Angol tanulás, Angol magánoktatás ONLINE ÉS OFFLINE! Angol Kulturális és Nyelvi Klub


2018. december 19. - EnglishOnline

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  A tradicionális magyar karácsonyi édességről - ANGOLUL!    the_christmas_candy.png


With the start of December, you might have noticed the candy wrapped in shiny tinfoil paper literally flooding the shops. That's SZALONCUKOR, a truly Hungarian invention.
The fondant-filled chocolate wrapped in silk paper and tinfoil, hanged all over the Christmas tree is an indispensable part of any Hungarian Christmas. The fondant candy, the father of the 'szaloncukor' or saloon candy if you like (what a posh name!) actually comes from France however, via Austria: immigrant German confectioners brought along the recipe sometime at the beginning of the 19th century. But how did the fondant turn into our beloved 'szaloncukor', a yummy treat and a Christmas tree decoration all at once? No one really knows. What we do know, however, is that the candy to decorate trees appeared in stores in the mid-1800s. The first fondant-making machines were used by the famous Stühmer chocolate factory and the Gerbeaud confectionery at the end of the 19th century, but the wrapping of every piece was still done by hand well after World War II. Today, Hungarians wouldn't imagine Christmas without it. It's also an effective way to train kids' fine motor skills - just think of all that delicious candy unpacked under the cover of darkness, rearranging the delicate tinfoil package to cover up the crime..."

might have noticed=
ezüstpapír, alufólia
szó szerint
to flood=
cukormasszával töltött
silk paper=
to hang=
if you like=
ha úgy tetszik
előkelő, elegáns
éppenséggel, valójában
vmin keresztül, által
to turn into=
válik valamivé
a yummy treat=
fincsi élvezeti cikk, nyalánkság
all at once=
egyszeriben, hirtelen
to appear=
üzlet, bolt
cukrászda, cukrászat
done by hand=
kézzel készített
well after...=
to imagine=
an effective way to=
hatékony módja valaminek
to train=
begyakoroltat, kiképez
fine motor skills= finommotoros készségek (a kifinomult mozgást elősegítő idegrendszeri fejlődéssel kapcsolatos készségek)
to unpack=
kicsomagol, kirámol
under the cover of darkness=
az éj leple alatt
to rearrange=
visszarendez, visszaügyeskedik, visszahajtogat
ízléses, gusztusos
to cover up=
bűntett, gaztett, csíny

/Source: FUNZINE/


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Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

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Szövegértést ERRE!

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ANGOLOZZ COLUMBO-VAL! - angol bűnügyi szókincs - CRIME VOCABULARY Part 1

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Éljen Columbo, örök kedvencem, gyilkosok megleckéztetője és RÉME, a látszólag balek és lassú felfogású félszemű hadnagy, aki valójában nagyon is fifikás - simulékony és intelligens, figyelme minden részletre kiterjed. Egy igazi lángész, a megtévesztés nagymestere, aki mindaddig csak szerényen, de szemtelenül és szakadatlan szimatol körülötted, míg végül egy óvatlan pillanatban végérvényesen rád nem pattintja bilincseit - feltéve, ha te vagy a becstelen gonosztevő. Columbo (Peter Falk), a szivaros őrangyal, akivel milliók szimpatizálnak, akinek egy megoldatlan ügye nem akad egész karrierje során, és aki vagy 10 évadon át feszítettél ugyanabban a viharvert ballonkabátban...Neked ajánlom az elkövetkezendő COLUMBO-s ANGOLOS FELADATSOROZATot! We love You! RIP!!! 




Az alábbi 3 részes CRIME VOCABULARY feladatok az eredetileg mozifilmnek készült Prescription: Murder című első Columbo "epizód"-on alapulnak. Lássuk az első tesztet. Párosítsd a filmben szereplő angol bűnügyi kifejezéseket magyar megfelelőikkel!


Érdekelnek az angolos videók?

 IRATKOZZ FEL az ANGOL VLOGyoutube_even_smaller.pngnyelvoktató csatornámra!




Columbo 'oltások' és lekoptatószövegek ANGOLUL




Hogy tetszett a COLUMBO CRIME VOCAB Part1 feladat?

Ha megért egy LIKE-ot, nyomj egy LIKE-ot! :D

Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!


15 NÉLKÜLÖZHETETLEN PHRASAL VERB - MÁSODIK RÉSZ - 15 Essential Phrasal Verbs - the BASICS! - Part 2

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Készen állsz az alapozó PHRASAL VERBS teszt következő nehézségi szintjére? Kattints a képre és ellenőrizd le, hogy sikerülne a vizsga beugród a legalapvetőbb angol frazális igékből!



Hogy tetszett a PHRASAL VERBS beugró?

Ha megért egy LIKE-ot, nyomj egy LIKE-ot! :D

Na de hol van az ELSŐ RÉSZ? Right HERE!

Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!



15 NÉLKÜLÖZHETETLEN PHRASAL VERB - ELSŐ RÉSZ - 15 Essential Phrasal Verbs - the BASICS! - Part 1

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Készen állsz az alapozó PHRASAL VERBS tesztre? Kattints a képre és ellenőrizd le, hogy sikerülne a vizsga beugród a legalapvetőbb angol frazális igékből!


Hogy tetszett a PHRASAL VERBS beugró?

Ha megért egy LIKE-ot, nyomj egy LIKE-ot! :D

Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!




Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Ebben a posztban megismerkedhetsz  

 az aposztróf,

a felkiáltójel,

a gondolatjel,

az idézőjel,

a kérdőjel,

a kettőspont,

a kötőjel,

a mondat végi pont,

a pontosvessző,

a vessző,

és végül a zárójel


angol megfelelőivel egy játékos párosítós feladaton keresztül.


Most pedig lássuk a medvét!

Kösd össze az írásjeleket az angol elnevezéseikkel!


Kellemes angolozást! Próbálj ne lesni egyelőre :)

Szórakozásképp ajánlok egy videót. Gálvölgyi után a világ #legviccesebb embere #angolul előadja, hogy hogyan hangzana az, ha SZÓBAN is élnénk #központozás (#PUNCTUATION) praktikus eszközével, azaz a vesszők, pontok, kettőspontok, pontosvesszők, felkiáltójelek és egyebek használatával - talán kevésbé értenénk egymást félre, amikor beszélgetünk! :)

Végül, ha kész vagy a feladattal, a megoldókulcsot itt lent találod, de előtte még egy...

FONTOS APRÓSÁG: A "dot" NEM jelölheti a mondat végi pontot! A DOT a webhelyek nevében és az emailcímekben használatos "PONT", például: wwwDOTenglishHYPHENonlineDOThu ( vagy infoATenglishHYPHENonlineDOThu ( :)

Ezt sose felejtsd el!



Hogy tetszett a SZÓKINCSTÁR?

Ha megért egy LIKE-ot, nyomj egy LIKE-ot! :D

Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!



Piroska és a farkas ANGOLUL - MESÉK és szókincsbővítés

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Little Red-Cap / Little Red Riding Hood

A mesék nyelvezete nem is olyan könnyű, mint azt sokan gondolnák. Ellenben rengeteget lehet tanulni belőlük. Nem csak a történet tanulságát, hanem egy rakat hasznos szókincs elemet is. Próbáld csak ki! Helyezd vissza a jól ismert Grimm-mese, a Piroska és a farkas angol nyelvű történetébe a következő 20 kifejezést! (Ajánlott: középhaladó szinttől) A kékkel szedett nehezebb szavak jelentését rájuk kattintva éred el. Kellemes angolozást!

apron= kötény

beast= vadállat

blooming= virágzik

bushes= bokrok

cottage= vidéki ház, kunyhó

drew (draw drew drawn)= húz

gobbled up= felfalta

grow (grow grew grown)= nő

knocked at= kopogtatott

latch= retesz

lay (lie lay lain + lying)= feküdt

malicious= gonosz

pleased= boldog, elégedett

satisfied his appetite= jóllakott, kielégítette az étvágyát

snore= horkol

straight= egyenes(en)

strengthening= erősítő, erőt adó

velvet= bársony

weak= gyenge

wondered= tűnődött, csodálkozott

Once upon a time there lived a sweet little girl, who was beloved by every one who saw her; but her grandmother was so excessively fond of her that she never knew when she had thought and done enough of her.

One day the grandmother presented the little girl with a red __________(1) cap; and as it fitted her very well, she would never wear anything else; and so she was called Little Red-Cap. One day her mother said to her "Come, Red-Cap, here is a piece of nice meat, and a bottle of wine: take these to your grandmother; she is ill and __________(2), and will relish them. Make haste before she gets up; go quietly and carefully; and do not run, lest you should fall and break the bottle, and then your grandmother will get nothing. When you go into her room, do not forget to say 'Good morning;' and do not look about in all the corners." "I will do everything as you wish," replied Red-Cap, taking her mother's hand.

The grandmother dwelt far away in the wood, half an hour's walk from the village, and as Little Red-Cap entered among the trees, she met a wolf; but she did not know what a __________(3) __________(4) it was, and so she was not at all afraid. "Good day, Little Red-Cap," he said.

"Many thanks, Wolf," said she.

"Whither away so early, Little Red-Cap?"

"To my grandmother's," she replied.

"What are you carrying under your __________(5)?"

"Meat and wine," she answered. "Yesterday we baked the meat, that grandmother, who is ill and weak, might have something nice and __________(6)."

"Where does your grandmother live?" asked the Wolf.

"A good quarter of an hour's walk further in the forest. The __________(7) stands under three great oak-trees; near it are some nut __________(8), by which you will easily know it."

But the Wolf thought to himself, "She is a nice tender thing, and will taste better than the old woman: I must act craftily, that I may snap them both up."

Presently he came up again to Little Red-Cap, and said, "Just look at the beautiful flowers which __________(9) around you! I believe you don't hear how beautifully the birds sing. You walk on as if you were going to school; see how merry everything is around you in the forest."

So Little Red-Cap opened her eyes and when she saw how the sunbeams glanced and danced through the trees, and what spendid flowers were __________(10) in her path, she thought, "If I take my grandmother a fresh nosegay she will be very __________(11); and it is so very early that I can, even then, get there in good time;" and running into the forest she looked about for flowers. But when she had once begun she did not know how to leave off, and kept going deeper and deeper among the trees in search of some more beautiful flowers. The Wolf, however, ran __________(12) to the house of the old grandmother, and __________(13) the door.

"Who's there?" asked the old lady. 

"Only Little Red-Cap, bringing you some meat and wine: please open the door," replied the Wolf.

"Lift up the __________(14)," cried the grandmother; "I am too weak to get up."

Érdekelnek az angolos videók?

 IRATKOZZ FEL az ANGOL VLOGyoutube_even_smaller.pngnyelvoktató csatornámra!

So the Wolf lifted the latch, and the door flew open; and jumping without a word on the bed, he __________(15) the poor old lady. Then he put on her clothes, and tied her cap over his head; got into the bed; and __________(16) the blankets over him. All this time Red-Cap was still gathering flowers; and when she had plucked as many as she could carry, remembered her grandmother, and made haste to the cottage. She __________(17) very much to see the door wide open; and when she got into the room, she began to feel very ill, and exclaimed, "How sad I feel! I wish I had not come today." Then she said "Good morning", but received no answer; so she went up to the bed, and drew back the curtains, and there __________(18) her grandmother, as she thought, with the cap drawn half over her eyes, looking very fierce.

"Oh grandmother, what great ears you have!"

"The better to hear with," was the reply.

"And what great eyes you have!"

"The better to see with."

"And what great hands you have!"

"The better to touch you with."

"But, grandmother, what great teeth you have!"

"The better to eat you with;" and scarcely were the words out of his mouth, when the Wolf made a spring out of bed, and swallowed up poor Little Red-Cap.

As soon as the Wolf had thus __________(19), he laid himself down again in the bed, and began to __________(20) very loudly. A huntsman passing by overheard him and thought, "How loudly the old woman snores! I must see if she wants anything."

So he stepped into the cottage; and when he came to the bed, he saw the Wolf lying in it. "What? Do I find you here, you old sinner? I have long sought you," exclaimed he; and taking aim with his gun, he shot the old Wolf dead.


Hogy tetszett a szókincsbővítő feladat?

Ha megért egy LIKE-ot, nyomj egy LIKE-ot! :D

Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!





Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

  • Ki varázsolt el bájaival két befolyásos római fővezért is, hogy megvédje birodalma függetlenségét?
  • Hatshepsut vagy Cleopatra akart királynő helyett inkább király lenni?
  • Melyikük nem tudott fiúörökösről gondoskodni és használta ki a régenskirálynői helyzetét?
  • Kit szorított ki a hatalomból a saját fivére?
  • Ki adott megbízást sírhelyek és önmagát ábrázoló szobrok emelésére, csak hogy megmaradjon ez emberek emlékezetében és bekerüljön a történelembe?
  • Ki adott életet Julius Caesar fiának, ezzel háborút robbantva ki Rómával a hatalomért?
  • Ki ment férjhez tulajdon kékvérű fivéréhez és uralkodott tovább mint ő?
  • Ki követett el öngyilkosságot attól rettegvén, hogy megszűnik Egyiptom királynőjének lenni?
  • Melyikük változtatta meg a testtartását, hogy dominánsabbnak tűnjön?
  • Cleopatra vagy Hatshepsut lett sokkal ismertebb mint azok a fáraók, akik igyekeztek őt kitörölni az emlékezetből?

feminists_1.png1. Who enchanted two influential Roman leaders to protect her lands' independence?

 a) Cleopatra

 b) Hatshepsut

2. Who wanted to be King rather than Queen?

 a) Cleopatra

 b) Hatshepsut

3. Who couldn't provide a male heir and took advantage of being the queen regent?

 a) Cleopatra

 b) Hatshepsut

4. Who was forced from power by her brother?

 a) Cleopatra

 b) Hatshepsut

5. Who commissioned shrines and statues of herself to be erected so that she would be remembered in history?

 a) Cleopatra

 b) Hatshepsut

6. Who gave birth to Julius Caesar's son and triggered a war with Rome for power?

 a) Cleopatra

 b) Hatshepsut

7. Who married his brother as a royal and went on reigning longer than him?

 a) Cleopatra

 b) Hatshepsut

8. Who committed suicide for fear of ceasing to be Queen of Egypt?

 a) Cleopatra

 b) Hatshepsut

9. Who changed her posture to look more dominant?

 a) Cleopatra

 b) Hatshepsut

10. Who became much better known than those pharaohs who aspired to erase her memory?

 a) Cleopatra

 b) Hatshepsut



(Source: National Geographic)

Hogy tetszett az ismeretterjesztő QUIZ feladat?

Ha megért egy LIKE-ot, nyomj egy LIKE-ot! :D

Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!




The HARRY-MEGHAN WEDDING ABC - multiple choice feladat - angol középfok B2

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Perceken belül kezdődik a 21. század eleinte legvalószínűtlenebbnek tartott, most viszont kétségkívül leginkább várva várt nemzetközi esküvője! Harry brit herceg ma délben veszi el az amerikai, elvált, félvér ex-színésznő Meghan Markle-t! Ne maradj ki a mulatságból, ünnepelj egy angol középfokú nyelvvizsga jellegű, MULTIPLE CHOICE QUIZ feladattal! A WEDDING ABC betűihez találd meg a kontextusnak megfelelő szót a három megadott alternatíva közül! Opciók a cikk alján!





A for __________(1)

The official announcement states that 'the wedding will take place in spring 2018', but reports have suggested it could be happening in April. Windsor Castle - the perfect reception venue - is to be closed on that day and its state apartments will be shut on the day before and the day after. However, a Betfair spokesperson has also said there has been a flurry of betting for a May date.

B for __________(2)

Popular Meghan has her pick of __________(2). As both her best friend and stylist, Jessica Mulroney is the main contender for matron of honour. Tennis champion Serena Williams is another possibility. She met the bride-to-be at a charity football game in 2014 and Meghan says they're connected by 'our endless ambition'. Star Wars actress Janina Gavankar recently shared a selfie with Meghan, her friend of 15 years, saying: 'Couldn't be prouder how far we've come'. Then there's her gym buddy, fitness guru Heather Dorak, and her old uni friend, TV producer Lindsay Roth, who enlisted 'selfless' Meghan as her maid of honour last August.

C for __________(3)

After behaving impeccably during the May wedding of her aunt Pippa Middleton to James Matthews, HRH Princess Charlotte, who turned three on May 2, could reprise her role as s flower girl for Uncle Harry's big day. Her four-year-old brother Prince George received a ticking off from his mother Kate at Berkshire nuptials, but is likely to join his little sister as a page boy. Harry is very fond of his niece and nephew, referring to them as the 'most amazing things ever'.

D for __________(4)

William famously presented Kate with their late mother's blue sapphire engagement ring and Harry has also paid tribute to the late __________(4) Princess of Wales by presenting Meghan with a ring that includes two diamonds from her private collection.

E for __________(5)

When asked about her dream wedding gown, Meghan once said: 'I personally prefer dresses that are whimsical or subtly romantic.' Step forward Canadian/Turkish fashion designer Erdem Moralioglu, a favourite of Meghan, who has been wearing the label for years. His penchant for giving antique lace and fancy frills a modern twist make him a likely go-to for the wedding gown. Other choices could include a classic look by English designer Jenny Packham, a floral dress by Elie Saab or a fairy-tale number - much like her character wore in legal drama Suits - by Oscar de la Renta.

F for __________(6)

Despite being blessed with a fresh, glowing, complexion, Meghan will go all out to look her best on her big day. A facial courtesy of Sarah Chapman is just the thing - and the beauty guru to the stars gave Meghan a treatment at her Chelsea clinic Skinesis after she flew into the UK just over a week ago. Meghan, whose mum Doria encouraged her to start getting facials when she was just 13, has previously spoken about practising facial massage at home, trying infra-red saunas, drinking two litres of water a day and using a clarins serum and moisturiser. 

G for __________(7)

The cute beagle and his canine companion Bogart, a Labrador-shepherd cross, are described as 'my loves' by Meghan. She's revealed that one is staying with close friends and the other has been in the UK for a while. They're used to posing for photos, featuring heavily in her past social media posts, but whether they'll play a part in her big day as doggie ring bearers is another matter.

H for __________(8)

Meghan's mum Doria Ragland is the only known family member to have met Harry. The yoga teacher, who has allegedly been offered a room at Anmer Hall when the royals celebrate Christmas in Sandringham, was by the couple's side at October's Invictus Games closing ceremony in Toronto. She is divorced from Meghan's father Thomas Markle, but the two remain friends. It's not known whether Meghan's half-brother Tom Markle Jnr will attend, or her half-sister Samantha Grant. She has previously criticised Meghan for not reaching out when she was diagnosed with MS.

I for __________(9)

Meghan is a keen calligrapher and may well address the __________(9) herself! Celebrities hoping to receive one include Victoria Beckham who attended the the 2011 royal wedding. She might even design Meghan's gown, as Meghan is a fan of her clothes. Actor Patrick J Adams, who plays Meghan's love interest on Suits, describes their relationship as like 'brother and sister' so he may be there. Their mutual pal Markus Anderson, a businessman, is a very likely attendee. Former Made in Chelsea star Millie Macintosh, American socialite Olivia Palermo and actresses Gem Pinkney and Priyanka Chopra could attend. The groom's gusets may include actor Dominic West, Barack and Michelle Obama, singer Joss Stine and Harry's old friend Guy Pelly.

J for __________(10)

The Archbishop of Canterbury __________(10) Welby will officiate their church wedding. Congratulating the couple on Twitter, he wrote: 'I'm absolutely delighted to hear the news that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are now engaged. I wish them many years of love, happiness and fulfilment - and ask that God blesses them throughout their married life together.' He previously baptised TRH Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

K for __________(11)

Among the first to react to the news was the Prime Minister Theresa May. She tweeted  her 'warmest congratulations' to the pair, calling the announcement 'a time of huge celebration for two people in love'. Her predecessor David Cameron, Jeremy Corbyn, Fearne Cotton and Paula Radcliffe were among other celebrity supporters tweeting their best.

L for __________(12)

During their first joint interview on Monday evening, Harry and Meghan described their __________(12) relationship. 'We knew we had to invest the time and the energy and whatever it took into making that happen,' said Meghan, adding that it was 'not the easiest' to juggle her filming commitments in Toronto with travelling to the UK. 'We never went longer than two weeks without seeing each other,' said Harry, adding: 'Two different time zones and five hours apart does have its challenges, but then we made it work - and now we're here.'

M for __________(13)

While William and Kate invited Ellie Goulding to perform at their big day, Meghan's choice of wedding band could be more obscure. The actress is close friends with Canadian singer Martina Sorbara and earlier this year, Martina's band Dragonette was included on a list of Meghan's favourites compiled on her blog, The Tig. Harry was spotted watching The Killers at Hyde Park this summer, so the Las Vegas band are hotly tipped to take to the stage for his big day. Meanwhile, opera singer Laura Wright has been a regular fixture at Harry's Invictus Games and even wrote the tournament's official song, Invincible.

N for __________(14)

The newly engaged couple will set up home in Harry's two-bedroom residence, Nottingham Cottage. Nestled in the grounds of Kensington Palace, it's a stone's throw from William and Kate's official residence, Apartment 1A. It's been Harry's home for the past four years, before which it was William and Kate's first marital abode. Meghan will no doubt put her own stamp on the property, as Kate once did. The smallest dwelling on the 17th century royal estate, it boasts two reception rooms, a small garden and rooms originally designed by Sir Christopher Wren.

O for __________(15)

At the time of going to print, Westminster Abbey and Windsor Castle were events for the wedding venue, according to Betway. The odds on the ceremony taking place after Kate gives birth to her third child, due in April, were 1/3 and Prince William was odds-on to be picked as his brother's best man, at 1/4. The odds on Harry and Meghan, who both want children, announcing they're expecting a baby next year are now at 4/7.

P for __________(16)

Removal vans were spotted outside Meghan's rented Toronto home at the end of November, with her furniture reportedly heading into storage. The property, owned by Kevin O'Neill and his wife Liz Cabral, was located in the quiet, middle class residential area of Seaton Village, with minimal security.

Q for __________(17)

It is thought that Harry sought his grandmother's permission to propose back in October. In what is believed to have been Meghan's first meeting with Her Majesty, the couple visited Buckingham Palace for an intimate, hour-long tea party with the Queen. He was obliged to seek permission from the monarch under the Succession of the Crown Act 2013, which states that the six persons next in line to the crown must obtain the consent of Her Majesty to marry.

R for __________(18)

Once married, Meghan will be expected to carry out a number of royal engagements each year and has made preparations for the new role. Just as Kate did before her, the actress is set to leave her job, having been written out of Suits during the show's seventh series. In 2016, William, Kate and Harry carried out 485 engagements and it's expected Meghan's __________(18) will begin soon after she and Harry tie the knot.

S for __________(19)

Though some have assumed that Meghan will automatically become a princess following her nuptials, that's not the case. That title is only bestowed upon those born into the royal family - instead, she will likely become a duchess. It's thought that the Queen will assign Harry and Meghan the dukedom of Sussex upon their marriage, just as she made William and Kate the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge after their wedding. The title became extinct after its last holder, Prince Augustus Frederick, son of George III, died in 1843.

T is for __________(20)

She may be marrying into royalty, but it's unlikely Meghan is getting hitched to future King. Harry is currently fifth in line to the throne, but following the birth of William and Kate's third child in April 2018, he will drop to sixth in line.

 U for __________(21)

Harry acted as an usher for Tom 'Skippy' Inskip when he said 'I do' to Lara Hughes-Young in Jamaica earlier this year, accompanied by Meghan, so it's fair to assume he could return the favour. Harry has also acted as an usher for pals Thomas van Straubenzee, Jamie Murray Wells and Edward van Cutsem over the years. Of course the top role of best man will likely go to Harry's brother William, given that Harry acted as William's best man in 2011.

V for __________(22)

Meghan gave the biggest hint at her future life as a royal when she opened up abut her relationship in a cover story for Vanity Fair magazine. Referring to Harry as her 'boyfriend', she told the publication: 'We are two people who are really happy and in love.' Paving the way for this week's official announcement she said: 'I'm sure there will be time when we will have to come forward and present ourselves and have stories to tell,' adding: 'Personally, I love a great love story.'

W for __________(23)

It has been the venue of choice for several royal weddings over the years, including Her Majesty the Queen's 1947 wedding to Prince Philip, and Kate and William's 2011 nuptials, so it's no wonder that many are speculating that Westminster Abbey will be the place that Harry and Meghan will tie the knot. Windsor Castle is another hotly-tipped option, or London's St Paul's Cathedral.

X for __________(24)

Harry might have dated a string of beauties over the years, including Cressida Bonas, Jenna Coleman and Ellie Goulding, but it was once assumed that long-time love Chelsy Davy would one day become his wife. The pair split in 2010, after almost seven years together, and remain close friends to this day, with Chelsy even attending William and Kate's wedding. But don't expect Meghan's former husband, film producer to make an appearance.

Y for __________(25)

Meghan is a big fan of hot yoga, and will no doubt be practising it more regularly in a bid to look her best ahead of her big day. 'My mom is a __________(25) instructor, and I started doing mommy-and-me yoga with her when I was seven.' she explained. 'In college, I started doing it more regularly.'

Z for __________(26)

As well as neighbouring nation Botswana, where the centre diamond on Meghan's ring comes from, the couple have special memories of __________(2) having taken a three-week trip there this summer to celebrate Meghan's 36th bithday, so it could be a contender as a honeymoon destination. Harry has previously revealed that the continent holds a special place in his heart, first visiting soon after his mum's death in 1997: 'My dad told my brother and me we were going to Africa to get away from it all. This is where I feel more like myself than anywhere in the world. I have this intense sense of complete relaxation and normality here'.

(Text adapted from a British magazine)

best man
event planner
flower girls
her family
I do
kind wishes
long distance
Notthingham Cottage
newly weds
packing up
Prince William
royal duties
United Kingdom
Vanity Fair
wedding day
Westminster Abbey



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All you need to know about YOKO ONO - in a nutshell - ANGOL SZÖVEGÉRTÉS feladat

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Bizonyára a legismertebb japán nő, a legendás Beatles együttes lázadó John Lennon-jának második felesége volt (ma már Víg Özvegye) őkelme. John első fia, Julian Lennon csak Her Highness-ként (Őfelsége) emlegeti. Ha bővebben szeretnéd megtudni, hogy tett szert YOKO ONO erre a 'címre' oldd meg a következő angol szövegértés feladatot! A képen olvasható 12 szó maradt ki a szövegből, helyezd őket vissza a megfelelő helyre! Hajrá!



Yoko Ono was born the daughter of a banker and a classical pianist in Japan, and on her father's side she has a long line of __________(1) warriors in her blood. The family was very well-off for her youngest years but then came World War II and the fire bombings of Tokyo. Twelve-year-old Yoko ran to safety and took shelter in a bunker underneath the streets of Tokyo. After the smoke had faded away, Japan's economy faded as well and the Ono family was no exception. The family escaped to a mountain town, all their belongings in a wheelbarrow and they had to beg for food on the streets. Yoko's mother even traded an old sewing machine for a bag of rice so that they wouldn't __________(2). Yoko says this is what helped her to understand what it's like to be an outsider and how she developed her aggressive attitude towards the things she wants. Eleven years later, Yoko now 22, married a composer called Toshi, but after a messy divorce she ended up suffering from clinical __________(3) which was so severe that she was placed in a mental institution. Yoko married again to an American jazz musician named Anthony Cox who was instrumental in her release from the asylum. They had a daughter named Kyoko but the marriage quickly fell apart and Anthony changed Kyoko's name to Ruth and ran away with her while they were having a __________(4) battle over her. Eventually, Anthony won custody of Kyoko stating that Yoko was an unfit parent due to drug use. Yoko wouldn't see her daughter for 27 years. Later on Yoko hosted an art exhibit and lo and behold John Lennon showed up. Initially he wasn't very impressed with the art, but then he saw a ladder in the middle of the room and climbed to the top of it and saw just a simple word 'YES' written on the ceiling. He said it resonated with him because all art at that time that he had seen was 'anti this' and 'anti that' and this was a refreshing positive take on art. John and Yoko's friendship grew slowly. Cynthia, his wife at the time, asked him: "Who is this woman calling our house phone?" to which he replied "Oh, she's just calling to obtain money for her __________(5) bullshit". But Yoko was on John's mind. Yoko roughly translated means __________(6) and while John was writing his song Julia he even referred to her in it saying "Ocean child calls me". While Cynthia was away on vacation, John invited Yoko over to his house to do some recording. They recorded all night and as John put it, they made love at dawn. When Cynthia arrived back from holiday, she saw Yoko Ono sitting at her table wearing only Cynthia's white robe, drinking tea with her husband, to which John only said "Oh, hey!". They divorced shortly after that. John and Yoko married and the news dragged her through the mud. There wasn't anything like it. They called her names like __________(7), a 'succubus', a 'gold digger'. Yoko and John's relationship began to shrink under the pressure of his looming deportation from the US and her inability to track down her daughter Kyoko. John travelled back and forth to New York and LA with his assistant and friend May Pang. While in California, he decided that he wanted to buy a house with May Pang and stopped picking up Yoko Ono's calls to him. Yoko eventually tracked John down and convinced him to come back to her stating that she had found a cure for her smoking __________(8). John returned to New York with Yoko and May Pang called "What the hell is going on, where are you?" and Yoko responded to her on the phone: "John is unavailable. He is too exhausted from his __________(9) sessions." Two days later May ran into John serendipitously at a dentist's office. She said he looked stupefied and confused to an extent that May Pang thought John Lennon had been brainwashed. John told her there that his separation from Yoko was now over but Yoko would allow her to see John as a mistress. People started to notice that Yoko was now sitting in on every Beatles recording giving her true sense to the boys who had been performing together for a decade at that point. And now a strange lady was telling them: "Oh, you need more yah, yah, yah or primal __________(10) in your songs". Tensions were so high at the time, they were being screwed out of their own money, Paul's in-laws were getting involved in managing the Beatles and they were working separately on so many songs that they were almost already solo artists. It's difficult to claim Yoko was to __________(11) for the break-up of the Beatles, but some events should be treated as facts. Certain things are just evident, like her treatment of Julian. Not only did she have Julian buy Lennon's letters back at auction like a nobody, but John's will left nothing to Cynthia and Julian. Yoko, instead of doing the right thing and acknowledging that Julian deserved to be part of his father's legacy, monetarily and otherwise, she fought him in court for years until she gradually settled. She even referred to Julian as the 'mistake child' and her son Sean as the 'planned one'. Furthermore, when Paul McCartney asked Yoko, who now controlled 90% of the publishing rights, if she could change the Lennon-McCartney credit on the music to McCartney-Lennon only for the songs he was the sole writer of, she rudely turned him down saying "Stop trying to rewrite history!" After Lennon had tragically passed away, Yoko decided it would be a great idea to take the __________(12) glasses of a recently murdered husband and put it on display as the cover for her first album. 

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BRIT KORONÁZÁSI ÉKSZEREK - 20+1 KORONÁZÁSI ANGOL kifejezés, bónusz szövegértés feladatok - the UK

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

"Egy koronázást láttam életemben és a következő már az enyém volt, ami meglehetősen rendkívüli " mondja II. Erzsébet brit királynő, aki saját szavaival osztja meg a publikummal élete egyik legemlékezetesebb napjának féltve őrzött emlékeit , a BBC1 jóvoltából.


(Photo by BBC)

Az alábbi 20+1 kifejezés közül 20 megfelelő helyre vár a koronázási ékszerekről szóló brit újságcikkben. Illeszd őket vissza a szöveglyukakba! Have fun!


accession= trónra lépés

anniversary= évforduló

Archbishop= érsek

beaming= ragyogva

ceremony= ünnepség

Coronation= koronázás

crown= korona

crowned= megkoronázta

diamonds= gyémántok

gold= arany

Her Majesty= Őfelsége (királynőre)

investiture= beiktatás

Jewels= ékszerek

King= király

kingdom= királyság

monarch= uralkodó

precious stones= drágakövek

Queen= Királynő

royal= királyi

sapphires= zafírok

treasures= kincsek



__________(1) with delight, the __________(2) is reunited with the magnificent, bejewelled __________(3) she wore for her __________(4), as she is interviewed in a new BBC documentary marking the 65th __________(5) of her __________(6).

It is the first time the __________(7) has come face to face with the St Edward's Crown since the __________(8) of Canterbury placed it on her head on 2 June 1953, and formally __________(9) her Queen.

"I've seen one Coronation and been the recipient in the other, which is pretty remarkable," says Her Majesty, recalling her own __________(10) and that of her father George VI in 1937.

The hour-long documentary explores the history and role of the Crown __________(11) a priceless collection comprising 140 items and 23,000 __________(12).

The film is one of the rare occasions when __________(13) has agreed to appear in a documentary. She previously worked with the BBC in 1992 when she provided a voicover for a documentary Elisabeth R, which marked the 40th anniversary of her __________(14).


The St Edward's Crown was made for the Coronation of Charles II in 1661, replacing the medieval crown that had been melted down in 1649 by the Parliamentarians and which was thought to date back to __________(15) saint Edward the Confessor, the Anglo-Saxon __________(15)  whose death in 1066 led eventually to the Norman Conquest.

It comprises a solid __________(17) frame set with precious stones including __________(18) rubies, white and yellow topazes, amethysts and aquamarines and is topped with a velvet cap with an ermine band.

Stored in the Tower of London, it is only worn at Coronations. For the State Opening of Parliament, the Queen wears the much lighter Imperial State Crown, set with one of the world's largest __________(19), the Cullinan II.

The documentary also features memories from others present at the Coronation, including a maid who almost fainted and a choirboy who was left to sing solo when his fellow choristers lost their voices.

It is part of a series of programmes about the __________(20) of the Royal Collection, the art collection of the royal family. The BBC's director of content, Charlotte Moore, said: "In her own words, the Queen will bring to life the enduring symbolic importance of the Coronation ceremonies for modern audiences to enjoy."

(Adapted from the British Press)

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BÓNUSZ haladó szövegértés feladat!!


1. When did the Queen last see her Coronation Crown?

a) She sees it every year on her anniversary.

b) She last saw it in 1965.

c) She hasn't seen it since her Coronation.

2. How often does the Queen appear in documentaries?

a) Very often.

b) Hardly ever.

c) Only on formal occasions.

3. The Crown collection consists of 140 __________.

a) jewels

b) precious stones

c) crowns & tiaras

4. The Queen has __________ worked with the BBC.

a) never

b) already

c) recently

5. The crown she wore at her Coronation was specially made for __________.

a) her

b) St Edward

c) Charles II

d) George VI

6. For parliamentary opening ceremonies the Queen wears __________.

a) the crown she wore at her Coronation

b) another crown

c) no crown, huge diamonds only

7. In the documentary the Queen is going to tell the viewers about __________.

a) the history of the Royal Collection

b) the stories of the Crown Jewels & personal memories of the Coronation

c) presents she received for her Coronation

8. The programme is __________.

a) a movie

b) a docuseries

c) a documentary film


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