Angol tanulás, Angol magánoktatás ONLINE ÉS OFFLINE! Angol Kulturális és Nyelvi Klub


2015. május 11. - EnglishOnline

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Angolozz a TRÓNOK HARCA-val!

Pénzsóvár? Északi? Vérfertőző? Mindenkinek jut egy nemesi ház a Trónok Harcában! Derítsd ki hová tartozol Westerosban ezzel az egyszerű kvízzel!!

YES-NO kérdések 2 nyelven! Nagyon figyeld a számukat!

Segítő szószedet a cikk végén! Hajrá :)

Avaricious? Northern? Incestuous? There's a Game of Thrones noble house for everyone! Find out where in Westeros you fit with this simple QUIZ!





QUESTION#1: Have people who've not read the books heard of you?

(Hallottak rólad azok, akik nem olvasták a könyveket?)

  • YES!->GO TO Q#2  
  • NO!->GO TO Q#3

Q#2: Do you believe in finding a peaceful resolution to conflict?

(Hiszel a konfliktusok békés megoldásában?)

  • YES!->You are in House HUFFLEPUFF. In Hogwarts, you're a valuable part of the school's identity. In Westeros, you are lunch.hufflepuff.jpg
  • NO!->GO TO Q#4

Q#3: Do you like a nice glass of red wine?

(Szereted a finom vörösbort egy csinos kis kupában?)

  • YES!-> You are House REDWYNE (geddit?). Your sigil is a bunch of grapes and you really should be at a meeting.redwyne.jpg
  • NO!-> You are House MOOTON, and a touch dull. Maybe a drink would help.mooton.PNG

Q#4: Do you fancy your brother/sister?

(Tetszik a tesód? <3)

  • YES!->GO TO Q#5
  • NO!->GO TO Q#6

Q#5: Do you take an uncompromising view on the necessity of debt repayment?

(Hajlíthatatlan vagy az adósságok megfizetésének szükségessége tekintetében?)

  • YES!->You are House LANNISTER and you always pay your debts. Home to a handful of GOT's heaviest hitters namely Tywin (boo!), Jaime, Cersei and Tyrion (hurrah!). Plus Joffrey Baratheon (see incest question above).lannister1.jpg
  • NO!->You are House TARGARYEN. Generations of inbreeding have made you as mad as Clarkson, but who cares because you have dragons and, as they say in Juego de Tronos, their muy caliente, Mother, Daenerys.targaryen.png

Q#6: Ey oop! Is tha' Northern?

(Északon beszélnek így?)

  • AYE!->GO TO Q#7
  • NO!->GO TO Q#8

Q#7: Are you slightly rough around the edges, but basically likable? 

(Kissé csiszolatlan vagy, de általában véve szerethető?)

  • AYE!-> You are House STARK home to the closest thing Game of Thrones has to a decent set of coves: Ned, Catelyn, Arya, Sansa, Bran, Robb, not to mention the bastard Jon Snow. And Hodor.stark1.png
  • NO!-> You are House BOLTON, staunch believers that the family that flays together, stays together. Dead giveaway? Your "flayed man" sigil.bolton.jpg

Q#8: Are you comfortable around strong women?

(Jól érzed magad erős nők körében?)

  • YES!->GO TO Q#9
  • NO!->GO TO Q#10

Q#9: Do you have an approach to health and safety so casual it would make Qatari construction firms blush?

(Egészségtudatosságod és biztonságtechnikád láttán a Qatari építőipari cégek csak pirulnának?)

  • YES!-> You are House ARRYN. Crazy Lady Lysa may rule for her spoilt (still suckling) son, but she needs to get that enormous hole in the lounge floor sorted. Someone could have an accident with that.arryn.jpg
  • NO!->GO TO Q#11

Q#10: Can you make an exception for one woman in particular?

(Tudsz kivételt tenni, kifejezetten ha nő van a dologban?)

  • YES!-> You are House BARATHEON. From former top dog Robert to Thunderbird-puppet-headed despot Jeoffrey, Baratheon is a boys' club, except for Stannis' infatuation with Melisandre, aka The Red Woman.baratheon.png
  • NO!-> You are House FREY. Over 90 years old with seven wives and more than a hundred kids, Lord Walder Frey is arguably the most sexist git in Westeros. And there's some stiff competition for that title.frey.jpg

Q#11: Do you like mucking about on boats?

(Szeretsz hajón lófrálni?)

  • YES!->GO TO Q#12
  • NO!->GO TO Q#13

Q#12: Are you - even by Throne's standards - bastard-hard?

(Még a Trónok mércéjével mérve is kőkemény vagy?)

  • YES!->You are House GREYJOY. Those ironborn (including the rock-hard Yara/Asha) are more Grey than Joy. Notable member (no pun intended): Theon, whose torture had all male viewers crossing their legs forever.greyjoy.jpg
  • NO!->You are House TULLY. Here, under the sigil of the fish, you find Catelyn Stark, but, for a time also the annoying wandering minstrel called Marillion who has his tounge cut out. Fish? Marillion? Classic George R. R. bantz.tully.jpg

Q#13: Could your home be a venue for Gardeners' Question Time?

(Szolgálhatna az otthonod egy kertészeti interjúműsor helyszíneként?)

  • YES!->You are House TYRELL, ruling The Reach from Castle Highgarden. Here women have a monopoly on brainpower: see arch-schemer Lady Olenna and her granddaughter, Margaery.tyrell.jpg
  • NO!->You are House MARTELL, rulers of Dorne. No stained-glass ceiling for women here (the oldest heir runs things irrespective of gender) but the number one game in town is really, no really hating the Lannisters.martell.jpg



avaricious= pénzsóvár, kapzsi, szűkmarkú

incestuous= vérfertőző

noble= nemes

fit= beleillik

sigil= pecsét

geddit?= vetted?

a bunch of grapes= egy szőlőfürt

dull= tökkelütött

debt= adósság

a handful of= egy marék

namely= név szerint

incest= vérfertőzés

inbreeding= beltenyészet

mad= őrült

dragon= sárkány

caliente= hot= szexi

decent= rendes

cove= pasi

bastard= fattyú

staunch= rendíthetetlen

to flay= megnyúz

to rule= uralkodik

spoilt= elkényeztetett

suckling= csecsszopó

lounge= társalgó

to have/get sg sorted= kijavít/helyrehoz/megold

puppet-headed= bábfejű

infatuation= belehabarodás

aka=also known as= másnéven

git= marha/barom

stiff= kemény

to muck about= lófrál

ironborn= vasszülött

notable= nevezetes

no pun intended= nem szójáték

torture= kínzás

male= hím

to cross one's legs= keresztbe teszi a lábát

wandering minstrel= vándordalnok

bantz= duma

arch-schemer= fő cselszövő

stained glass= festett üveg

glass ceiling= nők érvényesülését/ambícióit limitáló láthatatlan de jelenlevő "üvegplafon"

heir= örökös

irrespective of gender= tekintet nélkül a nemre


Hogy tetszett a Game of Thrones ANGOL Quiz  & szókincstár?

Ha megért egy LIKE-ot, nyomj egy LIKE-ot! :D

Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!


Íme, az újszölött HERCEGNŐ NEVE(I) és néhány KIRÁLY(I) IDIÓMA

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana is preparing for her first audience with the Queen at Sandringham - after her name was announced to the world.


The Duke and Duchess ended days of speculation after revealing the choice on Monday afternoon following days of speculation. Charlotte had been one of the bookies' favourites and many punters had believed Diana would feature as one of the royal baby's names in tribute to Prince William's late mother.

The royal are expected to drive to Norfolk with their two children, where they will take the new baby to meet Her Majesty.

The Duke and Duchess welcomed VIP visitors - including the Middletons, Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall - to Kensington Palace on Sunday.

Royal gun salutes were fired across London on Monday to mark the princess's birth, with volleys ringing out across the capital from the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery in Hyde Park and the Tower of London.


to announce= bejelent, kihirdet, közhírré tesz

speculation= találgatás

to reveal= felfed, elárul, megmond

bookies= bukmékerek

punters= {akik fogadást tesznek pénzért}

to feature= szerepel, megjelenik

in tribute to= megemlékezésképpen/tiszteletére

late= néhai

Her Majesty= Őfelsége a Királynő

Duke= Herceg

Duchess= Hercegnő

palace= palota

royal gun salutes= királyi díszlövések

volleys= sortűz

horse artillery= lovas tüzérség


1) LIVE LIKE A KING (simile=hasonlat) : él mint hal a vízben, arany élete van, tejben-vajban fürdik

2) IN THE LAND OF THE BLIND THE ONE-EYED IS KING (proverb=közmondás) : A vakok közt a félszemű a király.

3) TILL KINGDOM COME (informal) : majd ha fagy, sohanapján, soha a büdös életben

4) FIT FOR A KING (cliché=közhely) : királyi, pazar, fényűző, fenséges, pompás, fejedelmi

5) COST A KING'S RANSOM (folksy=népies) : egy vagyonba kerül, méregdrága


Put the idioms in the gaps.


a) Your mother prepared a dinner ___________!

b) On 6000 $ a month you can _________________.

c) I won't marry you bastard _______________!

d) A proverb which means: a person who is not particularly capable can attain a powerful position if the people around him or her are even less capable.

e) Look at his Ferrari! It must have ___________________...I will never have one.



a) fit for a king

b) live like a king

c) till kingdom come

d) In the land of the blind the bad-eyed is king.

e) cost a king's ransom


Hogy tetszett a feladat és a szókicstár? Ha megért egy LIKE-ot, nyomj egy LIKE-ot! :D

Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Nyelvtani posztot ITT találsz!

Szövegértés feladatot pedig ITT!


Természeti KATASZTRÓFA szókincs és a 20+1 leggyakoribb PREPOZÍCIÓ - a report from NEPAL

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Szörnyű természeti katasztrófa sújtja Nepált - biztosan Te is hallottad. A New York Times egy cikkét dolgoztam fel, hogy angolul követhesd az egész világot megrázó eseményt. Miközben olvasol, átismételheted a 20+1 leggyakoribb angol prepozíciót (elöljárószót), amelyeket a megfelelő helyre kell illeszteni a szövegben. Vizsgafeladatok között gyakran találni hasonló esetet feldolgozó listeninget, readinget vagy képleírást, ezért az olvasmány végén található természeti katasztrófa szókincsnek is hasznát veheted. Megoldás a cikk végén!

Íme, a felhasználandó prepozíciók. Illeszd be őket a megfelelő helyre (20+1 db)!

about=kb., körül between=kettő között/közül off=le
after=után by*=által on=rajta,-on,-en, adott napon
along=mentén down=le to=valahová
among=több között/közül for=ideig (időben) towards=felé, irányába
as=ként in=-ban,-ben up=fel
at=-nál,-nél,-ban,-ben into=-ba,-be with=-val,-vel
away=el of**=-ból,-ből,-nak,-nek without=nélkül


*szenvedő szerkezetben BY után következik a cselekvő/alany

**birtokos szerkezetben a birtokot OF köti a birtokoshoz



Death toll exceeds 5,500 while thousands are forced to sleep outdoors

A growing sense of despair spread through Katmandu _________ (1)Sunday as the devastated Nepali capital was convulsed by aftershocks that sent residents screaming into the streets, where they were pelted by heavy rain.

A day _________(2) an earthquake killed more than 6,600 people and injured __________(3) 5,900 residents grew frantic and the government, entirely overwhelmed by the enormousness of the challenge facing the country, struggled to provide relief, or much hope.

Streets in parts of this city of about 1.2 million were impassable not so much from quake damage but because tents of thousands of people have taken up residence there. It was a strategy endorsed by the government.

The country's prime minister, Sushil Koirala, who was attending a conference _____________(4) Indonesia when the quake struck, had rushed back __________(5) Katmandu and was to speak to his desperate countrymen in a televised address on Sunday. But the speech was delayed, as some relief efforts have been, by strong tremors that continue to rock the country.

The already difficult situation in much of the capital, where safe shelters are scarce, was made worse Sunday when rains began to pour down on huddled masses.

It is increasingly evident that authorities here were ill equipped to rescue those trapped and would have trouble maintaining adequate supplies __________(6) water, electricity and food.

"In my neighbourhood, the police are conspicious by their absence," said Sridhar Khatri of the South Asia Center for Policy studies in Katmandu. "There is not even a show of force to deter vandalism, which some reports say is on the rise."

On Sunday, the government began setting ____________(7) 16 relief stations across Katmandu and the rest of the country while rescue operations continued. The relief stations are expected  to ease distribution of water, food and medicine, said Laxmi Prasad Dhakal, a spokesman at the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Electricity has been intermittent at best in Katmandu, and absent entirely in other parts of Nepal, but that is not wholly unusual in a country where nighttime blackouts are routine.

Many hotels, commercial buildings and wealthy homes in the capital have their own generators. But nearly all of the country's gas and diesel supplies are brought in from India, and with traffic reduced to a crawl _________(8) major highways, those supplies could dwindle quickly. Some gas stations in Katmandu have already run dry; others are rationing their remaining supplies.

Thousands of Katmandu's residents squatted on streets throughout the city either because their homes were destroyed or continued aftershocks, including one of magnitude 6.7, left them too afraid to go back inside. Other residents were camping out in schools, school playgrounds and government offices.

The goverment announced that schools would remain closed ____________(9) at least five days and it pleaded with government workers to help in local rescue efforts in place of their usual jobs.

Stephen Groves, who lives in Katmandu, said he was inspecting a building for cracks when the biggest of many aftershocks hit, leading to terrified screams from those nearby.

"The whole time I was thinking if the building next to me was going to come ___________(10) on top of me," Mr Groves said in an email. "People here are in panic, and every aftershock contributes to that. They are not going indoors, they are staying in the roads and in open areas. Many are searching for family members.

Mr. Groves said he went to a hospital in the capital on Saturday, where hordes of people were lying on the ground outside the building, many __________(11) intravenous drips hooked up to their arms and shocked looks on their faces.

The city was awash with rumors that the worst aftershocks were yet to come and with fears of greater destruction in the countryside, large swaths of which remained unreachable by phone.

Subhash Ghimire, the editor in chief of Nepalese newspaper Republica, said he managed to reach his father in his village, home to about 3,000 people near the epicenter in the Gorkha district. "He said not a single house is left in our village, including our own house," Mr. Ghimire said.


On Mount Everest, helicopter rescue operation began Sunday morning to bring wounded climbers ___________(12) the mountain, where at least 18 climbers were killed and another 41 injured, making the earthquake the deadliest event in the mountain's history. Three Americans were ____________(13) those killed, according to the State Department.

Aftershocks and small avalanches throughout the day Sunday continued to plague the nearly 800 people staying at the mountain base camp and at higher elevation camps.

After posting on Twitter that he was "fairly safe but stuck" _________(14) the base camp, a climber, Jim Davidson, then provided a more alarming update from Camp 1, which is above the base camp. "Just had our biggest aftershock yet here at C1 on Everest. Smaller than original quake but glacier shook & avalanches," he wrote.

Nick Talbot, 39, was attempting to be the first person with cystic fibrosis to climb Mount Everest when a 100- to 200-yard wall of ice and snow came barreling toward him.

"I ran __________(15)" he said in an interview. "I thought, there's no chance I can get away. I just had my socks on. It knocked me ____________(16) the rocks. I got up and it knocked me over again." he said. He was evacuated ___________(17) helicopter Sunday afternoon. He returned ____________(18) anything but the clothes he was wearing. All of his belongings were buried by the avalanche.

"I'm sure there will have been many fatalities just because the scale of it," he said.

Tulasi Prasad Gautam, director general of Nepal's Tourism Department, said he feared that continued aftershocks had trapped more climbers. In addition to the dead and injured, nearly 25 climbers who had been en route Saturday to Camp 2 from Camp 1 are missing.

"Actually, the tents are still there for some 20 to 25 climbers who were heading __________(19) Camp 2 in the course of climbing practice, but they are not in contact", Mr Gautam said.

In a blog post Sunday, Eric Simonson of International Mountain Guides said the news from the Everest base camp "was quite bleak", and tha the company's encampment "has been turned into a triage center, and our big dining tents are now being used _________(20) hospital tents."

"The tons and tons of falling ice going this vertical distance created a huge aerosol avalanche and accompanying air blast," he wrote. "It is worth noting that over many expeditions we have never seen an avalanche from this area that was even remotely of this scale."

Susan Parker-Burns, a spokeswoman from the United States Embassy in Nepal, said in an email Sunday that a rescue and relief team from the United States Agency for International Development was dispatched by military transport to Nepal, and they would arrive on Monday.

Also Sunday, the Israeli military said that it was preparing to send Boeing 747s carrying 260 aid workers and more than 90 tons of cargo to Katmandu. About 600 Israelis are believed to be in Nepal, a popular destination for young backpackers after their compulsory military service. Magen David Adom, Israel's national emergency medical response organization, had already sent an advance team of 10 paramedics and two doctors to Nepal.

Nepal will most likely require significant help. The country's existing political discord is likely to hamper rescue and rebuilding efforts. The government has been barely functional for more than a decade, with politicians of just about every stripe fighting over the scraps of the increasingly desperate economy. A 10-year civil war _________ (21) Maoist parties and the government ended in 2006, but the resulting Constituent Assembly spent four years trying to write a constitution without success. Paralysis ensued until elections in November 2013 led to the unexpected rout of the previously dominant Maoists.

Nepal's people had already become exhausted with the political paralysis, but those feelings could turn explosive if relief and rescue efforts fail in the coming weeks, analysts said. The fear of just such an outcome could spur an intense international relief effort, as an odd collection of countries - including China, India and the United States - were already cooperating on pushing Nepal's polititians toward compromise.

(Adapted from The New York Times)



to reel= megremeg, támolyog

tremor= remegés, rengés

rescue= mentés

death toll= halálesetek száma(data)

despair= kétségbeesés

devastated= elpusztított, feldúlt, tönkretett

aftershocks= utórengések, utórezgések

to scream= sikít

to pelt= ver(eső)

earthquake= földrengés

to injure= megsebesít

to grow frantic= kétségbeejtővé válik

to struggle= küzd, erőfeszítéseket tesz

relief= segítség, segély, enyhítés, megkönnyebbülés

impassable= járhatatlan

damage= kár

to strike= lecsap, lesújt

desperate= kétségbeesett

to rock= megráz

shelter= menedék

to pour= zuhog, ömlik, szakad (eső)

huddled= összeverődött, összezavarodott, összecsődült

masses= tömegek

ill equipped= nincs felszerelkezve

trapped= csapdába esett

trouble= probléma, gond

supply= ellátás

vandalism= garázdálkodás, vandalizmus

relief station= mentőállomás, segélyállomás

rescue operations= mentőakciók

to ease= megkönnyít

distribution= (szét)osztás

medicine= gyógyszer

to be absent= nincs, hiányzik

blackout= áramszünet

crawl= vánszorgás

to run dry= kiszárad, kiürül

to squat= lakást foglal (jogtalanul)

crack= repedés

terrified= hálára rémült

to be in panic= pánikban van

intravenous drips= intravénás infúzió

shocked looks= sokkos kifejezés/ábrázat

destruction= pusztítás

wounded= (meg)sebesült

injured= sérült

the deadliest= a legtöbb halálos áldozatot követelő

avalanches= lavinák

to plague= (csapással) sújt

safe= biztonságban

stuck= megrekedt

alarming= vészjósló, fenyegető, aggasztó

glacier= gleccser

cystic fibrosis= cisztás fibrózis

to barrel= egyenesen felé zúdul

to get away= elmenekül

to knock= taszít, lök, bevág

rocks= sziklák

to be evacuated= evakuálják

to bury= betemet

fatalities= halálesetek

the dead= a halottak

tents= sátrak

bleak= kietlen, kopár

air blast= szélroham, széllökés

of this scale= ilyen méretű

aid worker= segélyszervezeti ellátó személyzet

emergency= sürgősségi

paramedics= rohammentősök

to turn explosive= fellobban, felrobban

to fail= kudarcot vall, sikertelennek bizonyul

effort= erőfeszítés, igyekezet, fáradozás



Hogy tetszett a szókincsbővítő feladat? Ha megért egy LIKE-ot, nyomj egy LIKE-ot! :D

Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Vicces angol posztot ITT találsz!

Másik szókincsbővítő posztot pedig ITT!



Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Reklamáltál már valaha ha problémád akadt egy szolgáltató céggel? Vagy nem igazán hinnéd, hogy valódi lépést tesznek az ügyedben? Valójában nagyon is fontos a véleményed - s így te magad is - nekik. Olvasd el mi mindent vesz stratégiájába egy sikeres és jó hírű szervezet, hogy megtartsa vásárlóit és ügyfeleit, majd oldd meg ezt az IGAZ/HAMIS állításos szövegértés feladatot.


Dealing well with complaints shows how important customer care is for your company. It shows that you listen to your customers, that you want to learn from your mistakes and that you are continually trying to improve your services.

Below are some tips for dealing with complaints.



If you deal with a complaint in the wrong way, one unhappy customer may tell many more people about your poor service. On the other hand, if you deal with a complaint successfully, that customer will probably do business with you again. Remember that finding new customers is much more expensive than keeping current ones.


Listen carefully to your callers and let them get rid of their anger and frustration. Try to see things from their point of view and make sure you show them that you understand their problem.


If the customer thinks something is a complaint, then it is, even if you think the problem is not important. If your company has really made a mistake, say so and apologize. Even if you think a mistake has not been made, show the customer that you understand the problem. Never tell the customer that the complaint is not important.


Even if you are not directly responsible for the mistake, it is not important for the customer whose fault it really is. You are the face of your organization and it is your responsibility to solve the problem. If you are not able to do so yourself, find the person who can. Make sure you support the customer until the right person can help.


Customers want their problems solved quickly. Acting fast shows customers that you take them and their problems seriously.


If possible, try to compensate customers for a mistake, e.g. by giving a small discount. Often the fact that you are giving some kind of compensation is more important than the compensation itself.


This may sound illogical, but complaints are the best feedback you can get. They show how you can improve your service and make your customers more satisfied.
(Adapted from Quick Training)

Mark the statements true (T) or false (F).

1. Companies solely deal with complaints in order not to lose customers.
2. It is just as easy to find a new customer as keeping one.
3. If you deal with a customer complaint well, they'll tell their friends about it.
4. Showing empathy is very important when customers turn to you with their problems.
5. In case your company in fact has not made a mistake, you should not take the complaint seriously.
6. Companies do not have to express they were wrong (even if it's true), but it is polite to say sorry.
7. It is crucial to find the person responsible for the given problem and sort it out with their help.
8. Act as fast as you can so that customers won't take actions against you faster.
9. The bigger the compensation the better.
10. As a representative of the company, you should communicate to the customer that you are grateful for constructive criticism.


Hogy tetszett az angol szövegértés?

Ha megért egy LIKE-ot, nyomj egy LIKE-ot! :D

Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!




Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Hailed an inspiration for her brave decision

ANGELINA JOLIE reveals she has had further surgery to

beat the cancer that claimed her mother's life

A nemzetközi sajtó tele van Angelina legutóbbi műtétjével, melynek tanulságos részleteit a New York Timesban is felfedte, hogy eljusson üzenete a vele hasonló rákkal szembenéző nőkhöz.

Egyszerűen nem találni olyan nyelvvizsgát, amelynek ne volna szövegértés része, ráadásul eléggé súlyozottan is szerepel ez a típusú feladat a nyelvvizsgán. Az olyan cikkeket dolgozok fel neked, ami téged is jobban érdekel és tele van vele a média. Olvasd el a cikket és próbáld először az IGAZ/HAMIS állításos feladatot megoldani a cikk végén. Ha gondot okozott egy-két idegen szó, csak ezek után nézd meg a szószedetet.



Angelina Jolie has revealed that she has endured a second round of surgery in a bid to prevent cancer - and her decision to speak out once again about her personal medical history has been praised by experts as helping to save lives.


Last week, an article written by the Oscar-winning star appeared in The New York Times, in which she explained that she has had her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed to avoid developing ovarian cancer - and as a result, she is undergoing the menopause and will not be able to have any more children.

Doctors were quick to salute her for the article, saying it would help focus attention on ovarian cancer.

Gynaecological oncologist Dr Antoinette Sakaris said: "Ovarian cancer is less well known (than breast cancer) and less commented on. Improving that is crucial. I think this could save lives.

Two years ago, Angelina, who has six children with husband Brad Pitt - three of whom were adopted - underwent a double mastectomy after discovering that she has the BRCA1 gene fault that greatly increases the chances of contracting breast and ovarian cancer. She lost her mother, aunt and grandmother to the disease.

In her New York Times piece, headlined Angelina Jolie Pitt: Diary of a Surgery, the 39-year-old actress and film-maker revealed that she has always planned to have her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed after her mastectomy, but because the surgery has such severe effect on a woman's body, she had hoped to have more time to plan for the operation.

Unfortunately, she heard in early March that an annual blood test has showed up markers that can indicate early signs of cancer - leaving Angelina with an anxious five-day wait to learn whether she had already developed the disease.

"I went through what I imagine thousands of other women have felt," she wrote. "I told myself to stay calm, to be strong and that I had no reason to think I wouldn't live to see my children grow up and to meet my grandchildren".



Luckily, she had stong support. "I called my husband in France, who was on a plane within hours. The beautiful thing about such moments in life is that there is so much clarity. You know what you live for and what matters."

She said that it was hard to carry on as she waited for the results of further tests. "I passed those five days in a haze, attending my children (Zahara and Shiloh)'s soccer game, and working to stay calm and focused.

After being told the happy news that she was cancer free, Angelina decided to undergo the next stage of her surgery immediately. "Regardless of the hormone replacements I'm taking, I am now in menopause," she revealed. "I will not be able to have any more children and I expect some physical changes. But I feel at is nothing to be feared. 

After revealing her double mastectomy in 2013, the actress was praised by medical experts for putting the spotlight on preventative cancer surgery, helping other women with gene faults to make this difficult decision. But last week, Angelina took pains to ensure that readers knew there were other options to surgery.


"I did not do this solely because I carry the BRCA1 gene mutation and I want other women to know this," she said. "A positive BRCA test does not mean a leap to surgery. There are other options...In my case, the doctors I met agreed that surgery was the best option, because on top of the BRCA gene, three women in my family died from cancer."

She added that the surgery did not guarantee that she would never develop cancer. "It is not possible to remove all risk, and the fact is I remain prone to cancer. I will look for natural ways to strengthen my immune system. I feel feminine, and grounded in the choices I am making for myself and my family. I know my children will never have to say, 'My mom died of ovarian cancer.'"

(Adapted from the British Press)

 IRATKOZZ FEL az ANGOL VLOGyoutube_even_smaller.pngnyelvoktató csatornámra!

Read the article about Angelina Jolie and mark the statements TRUE (T) of FALSE (F).


1. Angelina has had another surgery because the first one wasn't successful.

2. Doctors aren't happy to learn that Angelina breaks medical secrecy about her state of health.

3. The actress has had an operation because she wants no more children.

4. The gynaecological expert remarked that breast cancer is better known than ovarian cancer, which should be different.

5. Angelina has never been able to give birth so her husband Brad Pitt and she decided to adopt six children.

6. Three of Angelina's family members died of ovarian cancer.

7. Angelina appreciates that she has a husband whose first priority is obviously his family.

8. Angelina was absolutely unable to take part in any events as she was too worried waiting for her medical test results.

9. Angelina is now relieved that she knows she no longer has to live in fear of getting cancer.

10. As Angelina puts it, preventative cancer surgery means that you undergo an operation because you have no choice.



to hail= eláraszt, rázúdít

brave= bátor

to beat= legyőz

to claim= követel

to endure= kiáll, elszenved

in a bid to= valami megkísérlésére

to praise= dícsér

ovaries= petefészek

fallopian tubes= petevezetékek

ovarian cancer= petefészekrák

to undergo= keresztülmegy

menopause= klimax

to salute= üdvözöl, tiszteleg

gynaecological oncologist= nőgyógyász onkológus (rákspecialista)

well-known= ismert

to improve that= javítani ezen

crucial= létfontosságú, kritikusan fontos

double mastectomy= mindkét mell eltávolítása

gene fault= hibás gén

to increase= növekszik

annual blood test= éves véreredmény

marker= jel

to indicate= mutat, jelez

to contract= betegséget megkap

headlined= főcímmel

diary= napló

to reveal= felfed, feltár, elmond

to remove= eltávolít

severe= komoly, súlyos

cancer= rák

to develop= kifejlődik benne

disease= betegség

reason= ok, indok

support= támogatás, segítség

within hours= pár órán belül

clarity= világosság, egyértelműség

to matter= számít

to carry on= kitart

results of further tests= további vizsgálatok eredményei

to pass= sikerülnek a vizsgálatok, pozitív eredményeket kap  

haze= szellemi zűrzavar, homály 

to attend= elmegy eseményre, részt vesz

soccer= foci

the next stage= a következő szint, lépés

surgery= operáció 

immediately= azonnal

regardless of= tekintet nélkül vmire

replacements= pótló tabletták

to take= szed gyógyszert 

I feel at ease= megkönnyebbültem

it is nothing to be feared= ettől nem kell/nincs miért tartanom

spotlight= reflektorfény

preventative= megelőző

make a decision= döntést hoz

take pains to ensure= veszi a fáradságot/azon fáradozik, hogy megbizonyosodjon róla

solely= csupán, mindössze

to carry= hordoz

gene muatation= gén mutáció

a leap to= ugrás valahová

on top of sg= ráadásul vmire/nem elég, hogy... mé

to add= hozzátesz

to guarantee= garantál

risk= kockázat

remain prone to= hajlamos marad

to strengthen= megerősít

immune system= immunrendszer

feminine= nőies

grounded= bizonyos, biztos, szilárd, megfontolt, megalapozott


Hogy tetszett a Jolie-sztori feladat?

Ha megért egy LIKE-ot, nyomj egy LIKE-ot! 

Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!




WHAT DO YOU REMEMBER? Memory QUIZ and vocabulary in English!

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

To find out how good your memory is,

take this quick test!

Mire emlékszel? Mennyire jó a hosszú- és rövidtávú memóriád? Teszteld magad ezzel 14 pontos összetett memóriakvízzel - angolul! Ha valamit nem értesz, csekkold a szószedetet a cikk végén!


MEMORY CHECK (memória felmérés/vizsgálat)

1. Write down the date, month and year.

2. Look once only at the words below then cover them up. When you have finished all the questions here, write down from memory what the three words are: ORANGE, TELEVISION, CUSHION.

3.Without looking at your watch, write what time you think it is. Then look at your watch and write down the actual time.

4. What are the names of the last five Hungarian Prime Ministers?

5. Can you remember the address of the last place that you lived?

6. Can you recall what you were doing on each of the previous seven evenings?

7. Have people told you that you repeat yourself in conversation, or have you found yourself doing this?

8. Are you aware that people are getting irritated with you because you have forgotten something?

9. Do you ever return from shopping to find you have forgotten an essential item?

10. Do you find it increasingly difficult to follow directions?

11. Do you get lost in places that you have visited frequently?

12. Do you have trouble recalling words, even though you know that you know them?

13. Do you misplace things practically every day?

14. Are your memory difficulties impinging on your work or social life- e.g. do you sometimes avoid people because you cannot remember their names?

Now, without looking back, write down the three words you memorised earlier.

YOUR SCORE (a pontszámod)

1. Give yourself 1 point for remembering the exact date.

2. Give yourself 1 point for each of the words you remembered correctly.

3. If the difference between your guessed time and the actual time is less than 30 minutes, give yourself 1 point; if the difference is more than 30 minutes, score zero.

4. Award yourself 1 point for each Prime Minister named correctly, they do not have to be in order- Viktor Orbán, Gordon Bajnai, Ferenc Gyurcsány, Péter Medgyessy, Gyula Horn.

5. Give yourself 1 point for remembering your last address.

6. Give yourself 1 point if you answered YES.

7-14. Give yourself 1 point for every NO answer.

THE RESULT (az eredményed)

16-20: Your memory is fine and you show no signs of memory loss.

15-12: You may have some memory difficulties. If they persist and are causing you inconvenience or make you inefficient or embarrassed, you might want to talk to your GP about it.

11 or less: Your result suggests some memory impairment and you need to visit your GP for advice.

(Adapted from the British Press)

GLOSSARY (szószedet):

the date= a pontos dátum/nap

below= lent, alant

to cover them up= letakar

from memory= emlékezetből

cushion= díszpárna

the actual= a tényleges, tulajdonképpeni, valós

Prime Minister= miniszterelnök

to recall= felidéz

previous= előző, korábbi

to repeat yourself= ismétli magát

to find yourself doing this= azon kapja/fogja magát, hogy ezt csinálja

to be aware= tudatában van

irritated= bosszús, felbosszantott

to return= visszatér

essential item= létfontosságú/rendkívül fontos árucikk

increasingly= növekvően, egyre (inkább)

to follow directions= útbaigazítást (megjegyezve) követni

to get lost= eltévedni

frequently= gyakran

trouble= gond, probléma

even though= habár, még akkor is, ha...

to misplace= elhány, rossz helyre rak vissza

practically= gyakorlatilag

to impinge on= hatással lenni valamire

to avoid= elkerülni

earlier= korábban, az imént

exact= pontos

each= minden egyes

to remember correctly= jól emlékszik

the difference between= a különbség 2 dolog közt

guessed= tippelt

less than= kevesebb mint

to score= pontoz

award yourself= díjazd/ajándékozd magad/adj magadnak

do not have to= nem kell

in order= sorrendben

fine= kiváló(an)

no signs= nincsenek jelei

memory loss= memóriavesztés/-veszteség

difficulties= nehézségek

to persist= huzamosan fennáll/fennmarad

to cause= okoz

inconvenience= kellemetlenség

inefficient= nem hatékony

embarrassed= kínosan érzi magát

GP= general practitioner= háziorvos

to suggest= sugall

impairment= károsodás, gyengülés

to need to do sg= szüksége van valamire

for advice= tanácsért


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Ha megért egy LIKE-ot, nyomj egy LIKE-ot! :D

Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Nyelvvizsga tréninget EMITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!




Mi lehet ínycsiklandozóbb mint a gasztronómia, a budapesti turizmus és az angolozás? Hát, mindezek egy "3 in 1 cocktail"-ba keverve! A szószedetet a cikk végén találod!

The recent history of the Fisherman’s Bastion Restaurant began on 23 September, 2010, when after several years of renovation, it once again opened its doors.


Fisherman’s Bastion, as part of the Buda Castle District, has been a World Heritage site since 1987.  Restored according to the original designs of architect Frigyes Schulek, and now outfitted with state-of-the-art gastronomic facilities, the beautifully renovated establishment covers over 1800 square meters and offers patrons an unforgettable experience in a unique setting.

The Fisherman’s Bastion Restaurant is open year-round with a variety of services. It offers comfortable seating for 120 people on two floors – each of the tables offer a magnificent view of the acclaimed Budapest panorama. There’s also an observation terrace above the restaurant, where restaurant patrons can admire the full view while sipping their drinks.


The menu consists of innovative Hungarian dishes, such as Venison goulash with tarragon, Mangalitza spare ribs and Somló sponge cake trifle. Their mission is to revive the most beautiful traditions of Hungarian gastronomy, presenting them in their very own, distinct style. The wine list includes more than 150 types of wine, most of them from the great Hungarian wine regions, along with some excellent foreign wines. Expert sommeliers will help you in choosing the most fitting wine for your dish.

Every afternoon, guests can sit back and relax to the tunes of a Gypsy band playing international and Hungarian favourites. Whether for a full-course meal or just for sipping a glass of wine, the Fisherman’s Bastion Restaurant is the place to be.

The Danube Terrace awaits its guests from the end of March until the start of autumn with cold and hot dishes, from 10am to 10pm (depending on the weather). An excellent venue for intimate evening dinners and wine tasting, rounded out by a wonderful panorama of Budapest provides an unforgettable experience for Hungarian and foreign guests alike(Adapted from Funzine)



wine and dine= borozz és étkezz/vacsorázz

World Heritage site= Világörökség helyszín

restored= helyreállítva, renoválva

outfitted= felszerelve, ellátva

state-of-the-art= legkorszerűbb

establishment= létesítmény

to cover= lefed, szétterül valamekkora területen

square meters= négyzetméter

setting= helyszín, környezet

year-round= egész évben

seating= ülőhely

to offer a magnificent view= fenséges látványt nyújt

acclaimed= híres, elismert

observation= kilátó

patrons= vendégek, kuncsaftok

to admire= csodál,gyönyörködik

sipping= szürcsölvén

to consist of= áll valamiből

Venison= szarvashús

tarragon= tárkony

spare ribs= sertésborda

Somló sponge cake trifle= somlói galuska

to revive= életre kelt

in their very own, distinct style= a maga egyedi, jellegzetes módján elkészítve

to include= tartalmaz

sommelier= borszakértő

the most fitting wine for your dish= az ételedhez leginkább illő bor

to the tunes of= dallamaira, melódiáira

full-course meal= több fogásos vacsora/ebéd

to await= vár

venue= helyszín

wine tasting= borkóstoló

rounded out by= kiegészülve

to provide= nyújt

alike= egyaránt


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Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.


Most tréningezz tovább nyelvtanból ITT!

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Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Fogadjunk, hogy nem tudtad! :)

cute-happy-easter-photos.jpgÍme néhány érdekesség a húsvéti szokásokról és húsvéti állatokról, édességekről.

A videóban szereplő angol szavakat kösd össze a magyar jelentéseikkel.

Happy Easter!



1. bevándorlók

 a) savior

 2. böjt

 b) lent

 3. cukorka

 c) resurrection

 4. csirke

 d) secular holiday

 5. feltámadás

 e) bunny

 6. gólya

 f) candy

 7. kakas

 g) pagan

 8. kakukk

 h) fertility

 9. megváltó

 i) hare

 10. nyúl

 j) immigrants

 11. nyuszi

 k) cuckoo

 12. pogány

 l) fox

 13. róka

 m) chick

 14. szokás

 n) rooster

 15. termékenység

 o) stork

 16. világi ünnep

 p) custom


Hogy tetszett a kvíz? Ha megért egy LIKE-ot, nyomj egy LIKE-ot! :D

Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Másik kvíz posztot ITT találsz!

Teljesen más jellegű feladatot pedig ITT!



Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!



Be proud of Budapest! Légy büszke a fővárosunkra és tudj elmondani néhány dolgot a legnépszerűbb látványosságokról, ha egy turista megkérdez.

Segítségedre lehet a BUDAPEST GUIDE első része: a Budai Vár!
Összegyűjtöttem a 10+1 legfontosabb érdekességet a palotáról, íme:

(A szöveg szószedetét a cikk alján találod majd.)



1) After the Mongol Invasion in the 13th century King Béla IV had a fortress built at the southern end of Castle Hill.

2) The first palace on its site was built in the 14th century by Prince Stephen of Anjou from the Angevin House.

3) Great period of constructions came under the reign of King Matthias (Mátyás) Hunyadi who had most of the Gothic buildings rebuilt in Italian Renaissance Style.

4) During the Turkish occupation (1541-1686) the pasha of Buda did not move into the palace, instead, he established his residence near the present Dance Theatre and used the palace building as gunpowder depot, arsenals, and barracks. As a result, gunpowder explosions devastated the palace buildings almost completely.

6) There used to be a private royal chapel built in the palace during the reign of Maria Theresa.

7) Joseph II gave part of the palace to the Mary Ward's nuns in the 18th century and then to the University of Nagyszombat, the middle-wing tower was also transformed into an observatory for the university.

8) By the end of the 18th century it became the residence of the Habsburgs, but during the siege of the Castle in 1849 it partly burnt down.

9) Miklos Ybl, the best architect of the 19th century was commissioned to enlarge the palace who built a Baroque ground-plan and construction works were finished by Alajos Hauszmann.

9) During WWII the Castle burnt to the ground.

10) In the late 1950s the Royal Palace was transformed into a cultural centre and at present it houses The Collections of the Hungarian National Gallery, The Budapest History Museum, The excavations and Gothic statues of the Medieval Castle and the National Széchenyi Library.

+1) It's been part of the WORLD HERITAGE since 1987.



Mongol Invasion= tatárjárás

fortress= erőd

reign= uralkodás

occupation= megszállás

gunpowder depot= lőszer/puskapor raktár

explosions= robbanások

chapel= kápolna

nun= apáca

observatory= csillagvizsgáló

siege= ostrom

to be commissioned= megbízták valamivel

excavations= ásatások

statue= szobor

medieval= középkori

World Heritage= Világörökség (UNESCO)



Hogy tetszett az idegenforgalmi angol?

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Magánórát vennél? ITT léphetsz kapcsolatba velem.

Szókincsbővítő feladatot ITT találsz!

Nyelvtani posztot ITT!

Nyelvvizsga tréninget EMITT!

Szövegértést ERRE!

Listeninget? ÍME!


Angolul vagy magyarul követed a nemzetközi híreket?

Angol tanulás online és offline, akárhol vagy bárhol! :) Nyelvtanulás és szórakozás egy helyen!

Még sosem gondoltál arra, hogy eredeti nyelven próbáld olvasni a híreket?

Ez itt lehet az első lépés! Keress egy témát, ami rendkívül érdekel:

pl. a mostanában világszerte megdöbbenést kiváltott


Még az is lehet, hogy egy lépéssel naprakészebb lehetsz, ha eredeti nyelven olvasod a legfrissebb információkat. A repüléssel kapcsolatos szókincset LILÁVAL, a cikk egyéb, megértést segítő kifejezéseit PIROSSAL, a Germanwings gép részeit SÁRGÁVAL szedve találod a cikk végén.

The co-pilot of the Germanwings flight that crashed in the French Alps, named as Andreas Lubitz, appeared to want to "destroy the plane", officials said.


He intentionally started a descent while the pilot was locked out.

Mr Robin said there was "absolute silence in the cockpit" as the pilot fought to re-enter it.

He said air traffic controllers made repeated attempts to contact the aircraft, but to no avail. Passengers could be heard screaming just before the crash, he added.

Details are emerging of the German co-pilot's past - although his apparent motives for causing the crash remain a mystery.

Mr Lubitz, 27, had undergone intensive training and "was 100% fit to fly without any caveats", according to Carsten Spohr, the head of Lufthansa, the German carrier that owns Germanwings.

Mr Spohr said Mr Lubitz's training had been interrupted for several months six years ago, but did not say why.

The training was resumed after "the suitability of the candidate was re-established", he said.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters that the co-pilot's apparent actions had given the tragedy a "new, simply incomprehensible dimension".

Police have been searching the co-pilot's home in Montabaur, near Frankfurt, as well as a flat he kept in Duesseldorf.

The Airbus 320 from Barcelona to Duesseldorf hit a mountain, killing all 144 passengers and six crew, after an eight-minute descent.


Andreas Lubitz: Germanwings co-pilot under scrutiny


  • Started training in 2008, at Bremen and Arizona. Training was interrupted for some months - but he later passed all tests and was deemed fit to fly

  • Working as co-pilot, or first officer, since 2013. Appeared pleased with his job

  • Lived in town of Montabaur, near Frankfurt, reportedly with his parents. Kept a flat in Duesseldorf and had many friends

  • Facebook profile suggests the active lifestyle of a keen runner, with an interest in pop music

"We hear the pilot ask the co-pilot to take control of the plane and we hear at the same time the sound of a seat moving backwards and the sound of a door closing," Mr Robin told reporters.

He said the pilot, named in the German media as Patrick Sondenheimer, had probably gone to the toilet.

"At that moment, the co-pilot is controlling the plane by himself. While he is alone, the co-pilot presses the buttons of the flight monitoring system to put into action the descent of the aeroplane.

"He operated this button for a reason we don't know yet, but it appears that the reason was to destroy this plane."

Meanwhile, online tracking service Flightradar24 said satellite data it had analysed found that someone had changed the plane's altitude from 38,000ft (11,582m) to 100ft - the minimum setting possible.

"Between 09:30:52 and 09:30:55 you can see that the autopilot was manually changed from 38,000ft to 100ft and nine seconds later the aircraft started to descend, probably with the 'open descent' autopilot setting," Flightradar24 chief Fredrik Lindahl was quoted as saying by Reuters.

Mr Lubitz was alive until the final impact, Mr Robin said. The prosecutor added that "the most plausible interpretation" was that the co-pilot had deliberately barred the pilot from re-entering the cockpit.

He added that the co-pilot was "not known by us" to have any links to extremism or terrorism.


Analysis: Richard Westcott, BBC transport correspondent


The focus now moves from the mechanics to the man flying the plane. An accident expert has told me the investigators will pore over the co-pilot's background and that of his family too.

Did he owe money? Was there a grudge? They'll look at his religion, whether he was in trouble with the law, whether he had a stable love life. This kind of event is rare but it has happened before, although the reasons vary widely.

After 9/11, they made cockpits impregnable. It keeps the terrorists out, but in the end it also allows someone to keep their colleagues out too. Airlines have to make a call. Which is the bigger threat - terrorism or suicide?

Passengers were not aware of the impending crash "until the very last moment" when screams could be heard, Mr Robin said, adding that they died instantly.

After Thursday's revelations, several airlines have pledged to change their rules to ensure at least two crew members are present in the cockpit at all times.

Meanwhile, relatives and friends of the victims travelled to the Alpine region where the plane came down, near the town of Seyne-les-Alpes.

The disclosure of the likely cause of the crash has provoked anger.

"One person can't have the right to end the lives of hundreds of people and families," Esteban Rodriguez, a Spanish factory worker who lost two friends aboard the aircraft, told the Associated Press news agency.

The principal of a German high school that lost 16 pupils and two teachers in the crash said the latest news was "much, much worse than we had thought".

The second "black box" - that records flight data - has still not been found.


(Adapted from BBC)



co-pilot= másodpilóta

flight= járat

plane= repülő

voice-recorder= hangrögzítő

descent= süllyedés

cockpit= pilótafülke

air traffic controllers= légi közlekedés irányítók

aircraft= repülőgép

passengers= utasok

crash= repülőszerencsétlenség, becsapódás

fit to fly= repülésre alkalmas személy

carrier= anyavállalat

the/a crew= legénység, légiutaskísérő(k)

first officer= kapitány

to take control of= átveszi az irányítást vmi felett

seat= ülés

monitoring system= irányító rendszer

tracking= nyomkövető

altitude= magasság

ft=feet= láb, kb.30 cm

autopilot= robotpilóta

to descend= süllyed, ereszkedik

to fly a plane= repülőt vezet

to come down= lezuhan

aboard= a fedélzeten

black box= fekete doboz



intentionally= szándékosan

to lock out= kizárni

attempts= kísérlet, megkísérlése valaminek

to no avail= hiába

to emerge= felszínre kerül

apparent= látszólagos, állítólagos

to remain= maradni

to undergo= átesik, keresztülmegy

caveats= fenntartások, kikötések

had been interrupted= megszakadt, megszakították

to resume= folytat

suitability= alkalmasság

to be re-established= rendeződik, megállapítják

incomprehensible= felfoghatatlan

under scrutiny= górcső alatt

training= kiképzés

to pass tests= átmegy a teszteken/vizsgá(lato)kon

to be deemed= valamilyennek ítélték/tekintették

to appear= tűnik vmilyennek

to be pleased with sg= meg van valamivel elégedve

to suggest= sugallni

reportedly= a jelentések szerint

a keen runner= lelkes/intenzív/hobbi futó

by himself= egymaga

to put into action= elindít, működésbe hoz

to destroy= elpusztít, megsemmisít

satellite data= műholdas adatok

manually= manuálisan, kézzel

setting= beállítás

alive= életben,élve

chief= vezető

to quote= idézni

impact= becsapódás

prosecutor= ügyész

the most plausible interpretation= a legelfogadhatóbb értelmezés/magyarázat

deliberately= szánt szándékkal

to bar the pilot from doing sg= megakadályozta a pilótát abban, hogy

extremism= szélsőség

correspondent= tudósító

investigators= nyomozók

to pore over= belemélyed

to owe money= tartozni pénzzel

whether= hogy vajon...-e

the law= a törvény

grudge= neheztelés, harag, bosszú

rare= ritka

to vary= változik, változatos

9/11= September 11, 2001, az amerikai terrortámadás dátuma

impregnable= át/behatolhatatlan

threat= fenyegetés, veszély

suicide= öngyilkosság

to be aware of sg= tudatában van vminek

impending= közelgő, fenyegető

screams= sikolyok

instantly= azonnal

revelations= felfedezések

to pledge= fogadkozik

to ensure= biztosít

victims= áldozatok

disclosure= leleplezés

the likely cause= a valószínű ok

the right to= valamihez való jog

principal= igazgató

pupil= kisdiák

the latest= a legújabb, legfrissebb



livery= logó

fuselage= géptörzs

wheel= kerék

registration= rendszám

stabiliser= vízszintes vezérsík


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