Halottak napja alkalmából összeállítottam Nektek a legfontosabb témába vágó angol kifejezéseket. Egy középfokú nyelvvizsgára készülve már jobb, ha egynyelvű szótárak segítségét veszitek igénybe, ha új idegen szót kell megismernetek. Ezért a párosítós feladat ezúttal idegennyelvű definíciókat tartalmaz. Próbáljátok megtalálni a következő szókincs elemeket: elhuny, elhunyt, eltemet, feltámad, földi maradványok, gyászol, gyertyát gyújt, halál, halott, halottak napja, halotti tor, hamvak, holttest, kereszt, koporsó, koszorú, lélek, meghal, menny, nyugodj békében, pokol, ravatal, sírásó, sírbolt, sírhely, temetés, temető, túlvilág, urna, végakarat.
afterlife_ |
1. a formal ceremony at which a dead person is buried |
2. a ring of flowers , leaves etc. as a mark of honour or respect |
3. cease to live/be |
catafalque_ |
4. a place for burying a corpse especially beneath the ground |
cemetery_ |
5. no longer having life |
coffin_ |
6. grave, vault, or chamber in which a dead body is buried |
corpse_ |
7. the powder that is left after a corpse is cremated |
cross_ |
8. gathering and meal following a burial service |
Day of the Dead _
9. put a corpse in a grave, in the earth or at sea |
dead_ |
10. a vase used for preserving the ashes of a cremated person |
death_ |
11. an upright post with a beam across, used by the ancient Romans for crucifixion |
deceased_ |
12. rest in peace |
die_ |
13. a burial ground not in the churchyard |
funeral_ |
14. a wooden framework supporting the coffin of a person during a funeral |
grave_ |
15. someone who has died recently |
gravedigger_ |
16. the ending of life |
heaven_ |
17. life after death |
hell_ |
18. feel or express grief over a death or something that is past |
last will_ |
19. a corpse (or parts of it) |
light a candle_ |
20. a box in which a corpse is buried or cremated |
mourn_ |
21. return to life |
pass away_ |
22. the dwelling place of the devil, demons and of the damned, suffering punishment |
post-funeral reception _
23. a dwelling place of God, his angels and the souls of those who have received salvation |
R.I.P._ |
24. ignite a wax stick to give light |
remains_ |
25. something in humans considered by some to be immortal and the centre of spiritual being |
rise from the dead_ |
26. an annual celebration to honor the spirits of the dead |
soul_ |
27. the formal expression for "die" |
tomb_ |
28. a dead human body |
urn_ |
29. a person who digs holes in the ground where corpses can be buried |
wreath_ |
30. a written statement of a person's wishes concerning the disposal of their property after death |