5) COST A KING'S RANSOM (folksy=népies) : egy vagyonba kerül, méregdrága


Put the idioms in the gaps.


a) Your mother prepared a dinner ___________!

b) On 6000 $ a month you can _________________.

c) I won't marry you bastard _______________!

d) A proverb which means: a person who is not particularly capable can attain a powerful position if the people around him or her are even less capable.

e) Look at his Ferrari! It must have ___________________...I will never have one.



a) fit for a king

b) live like a king

c) till kingdom come

d) In the land of the blind the bad-eyed is king.

e) cost a king's ransom


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