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All you need to know about YOKO ONO - in a nutshell - ANGOL SZÖVEGÉRTÉS feladat

2018. április 24. - EnglishOnline

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Bizonyára a legismertebb japán nő, a legendás Beatles együttes lázadó John Lennon-jának második felesége volt (ma már Víg Özvegye) őkelme. John első fia, Julian Lennon csak Her Highness-ként (Őfelsége) emlegeti. Ha bővebben szeretnéd megtudni, hogy tett szert YOKO ONO erre a 'címre' oldd meg a következő angol szövegértés feladatot! A képen olvasható 12 szó maradt ki a szövegből, helyezd őket vissza a megfelelő helyre! Hajrá!



Yoko Ono was born the daughter of a banker and a classical pianist in Japan, and on her father's side she has a long line of __________(1) warriors in her blood. The family was very well-off for her youngest years but then came World War II and the fire bombings of Tokyo. Twelve-year-old Yoko ran to safety and took shelter in a bunker underneath the streets of Tokyo. After the smoke had faded away, Japan's economy faded as well and the Ono family was no exception. The family escaped to a mountain town, all their belongings in a wheelbarrow and they had to beg for food on the streets. Yoko's mother even traded an old sewing machine for a bag of rice so that they wouldn't __________(2). Yoko says this is what helped her to understand what it's like to be an outsider and how she developed her aggressive attitude towards the things she wants. Eleven years later, Yoko now 22, married a composer called Toshi, but after a messy divorce she ended up suffering from clinical __________(3) which was so severe that she was placed in a mental institution. Yoko married again to an American jazz musician named Anthony Cox who was instrumental in her release from the asylum. They had a daughter named Kyoko but the marriage quickly fell apart and Anthony changed Kyoko's name to Ruth and ran away with her while they were having a __________(4) battle over her. Eventually, Anthony won custody of Kyoko stating that Yoko was an unfit parent due to drug use. Yoko wouldn't see her daughter for 27 years. Later on Yoko hosted an art exhibit and lo and behold John Lennon showed up. Initially he wasn't very impressed with the art, but then he saw a ladder in the middle of the room and climbed to the top of it and saw just a simple word 'YES' written on the ceiling. He said it resonated with him because all art at that time that he had seen was 'anti this' and 'anti that' and this was a refreshing positive take on art. John and Yoko's friendship grew slowly. Cynthia, his wife at the time, asked him: "Who is this woman calling our house phone?" to which he replied "Oh, she's just calling to obtain money for her __________(5) bullshit". But Yoko was on John's mind. Yoko roughly translated means __________(6) and while John was writing his song Julia he even referred to her in it saying "Ocean child calls me". While Cynthia was away on vacation, John invited Yoko over to his house to do some recording. They recorded all night and as John put it, they made love at dawn. When Cynthia arrived back from holiday, she saw Yoko Ono sitting at her table wearing only Cynthia's white robe, drinking tea with her husband, to which John only said "Oh, hey!". They divorced shortly after that. John and Yoko married and the news dragged her through the mud. There wasn't anything like it. They called her names like __________(7), a 'succubus', a 'gold digger'. Yoko and John's relationship began to shrink under the pressure of his looming deportation from the US and her inability to track down her daughter Kyoko. John travelled back and forth to New York and LA with his assistant and friend May Pang. While in California, he decided that he wanted to buy a house with May Pang and stopped picking up Yoko Ono's calls to him. Yoko eventually tracked John down and convinced him to come back to her stating that she had found a cure for her smoking __________(8). John returned to New York with Yoko and May Pang called "What the hell is going on, where are you?" and Yoko responded to her on the phone: "John is unavailable. He is too exhausted from his __________(9) sessions." Two days later May ran into John serendipitously at a dentist's office. She said he looked stupefied and confused to an extent that May Pang thought John Lennon had been brainwashed. John told her there that his separation from Yoko was now over but Yoko would allow her to see John as a mistress. People started to notice that Yoko was now sitting in on every Beatles recording giving her true sense to the boys who had been performing together for a decade at that point. And now a strange lady was telling them: "Oh, you need more yah, yah, yah or primal __________(10) in your songs". Tensions were so high at the time, they were being screwed out of their own money, Paul's in-laws were getting involved in managing the Beatles and they were working separately on so many songs that they were almost already solo artists. It's difficult to claim Yoko was to __________(11) for the break-up of the Beatles, but some events should be treated as facts. Certain things are just evident, like her treatment of Julian. Not only did she have Julian buy Lennon's letters back at auction like a nobody, but John's will left nothing to Cynthia and Julian. Yoko, instead of doing the right thing and acknowledging that Julian deserved to be part of his father's legacy, monetarily and otherwise, she fought him in court for years until she gradually settled. She even referred to Julian as the 'mistake child' and her son Sean as the 'planned one'. Furthermore, when Paul McCartney asked Yoko, who now controlled 90% of the publishing rights, if she could change the Lennon-McCartney credit on the music to McCartney-Lennon only for the songs he was the sole writer of, she rudely turned him down saying "Stop trying to rewrite history!" After Lennon had tragically passed away, Yoko decided it would be a great idea to take the __________(12) glasses of a recently murdered husband and put it on display as the cover for her first album. 

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Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

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The Sense of Achievement of Saying NO - angol hallott szövegértés KÖZÉPFOK - LISTENING B2 - video angol

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Véletlenül figyeltem fel erre a hölgyeményre a YouTube-on, akit az internet már úgynevezett "truthbomb Mom"-ként tart számon, és túlzás nélkül állíthatom, ez a nő nagyon nagy arc! Az esze a  helyén van, szerintem, a szíve meg persze a száján! :)  Tetszik, ahogy a rohanó világunkban Ő mer szemben úszni az árral és nyíltan vállalja, hogy számára nem mások elvárásai állítják fel a prioritásokat.  Az egyik számomra legélvezetesebb eszmefuttatásából készítettem számotokra egy LISTENING FELADATot, amelyben azt fejtegeti, mi vitte rá arra a régen halogatott, felháborító , roppant nehéz dilemmát és lelkiismeretfurdalást okozó,  egyben hatalmas sikerélménnyel járó tettre, hogy végre NEM-et merjen mondani.

A hiányos szöveget  (12 gaps=12 words) egészítsétek ki a  poszt alján található videó meghallgatásának segítségével ! Have fun!isaidnotodaycover_1.jpg


You guys, I said "NO" today - to an adult! A nice adult, who was asking me to __________(1) to yet another 'thing'. See, over the years, I've gotten sucked into committing to so many 'things' that I didn't have time or energy for, but while I planned on saying no, when my opened my mouth, my vocal cords __________(2) me, and I came "Yees, of course! I'd love to..!" But not today! Today, I said "NO"! 

The nice adult asked "Hey, Kristina, can you help us with this event by doing such and such and such and such and such?", and I said "No, thank you so much for thinking of me and asking me, but NO." 

Now, this is where I pretend that you are __________(3) me. You have leaped out of you seats giving me a standing ovation, you are cheering, you are screaming my name, you are throwing flowers on stage at me, you are possibly even throwing your undergarments at me, because you are __________(4) of how hard it is to ignore the guilt and the pressure and just say "NO". Especially, when the people asking are really nice people with really good __________(5)...but I did it! I said "NO".

Saying that "NO" was kind of like the first time I tried sushi. I was nervous about it, it was __________(6) but then once I took a bite of that spicy tuna roll, I was like "WOW! That is amazing in my mouth!" That's how that "NO" tasted in my mouth: AMAZING. And I will be trying it again, and again. 

Now, in my opinion, "NO" is a full __________(7). It does not require comma or a 'because', it is just beautiful on its own. But regardless, I will tell you why I finally said "NO":

NO, because I am at my limit. 

NO, because my __________(8) is full. Full, like this full. Not full like this full. If I'd wanted my plate to be this full, I would have had like 38 more children. But I'm good with this

NO, because I refuse to live in constant busyness AND I refuse to __________(9) to the glorification of constant busyness. You know what you should put on a pedestal instead of busyness? REST! Rest __________(10) to be put on a pedestal! 

NO, because yes, without even more stress to my already stressed-out life, and then I may __________(11) take that stress out on my children, or my husband. Because, let's be honest: the easiest targets are the people closest to us. Not good. 

NO, because it finally clicked for me that saying "NO" doesn't make me a bad person, or a selfish person, or a BITCH. And if you think it does, still "NO". 

NO, because me being emotionally and mentally healthy is way more important than me being liked by everyone. 

And NO, because having at least ten minutes a day to sit with my feet up, eating carbs and doing seemingly absolutely nothing important is actually very important. And way __________(12) in our culture.

So, thank you so much for asking.. but "NO". 

No, no, "NO"!



Hogy tetszett a LISTENING feladat?

Ha megért egy LIKE-ot, nyomj egy LIKE-ot! :D

Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!



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Újabb "LYUKAS" SZÖVEGET (gapfilling) hoztam Nektek, melynek harci feladata már jól ismert lesz: Helyezz vissza a cikk végén megadott 7 mondat közül 6-ot a szövegben hagyott GAPekbe (rés/szöveglyuk), tehát egy elem felesleges lesz, azt ki kell hagyni. Rajta!



One problem that practically everyone faces is how to go about finding a "good" dentist. _____1_____ As a consumer, there are several aspects you should consider about your dentist and their office after you have decided on a particular dentist to care for your teeth.

The internet is filled with dentists who all have one thing in common: a license to practise dentistry in your country. However, they all have different personalities, different levels of experience, and different degrees of expertise. Before you begin looking for a dentist, you should ask yourself these questions:

Are you looking for a dentist near your home, or are you willing to travel a reasonable distance to be treated by a particular dentist you trust and like?

Are certain times of the day or week better for you? Some dentists have early or late office hours; some work on Saturdays. How important are these considerations?

Do you have a physical handicap that requires special attention? Some general dentists and certain specialists cater to specific problems. Also, handicapped patients may need to consider the physical layout of the dental office and its location in relation to parking.

What is your problem? Do you need your teeth cleaned and checked? Do you have an emergency? _____2_____

Do you need a general dentist or a specialist? General dentists are trained to do all types of treatment; however, if you have difficult or unusual problems, the general dentist may refer you to a specialist.

The most readily available sources of information about dentists are your friends, acquaintances, work associates, family physician, or pharmacist. Ask them how long they have gone to their dentist, and how they made their selection. You will primarily find out something about these dentists' personalities, but you should realize that you will rarely get much information about their technical abilities.

_____3_____ They can assist you by recommending several dentists in your area who seem to fit your needs. Then you can call these dentists and decide for yourself if you feel comfortable. You may also want to check on the credentials of a particular dentist. For example, you may want to know if the dentist providing orthodontic treatment is a specialist or a general dentist. Your local dental society can also help you find a dentist if you have an emergency situation. Most societies have rotating emergency lists of dentists who have volunteered to take dental emergency calls on a 24-hour basis.

If you are moving, your current dentist is an excellent person to ask for recommendation. Many times, if they do not know anyone, they will have a colleague who can give them a recommendation.


Is the dentist or their hygienist prevention oriented, pointing out things you can do yourself in order to maintain good dental health? The dentist and their hygienist should provide oral prophylaxis (tooth cleaning), fluoride treatments, sealants, replacements for missing teeth, and needed restorations (fillings). Home care is up to you.

Do they emphasize continued long-term care? In other words, is there a recall system that automatically notifies you when it's time for you periodic checkup?

Does the dentist use dental X rays, when needed, to assist in diagnosing your problem? On the initial visits to their office, they should request that you have X rays taken of all your teeth so they can determine the overall condition of your mouth. On subsequent visits X rays should be taken as needed. No dentist should restore a tooth without proper X rays. At the time of the X ray, note if the dentist is radiation conscious. They should place a lead apron over you to protect you from any "scatter radiation". He should even have a thyroid collar on the lead-lined apron.

Using the information from the X rays and other diagnostic parameters of evaluation, a dentist can suggest what treatment is needed to restore your mouth to good condition again. _____5_____ Dental problems are much less expensive to treat in their early stages. 

Does the dentist take a complete medical and dental history to be included as part of your permanent record? This gives the dentist insight into your particular needs. It can also help prevent possible complications. For instance, it would alert the dentist to allergies you might have to medicines, or to an illness that might require modification of the usual treatment. Even if you have gone to this particular dentist regularly for a period of time, you should be sure that they are aware of any changes in your medical status, medicines you might be using now, or allergies that might have been detected since your last visit. _____6_____ Let you dentist make this decision. For example, you might recently have found that you are a diabetic. This is significant to your dentist, even though the disease has no apparent direct involvement with your teeth. The reason is that diabetes causes a delay in the healing process. Diabetes also can cause gingivitis (gum inflammation). This may mean you need to make more frequent visits to their office to have your teeth cleaned.

Does the dentist or their staff openly discuss your treatment needs, fees, and payment plans in advance of treatment? This approach allows both parties' expectations to be met, and fosters a lasting relationship.

Is emergency care available? Though many dentists list their telephone numbers, others have answering services. Usually, an answering service takes calls and help you find either your own dentist or someone who has agreed to handle after-hours emergency calls. Some dental societies have a list of volunteer dentists who will meet your emergency needs on a 24-hour basis.

The most important step in finding a dentist, however, is to look before you need one, not after you have no choice but to take whoever is available.

/Better Dental Care by J.F. Taintor/


A) Do not make the decision on your own that any medical information is of no dental significance.

B) Like all things in nature, our teeth and their supportive structures tend to break down in time.

C) Most people make this crucial decision several times during their lives.

D) Another way to find a dentist is to call your local dental society.

E) These factors will determine whether you need to see someone immediately or whether you can wait for a regular scheduled appointment.

F) Several aspects of the dentist’s practice can give you useful information in making your choice.

G) This is a far better and less expensive route for you to take than just "taking care of what hurts".


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Ha megért egy LIKE-ot, nyomj egy LIKE-ot! :D

Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!


VIDEÓ ANGOL! Főzés magyarul, kóstolás angolul: HUNGARIAN FOOD TASTING - magyaros ételek és főzéssel kapcsolatos szókincs ANGOLUL - COOKING VOCABULARY

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Néhány amerikai főiskolás kölök megkóstolta a legtipikusabb magyaros kajákat. Nézzétek és hallgassátok, hogy ízlett nekik, majd oldjátok meg a hallott szövegértés feladatot!

Watch the video and mark the sentences true (T) or false (F).

1. Ethan's mum is Hungarian.
2. One of the girls would like to learn how to cook "Chicken Paprikás".
3. More than one of them think "Rakott Káposzta" has some pasta in it.
4. ”Rakott Káposzta” makes one of the guys want to visit Hungary.
5. Brandon thinks Hungarians are quite good at making delicious desserts.
6. Two of them believe that ”Rakott Krumpli” is a breakfast dish.
7. According to the last guy, food is the only thing that really brings people together.




apricot= sárgabarack

bacon= szalonna

batter= folyékony tészta

beans= bab

beef= marhahús

blueberry= feketeáfonya

breakfast= reggeli

breakfasty= reggeliféle

burrito= burrito

cabbage= káposzta

cake= torta

canned= konzerv-

casserole= ragu

cheese= sajt

"Chicken Paprikás"= csirke paprikás

chicken= csirkehús

chili= chili

comfort food= kényeztető eledel

concoction= főzet, elegy, készítmény

cream= tejszín

crepe= palacsinta

crushed up= tört

cuisine= konyha(művészet)

cut into chunks= darabokba vágva

delicious= ízletes, roppant finom

dish= készétel, egytálétel

dumpling= gombóc, nokedli, csipetke

egg= tojás

enchilada= enchilada

flavourful= ízletes

flour= liszt

food= étel

fork= villa

ham= sonka

handmade= kézzel gyúrt/készített

hand-spread= kézzel megkent

hard-boiled eggs= főtt tojás

hearty= tápláló, bőséges, laktató

honey= méz

ingredients= hozzávalók, összetétel, alapanyagok

jam= lekvár

knife= kés

lamb= bárányhús

lasagne= lasagne

"Layered Cabbage"/"Stuffed Cabbage"= rakott/töltött káposzta

"Layered Potatoes"= rakott krumpli

leafy vegetable= leveles zöldség

light= könnyű

meat= hús

meatball= húsgombóc

meatloaf= fasírt

meaty= húsos

menu= étlap

mixture= keverék, elegy, mix

nice= finom

nut= mogyoró(féle)

nutiness= mogyorósság

onion= vöröshagyma

pork= disznóhús

potato= krumpli

powdered sugar= porcukor

preserves= befőtt, dzsem

pungent= pikáns

recommend= ajánl

rice= rizs

sauce= szósz, szaft

saucy= szaftos

sausage= kolbász, virsli

seed= mag

serve= felszolgál

smoky= füstölt

soup= leves

sour cream= tejföl

sour= savanyú

spice= fűszer

spicy= fűszeres

spoon= kanál

stack= máglyarakás

stew= pörkölt

sticky= ragacsos

sweet paprika= édes paprika

sweet= édes

syrupy= szirupos

taste= íz

texture= állag

to cook= főz, fő

to fit well= jól beleillik

to look like...= valamihez hasonlít, úgy néz ki, mint

to make= készít

to smell good= finom illata van

to smell like...= valamilyen illata van

to tastle like...= olyan íze van, mint a…-nek

to try= megkóstol

to wrap around= körbeteker valamivel, belegöngyöl valamibe

tomatoey= paradicsomos

topped with= valamivel a tetején megszórt/megkent

veal= borjúhús

walnut= dió


I finished it all. = Mind megettem.

I never had that before.= Még sosem ettem ilyet korábban.

You can’t go wrong with that.= Ezt nem lehet elrontani.

It melts in your mouth.= Elolvad a szádban.

It has a kick to it.= Van ereje./Ütős./Erős.

It reminds me of a stew.= Pörköltre emlékeztet.

There’s a sweet, almost sour taste that came with it.= Édeskés, épphogy/picikét/majdhogynem savanyú utóíze volt.

They know what they’re doing.= Értik a módját./Értenek hozzá.



Hogy tetszett a VIDEÓ ANGOL?

Ha megért egy LIKE-ot, nyomj egy LIKE-ot! :D

Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!



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Watch and listen to the INFORMATIVE VIDEO about Boris Bikes by Oxford University Press and mark the sentences (below) TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).


1. Jack drives in London for pleasure.
2. Parking in London is nearly as expensive as petrol.
3. Jack usually gets around the city by bike.
4. The Tube is the oldest and cheapest way of public transport in the capital.
5. Cycle hire has been the healthiest alternative to public transport since 2010.
6. Boris Bikes was named after a politician.
7. Boris Bikes is completely free.
8. Bike sharing is only popular with visitors to London.
9. Since the 1960s more than 156 bike schemes have been introduced in the world.
10. The bike scheme in Barcelona is called ’bixi’.
11. The biggest bike sharing system is in China.
12. London is the most bike-friendly city in Europe.
13. In the UK there are separate bike lanes everywhere.
14. It isn’t allowed to cycle on the pavements in London.
15. You must wear a helmet and bright coloured clothes while you’re riding.


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Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!


ANGOL NYELVVIZSGA SZÓKINCS - teszteld magad nyelvvizsga témakörökből KÖZÉPFOKON (B2) - THE WEATHER

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ezt a 20 kérdéses keresztrejtvényt

IDŐJÁRÁS témakörben! Have fun!


Hogy tetszett a CROSSWORD?

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Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!



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Klasszikus TELC nyelvvizsgás szövegértés illetve LANGUAGE ELEMENTS feladat: Helyezz vissza 15 közül 10 szövegelemet a cikkbe. Tehát 5 szó felesleges lesz! Melyek? 

A- announcement, B- ceremony, C- congratulations, D- delighted,

E- duchess, F- engagement, G- expecting, H- gynaecologist, I- legislation,  

J- marriage, K- monarch, L- prince, M- pregnancy, N- sickness, O- throne      


The Duchess of Cambridge is __________(1) a baby, St James's Palace has announced. Members of the Royal Family and the duchess's family, the Middletons, are said to be delighted. A spokesman said the duchess, who is thought to be less than 12 weeks pregnant, has been admitted to a London hospital with acute morning __________(2) and is likely to stay for several days. The baby - the couple's first - will be born third in line to the __________(3), after Prince Charles and Prince William. Catherine and William, who are both 30, were married at Westminster Abbey in April 2011.
BBC's royal correspondent Peter Hunt said William and Kate were staying at her parents in Berkshire at the weekend and travelled to the private London hospital from there by car. William spent several hours with his wife but left the King Edward VII hospital shortly after 20:00 GMT. It is understood that Kate is being cared for by __________(4) Marcus Setchell, who delivered the Countess of Wessex's two children. The duchess was last seen in public on Friday when she visited her old school, St Andrew's, in Pangbourne in Berkshire. In a statement, St James's Palace said: "Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to announce that the Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a baby. "The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales, the Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry and members of both families are __________(5) with the news." It said the duchess was suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum, which requires supplementary hydration and nutrients. "As the pregnancy is in its very early stages, Her Royal Highness is expected to stay in hospital for several days and will require a period of rest thereafter," it added. St James's Palace refused to be drawn on when the royal couple became aware of the pregnancy, only saying "recently". But it is understood the palace __________(6) was prompted by the Duchess's medical condition. The Queen, Prince Charles and other members of the Royal Family were only told about the pregnancy earlier in the day, our royal correspondent said. Prince William's brother Prince Harry, who is serving with the Army in Afghanistan, is thought to have been told about pregnancy in an e-mail. Daghni Rajasingham, a consultant obstetrician, told BBC Radio 4's PM programme the sickness will continue throughout the pregnancy in a "very small" number of cases and may result in future re-admission to hospital "But in terms of any particular complications, if it's treated well and they're kept well hydrated it's something that is relatively easy and well treated."
Asked about having children in an interview after their __________(7) in November 2010, William said: "I think we'll take it one step at a time. We'll get over the marriage thing first and then maybe look at the kids, but obviously we want a family."
Prime Minister David Cameron wrote on Twitter that he was "delighted by the news...They will make wonderful parents." Labour leader Ed Miliband tweeted: "Fantastic news for Kate, William and the country. A royal baby is something the whole nation will celebrate." A spokesman for the Royal Air Force, with which William serves as a search-and-rescue pilot, said: "The RAF is delighted with the news and wishes the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge all the best for the future." William's uncle Earl Spencer, the brother of Princess Diana, said the __________(8) was "wonderful news and I am thrilled for them both". The Archbishop of Canterbury, who married the couple, said: "The whole nation will want to join in celebrating this wonderful news. We wish the Duchess the best of health and happiness in the months ahead." The White House also paid tribute. President Barack Obama's press secretary Jay Carney said: "On behalf of everyone here...beginning with the president and first lady we extend our __________(9) to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on the welcome news we received from London that they are expecting their first child." Royal journalist Ingrid Seward said the royal pair were likely to have wanted to start a family "sooner rather than later", but delayed so that they could play their part in honouring the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. She told the BBC: "Kate will be 31 in January and I think by royal standards that is relatively old."
In October 2011, Commonwealth leaders agreed to change succession laws so that the daughter of any future UK monarch will have equal right to the throne as a son. The law has not yet been altered but a Cabinet Office spokesman says formal consent is expected "very shortly" and ministers have indicated that the __________(10) will apply to any royal births from the date of the leaders' decision. The monarch is also head of the armed forces, supreme governor of the Church of England, head of state of the UK and 15 other Commonwealth countries.


As with William and Kate's wedding, this pregnancy will be played out both on a private and a very public stage. It was the great unsaid. As one historian put it, the first "duty and ambition" of someone in the duchess' position was to produce an heir. Marriages and births are crucial to the very survival of the ancient institution. When the baby is born, Prince Harry's importance reduces and he relinquishes the position of third-in-line to the throne. Even if it's a girl, the government is insistent she will be head of state of Britain and, as things stand, 15 other countries where the Queen still reigns. The law will be changed, they say, to ensure she would not be overtaken by any younger brother. The hope in royal circles will be that the future of the monarchy has now been secured for another generation.

/Adapted from BBC News/ 


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The American Dream Called BRANGELINA IS OVER! - Breaking News és ANGOL SZÖVEGÉRTÉS FELADAT - angol középfokú nyelvvizsga (B2) feladat SZÓSZEDETTEL

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!


After 12 years and six kids together, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt reveal the unraveling of their marriage just months after their two-year anniversary


Na, szép, mondhatom! Eddig bírták Angelinaék..Na de miért? Ha tudni szeretnéd a szaftos részleteket egy nyelvvizsga feladatba rejtve  tutira meglelheted! Újabb lyukas szöveg típusú szövegértés feladatot hoztam Nektek, amely egy eredeti amerikai sajtócikk feldolgozása. A feladat pedig a nyelvvizsga által megszabott lesz: Helyezz vissza a megadott 6 elem közül 5 db-ot a szövegben hagyott GAP-ekbe (rés/szöveglyuk), tehát egy elem felesleges lesz, azt ki kell hagyni. Rajta!

Segítő szószedetet a cikk végén találsz! Kellemes angolozást!



A) It seems she has been looking for a new life for a while and that Brad just doesn't fit in.

B) That was especially true in 2013 when Jolie underwent a preventive double mastectomy , and again in 2015 when a high cancer risk led her to remove her ovaries and fallopian tubes.

C) His approach is: 'I'm gonna do what's best for my family.'

D) "A few months in I realized, 'God, I can't wait to get to work,'" Jolie said of filming Mr. & Mrs Smith with Pitt in Rome.

E) A few days ago, after months of mounting  tensions, Jolie told her husband of two years - and a partner of 12 - that she wanted a divorce.

F) Irreconcilable differences: check. Joint legal custody of their children: check.


This is not how either Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie wanted their marriage to end. [___1___] "She sat down , talked to Brad and offered to file [for divorce] together," says a source close to the actress. "She said, 'This is what I'd like to do.' She explained everything. Angelina did what she felt she needed to do." For his part Pitt knew his marriage was in trouble, and he'd been in counseling "to try to figure out how to make things better" for the couple's six kids, says a source in Pitt's circle. He "begged her to press pause" - not so they could reconcile, but so they could prepare their children for the massive upheaval to come, says the Pitt source: "He was willing to do anything, change any habit, change any lifestyle, to do what had to be done to make this work.  And by 'make this work,' that means doing what  has to be done to make even a split one that is amicable and in the best interests of the children."

But time was up. On Sept. 19 the 12-year Hollywood fairy tale known around the world as Brad & Angelina - both stars privately chafed at their popular Brangelina nickname - ended with 28 checked boxes in a divorce petition filed in Los Angeles by Jolie. [___2___] In the box beside "physical custody," Jolie checked only herself, with "visitation" for Pitt, and she did not request spousal support. She signed her name in two places - including the "Pitt" she took after the couple's wedding in 2014 - and the court clerk stamped the document case No. BD646058. "I am very saddened by this, but what matters most now is the well-being of our kids," Pitt, 52, said in a statement to Magazine*, while Jolie, 41, said, "This decision was made for the health of the family." Of course, "both Brad and Angelina care very much about their kids," says the source in Pitt's circle, " and there is sadness on both sides."

Sadness, yes, and also shock. The split marks a sudden unhappy-ever-after for a couple who had ranked as the 21st century version of Bogie and Bacall, Taylor and Burton, Hepburn and Tracy: two wildly glamorous Oscar winners at the top of their game, showing off their sex appeal and chemistry with effortless ease  on hundreds of red carpets. Theirs was an on-set romance that blossomed into the robust real life with their six kids: Maddox, 15, Pax, 12, Zahara, 11, Shiloh, 10, and 8-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne. "If you ask any of the kids about us, I feel like they'd say, 'Let's talk about how Mommy and Daddy are so uncool. That Daddy makes better pancakes than Mommy," Jolie told Magazine* in 2014. "We spend so much time at home that the film aspect is a fun part of our lives, but it's a small part."

In recent months that home life had become increasingly fraught. Sources on both sides acknowledge that the two stars can be challenging to live with. "Brad is not a saint," says the Pitt source and "Angelina is absolutely no angel," says the insider. "She has a complicated pesonality and can be difficult to deal with - she has always been very extreme." Things took a turn for the worse, sources say, sometime after the couple's 2014 wedding - during which "we committed our lives to the children," Jolie said. "Since they got married, Angelina has changed a lot," says the insider. "She wants something more than being an actress and director. She wants to be more involved with the United Nations and her missions." Earlier this year, adds the insider, "she seemed troubled and almost depressed. Angelina said she was just bored. [___3___] 

Although they had long gone to painstaking lenghts to ensure they balanced their family and work lives, lately the pair had been pulled in separate directions. Pitt filmed Allied and War Machine overseas, while Jolie wrapped her latest directoral effort, First They Killed My Father, in Cambodia and continued her work for the United Nations' refugee agency. The insider who knows both stars says that Pitt made multiple solo trips to the couple's home in France, Chateau Miraval, following disagreements between the spouses: "They definitely spent more time apart this year, but it's still a shock."

Pitt himself was among those caught off guard by the timing, according to multiple people in their circle. "He got a heads-up [about the filing] two days before, and he was appealing to her to do this quietly - not to save the marriage but to consider the well-being of the children - and it was ignored," contends the Pitt source. "He is just wrecked by this." Pointing to other high-profile breakups, the source says that Jolie's divorce filing could have been handled less abruptly.  "Look at Gwyeneth [Paltrow  and Chris Martin], look at Ben [Affleck] and Jen [Garner], " says the Pitt source. "You go to that godforsaken island, you hunker down together, you grit your teeth, and you get through it. You don't do it this way." Pitt, the source adds, "is not going to go head-to-head with her. [___4___]

So what prompted Jolie to make the final break? Both sides quickly shot down rumours that Pitt was in any way involved with French actress Marion Cotillard, his costar in the upcoming drama Allied. "It's unfortunate if anybody tries to introduce negativity into what is already a very difficult and painful situation," says a Pitt source.

Even as the relationship hit rough patches - from the everyday stresses of raising a large family to the life-changing challenges of Jolie's two cancer-preventing surgeries - the pair appeared committed to working through their issues. "It was more like their was over and they entered a real marriage," says the insider. "The differences and arguments they had all seemed very normal." That included diverging parenting styles, with Brad taking a "stricter approach" to Angelina's "more relaxed attitude," says the source. "It never seemed it was a big deal. Brad and Angelina are both great, great parents. And their differences seemed to make them a great parent team."

But behind closed doors the relationship was quietly unraveling. "Things built and built over time - it wasn't any one thing," says the Jolie source. "She's loved this man for several years, and [divorce] is not something you do impulsively." The Pitt source concurs, citing "a series off issues and a cycle of disagreements," but says there was a final straw. "There was clearly a breaking point, where she'd just had enough," says the source. "He may have been broken himself and said he couldn't go on, and she reacted. This has been difficult for a while. Marriages are difficult especially when you're those two people, with those schedules and six children."

It's a far different life from the one each star had when they met in 2004 on the set of Mr. & Mrs. Smith. At the time, Pitt was married to Jennifer Aniston and Jolie was twice divorced, from actors Tommy Lee Miller and Billy Bob Thornton. She was also a single mother to son Maddox, whom she adopted from Cambodia in 2003. They quickly bonded, and she later told Vogue that when the shoot wrapped in 2004 - Pitt and Aniston split early the next year - the pair realized that their connection "might mean something more than we'd earlier allowed ourselves to beleive."

Throughout the next decade the two A-listers grew their careers, their family and their fortune. (It's estimated at a combined $500 million.) With their time-zone-hopping adventures and their children's diverse backgrounds, they embodied both Hollywood fantasy and spirited sense of the modern American family. They gushed about the custom bed they built for all the kids to pile into, joked about Angelina's terrible cooking and embraced what they repeatedly described as the happy "chaos" of it all. "Brad's an extraordinary father," she told Magazine* in 2010. "We have each other's backs."

[___5___] (Pitt also supported her through the 2007 ovarian cancer death of her mother, Marcheline Bertrand, at age 56.) When they shot their 2015 drama By the Sea, which Jolie wrote and directed, about a couple whose marraiage was coming undone, she said that their own only strengthened them and that they both "appreciate the beauty in each other's changes...and look forward to even more years together." A year before, she had told Magazine*, "We've been through so much. We've gotten a lot closer, which I think naturally happens with raising a family together. You have history."

Now that history includes a heartbreaking final chapter - one both sides say is still being written. "They ultimately will try to find a dignified way to move forward," says the Pitt source. "He will always love her and wants to find a way to resolve this amicably, for the sake of their kids." Jolie feels the same. "She desperately cares about Brad," says a source close to her. "He's the father of her children." Adds a mutual friend of both stars: "She'll always love him. Sometimes no matter how hard you try, it doesn't work out, and it's so sad."


split= szakítás, válás

unraveling= tisztázás, megold(ód)ás

doesn't fit in= nem illik bele/oda/a képbe

to undergo= átesni valamin


ovaries and fallopian tubes= lásd ANGELINA JOLIE PREVENCIÓS MŰTÉTEK

approach= megközelítés

divorce= válás

irreconcilable differences= összeegyeztethetetlen, feloldhatatlan ellentétek

check= pipa

joint legal custody= közös jogi gyámság

to file for divorce= válókeresetet bead

counseling= tanácsadás

to beg= könyörög

to reconcile= kibékít, kibékül

upheaval= felfordulás, megbolydulás

to be willing to do sg= hajlandó valamit megtenni

amicable= barátságos, baráti, szeretetteljes

chafed= ingerült, bosszús

divorce petition= válókereset

physical custody= fizikai gyámság, gyermekfelügyelet

visitation= láthatási jog

spousal support= házastársi támogatás

case= ügy

I am very saddened by this= ez nagyon elszomorít

well-being= jólét

unhappy-ever-after= a happily-ever-after ('és boldogan éltek, míg meg nem haltak') ellentéte

to show off= büszkélkedik, henceg, 'megvillant'

with effortless ease= erőlködésmentes könnyedséggel

on-set romance= forgatás alatt szövődött szerelem

to blossom= virágzik

fraught= terhes, megterhelő

acknowledge= elismer

insider= bennfentes

had long gone to painstaking lenghts= korábban messzire mentek a gondosságban

to wrap= itt: befejezte  a forgatást

was caught off guard= felkészületlenül/váratlanul érte, megdöbbentette

to appeal= kér, esdekel, könyörög

to ignore= figyelmen kívül hagy

wrecked= belerokkan, romokban hever(ő)

godforsaken= istenverte

to hunker down= lenyugszik, leül, összehúzza magát

to grit your teeth= összeszorítja a fogát

costar= sztár kolléga közös produkcióban

upcoming= közelgő, soron következő, nemsokára aktuálissá váló

to raise a large family= sok gyereket nevelni

cancer-preventing surgeries= rák-megelőző műtétek

committed= elkötelezett

diverging= eltérő

impulsively= fellobbanásból, hirtelenszerűen

a final straw= utolsó csepp a pohárban

schedule= munkarend, menetrend, időbeosztás

connection= vonzalom, kötődés LÁSD: SZERELMES ANGOL!

decade= évtized

to estimate= felbecsül, megbecsül

to embody= megtestesít

to gush about= áradozik vmiről

to pile= halomban hever, púposodva magasodik

extraordinary= rendkívüli

to come undone= szétesik, összeomlik, tönkremegy

heartbreaking final chapter= szívszorító utolsó fejezet

a dignified way= méltóságteljes módon

a mutual friend= közös barát

no matter how= nem számít, mennyire


(Article adapted from the American Press)


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Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!


Biztosan mindannyian hallottátok már, hogy az ORIGÓ NYELVVIZSGARENDSZER MEGVÁLTOZIK idén novembertől. Szinte minden készséget a régihez képest duplán fognak mérni, azaz az írásbeli és szóbeli szövegértésből is (azaz Reading Comprehension-ből és a Listeningből is) 2-2 feladatot fogtok kapni, Writing-ból, azaz szövegformálásos feladatból is kettő lesz (választható levél + valamilyen jellegű véleménynyilvánítás) és újra két irányba is kell majd fordítani (Közvetítés angolról magyarra - középfokon, illetve magyarról angolra is - felsőfokon). A Speaking rész ellenben ugyanaz maradt: interjú, témakifejtés kép alapján és szituációs szerepjáték/párbeszéd.

Úgyhogy lássunk is hozzá a felkészüléshez! Mára hoztam nektek egy "LYUKAS" SZÖVEGET (Gapfilling), amely egyébként a NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC publikációi között jelent meg és az intőrákok párválasztásáról szól. A feladat pedig a nyelvvizsga által megszabott lesz: Helyezz vissza a megadott 5 elem közül 4-et a szövegben hagyott GAPekbe (rés/szöveglyuk), tehát egy elem felesleges lesz, azt ki kell hagyni. Rajta!


Why (Claw) Size Matters


All around her, guys wave seductively, beckoning her to their beach homes. [1] By the quality of his lodging, the allure of his wave - and, especially the size of his claw.

The female fiddler crab has two small, symmetrical claws; the male has one small and one oversize. "The large claw is all about the initial attraction," says marine biologist Zachary Darnell of Louisiana's Nicholls State University. [2] "Maybe a crab with a large claw relative to his body size , and a bit higher wave than others" - because if he can tote and swing a claw that's up to half his body weight, he's probably a physically fit sire.

After the pair has sex in the beach burrow, the female stays there while her eggs develop; the male goes back to waving and often brings home other females. [3] It's a thermoregulator, as air passing over it seems to dissipate heat and lower body temperature.

A big claw is also the male crab's best weapon: [4] After a few weeks, the pregnant females will emerge from that love lair and head for the waterline, where they'll release their larvae.


(Adapted from National Geographic - author: Patricia Edmonds)

Place the following items back into the text. There is an extra item you will not need.

A- After checking out several males and the love-nest burrows they've dug, a female "will find a male whose claw she really likes," he says.

B- He uses it to fight rivals and keep intruders away from his burrow.

C- When it comes to claws, right-handed attracts the females.

D- How will a female fiddler crab pick a mate?

E- On the hot sand, his claw is more than just a chick magnet, Darell's research has found.


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Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

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Szövegértést ERRE!

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Burning Issues - ÉGETŐ Problémák - Angol szövegértés feladat a NAPÉGÉS elkerüléséről és kezeléséről + SUNBURN related GLOSSARY

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Olvasd el a cikket és oldd meg a szöveg végén az IGAZ/HAMIS állításos feladatot. Ha a szöveg szerint a mondat helyes, TRUE-val jelöld, ha nem, FALSE-ként értékeld. 

A NAPÉGÉSSEL KAPCSOLATOS  segítő SZÓSZEDETet narancssárgával szedve találod a feladat alatt.



Painful, unsightly, ageing, dangerous to health...

and completely preventable -

we ask dermatologists the best ways to avoid getting sunburnt

and how to minimise the damage if you do


Roughly a fifth of Britons regularly go out on even the hottest and sunniest days of the year without sunscreen. Given that, it is hardly surprising that a recent survey by Nivea found that around 80 per cent of us have been sunburnt in the past.

Yet quiz the same people about the negative effects of sun exposure and they are likely to be able to list them. It is certainly no secret that spending too much time in the sun causes premature ageing, not to mention the danger sunburn presents to long-term health. Rates of malignant melanoma - the deadliest form of skin cancer - are disproportionately high in younger people and the disease is almost twice as common in young women as it is in similarly aged men.

"Sunburn is an acute reaction in the skin that follows excessive overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. It causes direct damage to DNA, resulting in inflammation and death of skin cells," explains consultant dermatologist and British Skin Foundation spokesperson Dr Anjali Mahto. "The risk is higher in equatorial areas or at altitude , particularly in those with fair skin types. Sunburn in childhood or adolescence can double the risk of developing melanoma in later life.

Keeping yourself safe is simple, however. Dermatologist Dr Stefanie Williams, founder and medical director at private clinic European Dermatology London, has some straight-talking advice for preventing sunburn. "If you are serious about keeping your skin in top shape, sunscreen should be worn on a daily basis, even here in the UK," she says. "While you might not get sunburnt, your skin can still be exposed to significant amounts of UVA without even noticing. Used regularly, sunscreen even allows the skin to repair some of the existing damage. 

"In a hot climate you must reapply every two hours and always apply liberally. For the best defence, I recommend a broad-spectrum protection with SPF (UVB) 30-50 and high UVA protection, plus sun avoidance, of course.

Cancer research UK is also keen to get the message across and has joined forces with Nivea to encourage people to be more sun safe. It recommends taking the following steps, which together make up the easy to remember CARE acronym:

1. C - COVER UP: Wear a T-shirt, hat and sunglasses.

2. A - AIM FOR SHADE: Stay out of the sun between the hours of 11am to 3pm in the UK.

3. R - RUB ON SUNSCREEN: Use plenty, with at least an SPF15 and a 4-star rating.

4. E - ENJOY: Have fun in the sun safely.

But what action can you take if you accidentally overdo it in the sun? According to Dr Mahto, here are the dos and don'ts for


1. POP A PILL: "Painkillers can help relieve the pain and reduce inflammation caused by sunburn. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen are ideal and should be continued for a period of at least 48 hours if there are no contraindications. Paracetamol will help with pain, but has little effect on inflammation."

2. COOL DOWN: "Apply a cool compress to the skin - you could try a towel dampened with cool water - for fifteen minutes. Or take a cool bath or shower. Aim to keep the temperature just below lukewarm and make sure the shower has a gentle flow of water, rather than being on full power. If blisters are starting to develop the a bath is preferable to a shower. Do not rub your skin with a towel; instead gently pat it dry when you get out.

3. SOOTHE YOUR SKIN: "After a bath or shower, use an unperfumed cream or lotion to soothe the skin. Repeated applications are necessary to reduce the appearance of peeling and you may need to continue repeat applications for several weeks. Aloe vera is a good choice; it not only has a cooling effect on the skin but also acts as an anti-inflammatory."

4. TRY A STEROID CREAM: "Using a weak steroid cream such as 0.5-1 per cent hydrocortisone for 48 hours may decrease pain and swelling caused by sunburn and speed up the healing process. This is best avoided in small children, however."

5. DO NOT POP: "Leave blisters alone. Try not to pop them, as this can lead to infection and scarring. They will settle by themselves after a few days. In the meantime, treat the skin gently.

(Adapted from the British Press)



You can use the GLOSSARY under the statements to help you.

1. British people are not at risk of getting sunburnt.

2. People in Britain get sunburnt because they don't know about the harmful effects of sunlight.

3. The worst type of skin cancer is more frequent among women than men.

4. Malignant melanoma occurs at young age.

5. Getting sunburnt is more likely if you have lighter skin.

6. It is only necessary to put on sunscreen when the sun is shining.

7. In the acronym CARE the letters stand for Cream to Avoid Radiation Exposure.

8. In hot climate you have to apply sunscreen twice a day.

9. In case you start having blisters, it is best to have a cold bath.

10. You must never pop your blisters or else they will still be visible after healing.


sunscreen= naptej, napolaj

sunburnt= leégett

sun exposure= napsugárzásnak való kitettség

premature ageing= korai öregedés

sunburn= napégés

malignant melanoma= fekete bőrrák

skin cancer= bőrrák

excessive overexposure= túlzott kitettség a napnak/napsugárzásnak

(UV) radiation= ultraibolya sugárzás

damage to DNA= DNS károsodás

inflammation= gyulladás

skin cells= bőrsejtek

dermatologist= bőrgyógyász

fair skin types= világos bőrtípusok

risk of developing= kialakulásának kockázata/veszélye

preventing sunburn= napégés megakadályozása/megelőzése

keeping your skin in top shape= csúcsformában tartani a bőrt

on a daily basis= napi szinten

reapply= újra felvisz/beken

apply liberally= bőségesen visz fel (krémet)

broad-spectrum protection= széles spektrumú védelem

SPF= sun protection factor= naptej faktorszáma

UVB= ultraviolet B (short-wave)= közepes hullámhosszú ultraibolya sugár

UVA= ultraviolet A (long-wave)= nagy hullámhosszú ultraibolya sugár

sun avoidance= nap elkerülése

sun safe= napvédett

COVER UP= takard be magad

AIM FOR SHADE= igyekezz az árnyékba

RUB ON SUNSCREEN= dörzsölj be naptejet

overdo it in the sun= túl sok időt tölt a napon

dos and don'ts= tanácsok arra, hogy mit tegyünk és mit ne

TREATING SUNBURN= napégés kezelése

POP A PILL= tolj be egy pirulát

relieve the pain= enyhíti a fájdalmat

reduce inflammation= csökkenti a gyulladást

anti-inflammatory drugs= gyulladáscsökkentő gyógyszerek

contraindications= ellenjavallatok

COOL DOWN= hűtsd le

apply compress to the skin= gyakorolj nyomást a bőrre

a towel dampened with cool water= hideg vízben megnedvesített törölköző

lukewarm= langyos

gentle flow= gyenge folyás

blisters= hólyagok

rub your skin= dörzsöli a bőrt

pat it dry= felitatja a nedvességet gyengéd ütögetéssel

SOOTHE YOUR SKIN= nyugtasd meg a bőröd

unperfumed cream or lotion= illatmentes krém vagy testápoló

Repeated applications= ismételt felvitel (krémé)

peeling= hámlás

TRY A STEROID CREAM= próbálj egy szteroidos krémet

decrease pain and swelling= csökkenti a fájdalmat és a püffedtséget

speed up the healing process= felgyorsítja a gyógyulási folyamatot

DO NOT POP= ne nyomd ki

infection and scarring= fertőzés és hegesegés

settle= megnyugszik, visszahúzódik, lelapul

treat the skin gently= bánj gyengéden a bőröddel

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